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Aims: Soybean is a member of (Fabaceae),it is a species of legume native to east Asia .It is an annual plant that has been used in china for 5000 years as a food and a component of drugs .Soy contains significant amount of all the essential amino acids for humans ,and so is a good source of protein .Soy has an important role in improvement & treatment of some cancers such as Colon ,Prostate & breast . Methods: In this research a total of male mice with 30-35 gram weight were bought from Razi Institute in Iran .At first samples were kept under adaptation condition for tow weeks & then randomly grouped in to 4 experimental sections.1Control group were feed with soy-free basic diet.2-Nutrition containing 20% soy diet.3-Nutrition containing 30%soy diet.4Nutrition containing 50% soy diet. At the end of 8 weeks of treatment blood collected & serum was stored for hormonal analysis . Result: Result were consider with SPSS software & results compared with control group.In 20% group the level...
Bayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 2021
Dietary soybean has been shown to have variable effects on the reproductive system of male rodents, non-human primates and humans. These effects can affect subsequent fertility. Soybean intake in men has been advocated due to its protective effect in the prevention of prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease and osteo-arthritis. However, the protection it offers in the prevention of prostatic cancer by altering the levels of male reproductive hormones may lead to infertility. This study aimed at determining the effect of dietary supplementation with soybean on reproductive hormones of male Wistar rats. The study was a randomised controlled trial. Adult male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to a control group and two study groups. The rats in the control group were fed on soy-free diet while rats in Group 1 and Group 2 of the study were fed on 20% and 50% soybean supplemented diet for four weeks. Serum concentration of FSH, LH and Testosterone were estimated. Data obtained was analy...
Background: Soy products are highly recommended during meno- pause because of their beneficial estrogenic effects. Nevertheless, phy- toestrogens contained in soy may disrupt the endocrine system by modulating the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, and thus they may have detrimental effects on reproduction, when consumed during reproductive age. In a previous work1 we observed that chronic soy diet caused ultrastructural changes in the seminiferous epithelium and lowered number of spermatozoa in the reproductive tract of adult male rats. The purpose of this study was to investigate if a sub-chronic soy diet would cause similar effects in spermatogenesis. Methods: Two groups of adult male albino Wistar rats, 6 months old, were used: the study group and the control group. The study group received ad libidum food enriched in soy protein for 6 weeks. The control group received ad libidum the standard food for 6 weeks. Both groups were grown under the same conditions and according to the rules of Good Laboratory Practice. The study was approved by the local Ethics Committee. The animals of both groups were sacrificed and specimens of the reproductive organs were prepared and stained for microscopic examination under electron microscope. The prepara- tions were observed by two different persons, blinded to the source of the specimen. Statistical analysis was performed with the statistical package SPSS. Results: In the ultrastructure of the seminiferous epithelium of the study group, many spermatocytes appeared with endocytoplasmic and perinuclear oedema. Nevertheless, the number of spermatozoa in the seminiferous tubules, in epididymis and in the vas deferens was similar to the number of spermatozoa in the reproductive tract of rats fed with standard food. Conclusions: In spite of the ultrastructural changes of the seminifer- ous epithelium, sub-chronic soy diet causes non important changes in spermatogenesis in adult rats. Reference: 1. Papaioannidou P et al. Ultrastructural changes in the reproductive organs of adult male rats after chronic soy diet. Reproductive Toxi- cology 01/2013; 41:30. DOI:10.1016/j.reprotox.2013.06.054
Anatomical Record-advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, 2009
The goal of this article was to compare the effects of a prolonged use of organic and transgenic soy on the lipid profile and ovary and uterus morphology. Wistar rats were fed three different diets from weaning until sacrifice at 15 months of age. The three diets were: casein-based diet control group (CG), organic soy-based diet group (OSG), or transgenic soy-based diet group (GMSG). There were no differences in food consumption or in the diet isoflavone components among the groups. Compared with the CG diet, both the OSG and GMSG diets were associated with significant reductions in body weight, serum triglycerides, and cholesterol (P < 0.05) (CG = 406 ± 23.1; 104.3 ± 13.2; 119.9 ± 7.3 GMSG = 368 ± 17.6; 60.3 ± 4.6; 83.3 ± 5.7 OSG = 389 ± 23.5; 72.3 ± 12.5; 95.5 ± 8.0, respectively). The volume density of endometrial glandular epithelium was greater in the GMSG group (29.5 ± 7.17, P < 0.001) when compared with the CG (18.5 ± 7.4) and OSG (20.3 ± 10.6) groups. The length density of endometrial glandular epithelium was shorter in both GMSG (567.6 ± 41.1) and OSG (514.8 ± 144.5) diets compared with the CG (P < 0.05) diet. GMSG also resulted in reduced follicle number and increased corpus luteum number compared to the OSG or CG diets (P < 0.05). In summary, both GMSG and OSG diets resulted in decreased body weight and lower serum triglyceride and cholesterol levels, and alterations in uterine and ovarian morphology were also observed. The prolonged use of soy-based diets and their relation to reproductive health warrants further investigation. Anat Rec, 292:587–594, 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Reproductive biology, 2006
The effects of feeding a breeding diet containing soy products to pregnant and lactating females on reproductive tissues and secretion of the reproductive hormones in their male progeny, immediately after weaning (postnatal day - PND 22) and after reaching puberty (PND 60) were studied. Similarly, the response of adult males to a soy maintenance diet over shorter (PND 160) and longer (PND 280) periods of time was examined. The relative weights (standardized by body weight) of the testes, epididymis and prostate, and the concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH), testosterone and prolactin (PRL) were used as the examined endpoints. In rats on PND 22, no significant differences in the relative organs weights and the plasma hormones concentrations were found between the experimental and control groups. In rats on PND 60 which continued consuming a soy breeding diet, the relative tissue weights did not differ significantly, while the mean plasma LH and PRL concentrations were higher (p...
