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Executive Summary: The leadership of the Health Sciences and Human Services Library (HS/HSL) has decided to explore the concept of a makerspace. The recent growth and rapid adoption of makerspaces and 3D printing technology in health sciences wi...
ACRL Conference Proceedings
As universities look for ways to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, many academic libraries have begun providing access to maker resources and services. In 2012, DeLaMare Science & Engineering Library became one of the first academic libraries to provide maker resources and services to anyone, regardless of discipline or even university affiliation. Early on it became clear that there were a plethora of skills and knowledge sets users needed in order to optimally utilize the resources. A 3D printer is not used to its full potential if it is only used to print pre-designed trinkets downloaded from the internet. A makerspace is only as vital to innovation and collaboration as its users are educated and skilled to use it. Users needed to learn how to 3D model and design in order to 3D print their own creations. They needed design and editing skills, such as Photoshop and Illustrator, to create complex designs and prototypes on the laser and vinyl cutters. Programming and hardware development skills were necessary to prototype on common makerspace electronics like Arduinos, Lego Mindstorms robotics kits, and Raspberry Pis. In addition, users needed to learn how to record and edit 3D film footage or develop stand alone video games for the wide array of virtual reality apparatuses available for checkout. Depending on the individual makerspace, this list of skills may vary greatly depending on the space's mission, equipment and resource offerings, and user base.
Higher education continues to evolve to meet the changing needs of a technologically advanced and increasingly connected world. One academic library chose to support self-directed learning outside the classroom by integrating maker resources and services which allowed users the opportunity to create, collaborate, and innovate in ways rarely seen outside the classroom. The library became a hotbed of passion projects, with students learning new skills and literacies on their own time through active learning and discovery. Faculty have also begun to start assigning more interactive projects and assignments utilizing the library's resources. 3D modeling and printing assignments have become prevalent in many disciplines, providing students with much needed real world skills and experience. The laser cutter sees heavy use among engineering classes as well as art classes and provides a low point of entry to the makerspace. Discovery, innovation, and collaboration are everyday occurrences in this neutral space outside the classroom. The makerspace within the academic library provides new opportunities to all members of campus and is an effective tool in creative teaching and stimulating active learning.
Journal of the Medical Library Association, 2018
Background: Although many libraries have offered 3D printing as a service or available technology, there is a lack of information on course-integrated programs for 3D printing in which the library played a primary role. Therefore, librarians at the Touro College School of Health Sciences began exploring 3D printing for inclusion in the occupational and physical therapy curriculum. Case Presentation: The goal of this project was to educate occupational and physical therapy students and faculty about the potential applications of 3D printing in health care and provide hands-on experience, while increasing collaboration between librarians and faculty. Students' tasks included designing and creating a 3D-printed assistive device as part of their course. Conclusion: Students were able to successfully print assistive devices, demonstrating the feasibility of 3D printing in a health sciences curriculum. Librarians involved with this project reached approximately 78 students and 200 other librarians and faculty members. 3D printing at Touro College continues to evolve and expand; the trial 3D printing course is being reviewed for formal adoption into the occupational therapy curriculum, and additional funding for 3D printing technologies is currently being allocated by Touro administration. BACKGROUND Three-dimensional (3D) printing services in academic libraries have become more prevalent as the technology improves and becomes more accessible and financially sustainable. Many libraries, including academic libraries, have adopted the Makerspace model. In 2013, Bagley published a series of posts for the American Library Association defining the concept of makerspaces, in which 3D printers are common devices [1]. While she acknowledges that all makerspaces are different, she noted that a common focus is on creating and using new technologies to form communities of practice for creative problem-solving. When a makerspace is provided with no specific instruction for 3D printer use, the devices are often left to collect dust. According to Radniecki and Klenke, the initial curiosity created by a 3D printer is good for the library, but simply printing trinkets does not exploit the technology to its full capabilities [2]. To provide a space for innovation and to use technology as a way to support institutional goals, it is necessary to provide more specific direction, See end of article for supplemental content. An in te rd is ci p lina r y a pp r oa ch to 3 D p rin tin g 3 7 1
Journal of Hospital Librarianship, 2019
Information Technology and Libraries, 2018
This study investigates why and which types of college and research libraries (CRLs) are currently developing Makerspaces (or an equivalent space) for their communities. Based on an online survey and phone interviews with a sample population of CRLs in New England, the investigator found that more than two dozen (26) CRLs had or were in the process of developing a Makerspace in this region. In addition, a number of other CRLs were actively engaged in promoting and diffusing the Maker ethos. Of these libraries, most were motivated to promote open access to new technologies, literacies, and STEM-related knowledge.
3D Printing in Medicine
Background 3D printing is a popular technology in many industries secondary to its ability to rapidly produce inexpensive, high fidelity models/products, mainly through layer-by-layer fusion of various substrate materials. In healthcare, 3D printing has garnered interest for its applications in surgery, simulation, education, and medical device development, and 3D printing facilities are now being integrated into hospital-based settings. Yet, little is known regarding the leadership, resources, outputs, and role of these new onsite entities. Methods The purpose of this research was to survey features of North American hospital-based 3D printing facilities to understand their design and utility in anticipation of future expansion. Hospital-based 3D printing labs were recruited through online special interest groups to participate via survey response. Anonymous, voluntary data were collected from 21 facilities over 9 weeks and reported/analyzed in aggregate. Results Of the respondents...
