Effect of soybean on male reproductive physiology in mice

Aims: Soybean is a member of (Fabaceae),it is a species of legume native to east Asia .It is an annual plant that has been used in china for 5000 years as a food and a component of drugs .Soy contains significant amount of all the essential amino acids for humans ,and so is a good source of protein .Soy has an important role in improvement & treatment of some cancers such as Colon ,Prostate & breast . Methods: In this research a total of male mice with 30-35 gram weight were bought from Razi Institute in Iran .At first samples were kept under adaptation condition for tow weeks & then randomly grouped in to 4 experimental sections.1Control group were feed with soy-free basic diet.2-Nutrition containing 20% soy diet.3-Nutrition containing 30%soy diet.4Nutrition containing 50% soy diet. At the end of 8 weeks of treatment blood collected & serum was stored for hormonal analysis . Result: Result were consider with SPSS software & results compared with control group.In 20% group the level...