This is to certify that this project research on the "the effect of soya beans `eon the hormones (Testosterone, Luteinizing Hormones and Progesterone) and the histopathology of the testes of the male wistar rat" was carried out by Okonkwo
Several epidemiological studies have suggested an inverse association between the risk of prostate problem and intake of soybean and their products. Asian men who consumed a lot of soy products have lower incidence of prostate problems. This study, therefore, was designed to determine the effects of soy-flour enriched diet on the prostate morphology, gonadal hormones (Testosterone and FSH) and semen count and motility in rats. Fifteen male rats were fed soy-flour enriched diet at 0% W:W, 10% W:W 20% W:W (soyflour /milled standard feed by weight) for eight weeks. The sperm count and the weight of accessory sex glands were measured. There was a significant decrease in the weight of the testis, seminal vesicle, and the prostate P < 0.05 compared with the control. There was also significant decrease in the sperm count and testosterone level in a dose dependent manner. Prostate histo-architecture was disrupted; displaying increased inter-acinar connective tissue that is diffused, with...
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Objective: of this study is to estimate the consequences of the consumption of soy milk on the male fertility of mice Swiss used as experimental model.
Nutrition and Cancer, 2002
Several studies have suggested that soybean intake is associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer. However, the mechanism of prostate cancer prevention by soybeans remains unclear. Because prostate cancer is reported to have an association with an increased level of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and soybean isoflavones are known to inhibit 5a-reductase, which is involved in the conversion of testosterone to DHT, the effects of soybean extract and isoflavones on the plasma levels of male sex hormones were investigated using male rats. In Experiment I, Sprague-Dawley rats were fed diets with and without soy flour; in Experiment II, rats were fed diets containing 2% soy methanol extract or 0.2% semipurified isoflavones or a control diet. The study showed a reduction of plasma DHT along with an increase in total plasma androgen in rats fed soy flour or semipurified isoflavones for 1 wk. These results suggest that soy isoflavone intake may reduce plasma DHT level.
The aim of our study was to study the impact of soybean feeding on the antioxidant defense and biochemical parameters in the blood of female rats (Rattus spp.) and their offspring, as well as reproductive ability. Dynamic analysis of these parameters on two generations of rats in combination with estimates of changes in growth also have been assessed. Experiment performed with two generations of rats: females parental (F0) and first generation (F1). Our results demonstrate influence of prolonged effects of soy diet on female rats and their offspring. Soy diet provided decrease of antioxidant defenses and lipid peroxidation, activation of phagocytic activity in the blood of offspring. The decrease of livability of newborn offspring from soy-treated rats also was demonstrated. However since biological effects are dependent on many factors including dose, duration of use, protein binding affinity, individual metabolism and intrinsic estrogenic state, further clinical studies are necessary to determine the potential health effects of these compounds.
Animal Reproduction Science, 2007
Soy and derivative diets deliver large doses of isoflavones to human and animals throughout their lifespan, including gestation. Epidemiologic and experimental data suggest that the consumption of soybean containing foods may protect against cardiovascular disease and decrease breast, prostate and endometrial cancer risk. Based on animal and in vitro studies, however, concerns have been raised that consumption of isoflavones may cause potential adverse effects on the reproductive tract and behavior. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of chronic consumption of a soy meal containing diet or soy isoflavones supplement on the morphology of reproductive organs, semen quality, age that males reached puberty, and sexual behavior of male rabbits. With this purpose, 16 female rabbits were randomly assigned to receive:
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Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2003
The annual research report, 2017
Climacteric, 2012
Food & Nutrition Research, 2015
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Biology of Reproduction, 2014
Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 2012
Fertility and Sterility, 2010
Histochemistry and Cell …