Information Technology and Libraries, 2013
International journal of designs for learning, 2017
In this article, we introduce the case of a makerspace program that provides a systemwide approach to making rather than a singular face-to-face or online place. This makerspace, called Bubbler, extends across a public library system of a mid-sized Midwestern city (Madison, Wisconsin) and incorporates nine neighborhood libraries and numerous community spaces. Since 2011, Bubbler has come to be known as a physical place, a series of programs, and an approach to working with patrons of all ages. We aim to chronicle the development of Bubbler, describe its core features, provide examples of these features in action, and discuss victories and challenges associated with designing a systemwide makerspace in public libraries. We conclude by asserting that the library now includes making as a core service based on a model of diversity and inclusion that aligns with the basic tenets of public libraries.
College & Undergraduate Libraries, 2020
Students acquire, communicate, share and create knowledge through more than the printed word, and libraries are in a position to provide equitable access to a variety of multimodal resources enabling students to do so. Embracing this mission, one medium-sized public academic library was determined to open a makerspace. How does a library in a state with well-publicized and major budget cuts to higher education manage to do this? Through collaborative relationships, using and creatively repurposing what it has, and intentional communication. This article describes one library's process in gauging interest, soliciting support, and successfully implementing a makerspace. It focuses on communication strategies used to manage perceptions of such an audacious undertaking in a climate of austerity.
AERA 2016 Division C: Learning and Instruction (Section 3a: Learning Environments) Chair: Angela Calabrese Barton, Michigan State University Discussant: Kris Gutiérrez, University of California, Berkeley Abstract Despite the growing interest and attention paid to maker spaces for transforming how we understand ‘what counts’ as learning, as a learner, and as learning environment, there is little evidence that the maker movement has been broadly successful in involving a diverse audience. Few studies have focused on the equity-oriented dimensions of makerspaces and making. Our session seeks to reverse this trend. Across the 8 papers/posters, we present examples of studies focused on designing/enacting inclusive makerspaces for young people in formal or informal education settings, provide innovative theoretical and methodological tools for better understanding learning and development of young people who participate in making, and discuss how researchers and practitioners can collaborate to build makerspaces for all.
Today’s libraries are giving opportunities to their patrons for exploring their interests, and learning while working and being creative in their own way. Nowadays libraries are considered to be collaborative spaces, people are working inside to solve problems and are busy on different projects and librarians are assisting them to come out with solutions with the help of minimal available resources sometimes projects are developed with recycled products. The makerspace concept is a modern thought helping students to acquire 21st-century skills. People inside the space are exposed towards social problems they are innovators working for an immediate solution. Hence libraries are promoting critical thinking and immersive learning.
International Journal of Librarianship, 2016
In this paper we describe the maker concept, movement and culture and its impact on and relationship with libraries. We provide a comprehensive review of library makerspaces in North America supported by several case studies. We intend this review to be used as a reference resource or tool for libraries planning to implement a new makerspace.
British Journal of Educational Technology
Across from the makerspace entrance, stacked against the blue-and-white-painted wall, sits the 3D printer queue, consisting of 4 double-stacked tables and 12 3D printers. Connected by network cables, microcomputers and custom-made software, the printers automatically queue prints. Youth and staff can upload files, and the software checks the status of each printer before distributing the files. The printers are almost evenly spaced, suggesting a finished installation, though their visible wiring toppling over the tables makes the workstation appear in-progress. When no 3D printing workshops are being facilitated, some printers run at their own speed, slowly squirting filament across the plane, filling the air with a mellow cacophony of high-and low-pitched sounds while slowly rotating filament spools. Perhaps fastened too loosely, one of the spools bounces onto the floor, unwinding the dark blue filament. As the printer marches on, a former youth and now staff member, Darnel (pseudonym), picks up the spool and winds it back into place. The 3D printer queue as described here has not always had this form. In fact, Darnel joined the makerspace when the first 3D printer kit arrived and the space focused on facilitating
Reference and User Services Quarterly, 2019
The maker movement has found a home in public libraries. Field leaders including public libraries in Chicago, Chatta-nooga, Houston, Louisville, and Toronto have built robust makerspaces, developed maker programming for a diverse range of patrons, connected community experts with library users for the purpose of sharing information, and fostered communities of practice. 1 Characterized by open exploration, intrinsic interest, and creative ideation, the maker movement can be broadly defined as participation in the creative production of physical and digital artifacts in people's day-today lives. The maker movement employs a do-it-yourself orientation toward a range of disciplines, including robotics, woodworking, textiles, and electronics. But the maker ethos also includes a do-it-with-others approach, valuing collaboration, distributed expertise , and open workspaces. To many in the library profession, the values ingrained in the maker movement seem to be shared with the aims and goals of public libraries. However, critiques of the maker movement raise questions about current iterations of makerspaces across settings. This article highlights critiques and responses regarding the "democratic" nature of the maker movement, and in particular, the article analyzes ways librarians involved in a prominent public library maker program discursively construct making and maker programming in relation to the maker movement more generally.
The Makerspaces in Primary School Settings project sought to examine how maker activities using 3D design and 3D printing technology could enhance learning and teaching outcomes. Across the 24 Kindergarten to Year 2 classes that were analysed, students developed a range of 21 st century capabilities including creativity, problem solving, critical thinking, inquiry, design thinking, collaboration, autonomy, literacy, numeracy, scientific understanding, digital literacy, communication, reflective learning capabilities and resilience. Analysis of screen recordings for 24 pairs of students revealed substantial levels of design thinking skills, prominently including discovery, interpretation and ideation, but also experimentation and evolution. Based on screen recordings, teacher journals, teacher questionnaires, student and teacher interviews, and researcher observations, learning and teaching in makerspaces was affected by the balance of explicit instruction to open-ended inquiry, the pedagogical strategies that were used, the types of tasks that were set, the effectiveness of technological resources, the sequencing of tasks, the design of the spaces being used, and students' background knowledge and collaborative capacities. Each of these factors was observed to support or constrain learning, depending on how they were configured. Maker activities using 3D technology resulted in very high levels of student engagement, as well as increased levels of student confidence (particularly for less capable students). Off-task behaviour was sometimes observed due to factors such as technology being unavailable, students' difficulties working productively in groups, and some of the gamified aspects of the software. There was very strong student demand to complete further lessons involving 3D design and printing, with many students expressing a desire to undertake 3D design activities outside school and in their future careers. Teachers indicated that the well-structured, pedagogically grounded, hands-on and situated professional learning enabled them to develop a better understanding of makerspaces, how to teach in them, the technical skills required, and 21 st century capabilities. The professional learning also significantly increased their confidence to teach in makerspaces. Teachers indicated that to develop their capabilities and effectively teach in makerspaces, they needed reliable technology, collegial support, teaching resources, appropriate makerspaces, and time to build their capabilities and create lessons. In addition, they felt they were assisted by a school culture supportive of exploration and experimentation. An unanticipated outcome of the study was the extensive teacher transformation that took place. Several teachers indicated that they had shifted to be more collaborative, flexible, and comfortable with technology. Many teachers entered learning partnerships with students, and as a result, students came to see their teachers as models of lifelong learning. Some teachers related how these changes had transcended beyond their makerspaces modules-for instance, in the form of more inquiry-based, problem-based, and collaborative units of work. All 24 teachers expressed a desire to utilise 3D designbased makerspaces in their future classes.
Reference & User Services Quarterly, 2019
The maker movement has found a home in public libraries. Field leaders including public libraries in Chicago, Chattanooga, Houston, Louisville, and Toronto have built robust makerspaces, developed maker programming for a diverse range of patrons, connected community experts with library users for the purpose of sharing information, and fostered communities of practice. Characterized by open exploration, intrinsic interest, and creative ideation, the maker movement can be broadly defined as participation in the creative production of physical and digital artifacts in people’s day-to-day lives. The maker movement employs a do-it-yourself orientation toward a range of disciplines, including robotics, woodworking, textiles, and electronics. But the maker ethos also includes a do-it-with-others approach, valuing collaboration, distributed expertise, and open workspaces. To many in the library profession, the values ingrained in the maker movement seem to be shared with the aims and goals...
EDUCAUSE Review Online, 2014
Key Takeaways: - Findings from a University of Nevada, Reno, project indicate that higher education's need for 3D printing services could be both substantial and broad-based across disciplines. - Users from across disciplinary and organizational boundaries quickly adopted a 3D printing service implemented in a UNR academic library, with the new printers operating at or near capacity throughout the service's first year. - Anecdotal observation suggests that 3D printer access directly enables deeper engagement with and construction of knowledge.
2015 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition Proceedings
is an innovative and user-focused librarian who works at the intersection of public services and new technologies. In his role as Emerging Technology Services Librarian based at NCSU's new James B. Hunt Jr. Library, he planned for, launched, and currently manages the Hunt Library Makerspace which makes 3D printing, 3D scanning, laser cutting, and electronics prototyping tools accessible to all at NC State. He is also leading the development of a second, larger Makerspace, set to open in D.H. Hill Library this spring.
In this article, we introduce the case of a makerspace program that provides a systemwide approach to making rather than a singular face-to-face or online place. This makerspace, called Bubbler, extends across a public library system of a mid-sized Midwestern city (Madison, Wisconsin) and incorporates nine neighborhood libraries and numerous community spaces. Since 2011, Bubbler has come to be known as a physical place, a series of programs, and an approach to working with patrons of all ages. We aim to chronicle the development of Bubbler, describe its core features, provide examples of these features in action, and discuss victories and challenges associated with designing a systemwide makerspace in public libraries. We conclude by asserting that the library now includes making as a core service based on a model of diversity and inclusion that aligns with the basic tenets of public libraries.
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