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Philosophy for Comparative and Int'l Higher Education This is the official journal of the Comparative and International Education Society's (CIES) Higher Education Special Interest Group (HESIG), which was created in 2008. HESIG serves as a networking hub for promoting scholarship opportunities, critical dialogue, and linking professionals and academics to the international aspects of higher education. Accordingly, HESIG will serve as a professional forum supporting development, analysis, and dissemination of theory-, policy-, and practice-related issues that influence higher education. Submission and Review The Editorial Board invites contributions, normally of around 1,500 words or less, dealing with the complementary fields of comparative, international, and development education and that relate to one of the focus areas listed in the Newsletter Philosophy section above. Electronic submissions should be sent to [email protected]. Manuscripts are evaluated by the editorial board-with full confidentiality on both sides-and then accepted, returned for further revisions, or rejected.
Higher Education, 2013
Rather than provide a travelogue that describes higher education in various countries, this reader presents works that consider “why” particular national systems operate as the do and the interrelated effects these systems have on one another, on national and global development, and on the production of knowledge. In this second edition of Comparative Education, the editors have modified the contents to illustrate the increased global complexity and interdependence of higher education, its production of knowledge, and the students and faculty who inhabit these institutions. Since 9/11, educators and policymakers have placed an even greater importance on the role universities play in understanding the effects of globalization, the distribution of knowledge, and the inherent conflict highly evident in today’s world among people of differing ethnicities, regions, races, and religions.
Higher Education Dynamics, 2014
Higher Education Dynamics is a book series intending to study adaptation processes and their outcomes in higher education at all relevant levels. In addition it wants to examine the way interactions between these levels affect adaptation processes. It aims at applying general social science concepts and theories as well as testing theories in the fi eld of higher education research. It wants to do so in a manner that is of relevance to all those professionally involved in higher education, be it as ministers, policy-makers, politicians, institutional leaders or administrators, higher education researchers, members of the academic staff of universities and colleges, or students. It will include both mature and developing systems of higher education, covering public as well as private institutions.
This is a well crafted, timely book that comes at a time when so much is happening in higher education contexts across the world. Clearly, it is in response to these global (and selectively local) trends that Kariwo, Gounko and Nungu bring together an impressive lineup of both established and emerging scholars who achieve a comprehensive and critically constructed perspective on tertiary education systems. Collectively, the chapters in this work shall expand the epistemic boundaries of the area and its affiliated disciplines, and the book as a whole will greatly benefit interested scholars, students, education policy makers and the public at large.-Ali A. Abdi, Professor, University of Alberta This book is a valuable contribution to knowledge on higher education and provides an international perspective on issues, challenges and dilemmas resulting from the rapid expansion of higher education. The volume is an excellent text that integrates theoretical and analytical studies as well as empirical regional studies. The book gives some insights on how different countries and regions have been responding to massification and accessing of higher education. It will appeal to researchers, graduate students and faculty in Higher or Post-Secondary Education as well as International and Comparative Education.-Edward Shizha, Associate Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University (Brantford Campus)
This book includes the abstracts of all the papers presented at the 3rd Annual International Symposium on “Higher Education in a Global World” (8-11 July 2019), organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER).
Higher Education, 1996
The article explores the historical background of comparative policy studies. These studies are traced back to the comparative approaches in political science and public administration. Following a discussion on the methodological aspects of the comparative approach, an overview and assessment of a number of recent comparative policy studies in higher education is presented.
International higher education from a global perspective: A special series, 2019
Aim/Purpose This preface presents the papers included in this Special Series of the Journal for the Study of Postsecondary and Tertiary Education. Background This special series was put together in an effort to show the interconnectedness of our world through globalization and internationalization within higher education .
Contemporary Social Science
Higher education is in crisis as it has been changing in response to major challenges, economically, politically and socially, on an international scale. How we now understand and research global higher education is challenging given the expansions in relation to the knowledge economy, economic, social and political developments around equality, diversity and social justice in global labour markets. The social sciences have become critical to these understandings, and the development of new knowledge, pedagogies, policies and practices. In this overview, the scene is set for the papers presented in this special issue which all focus on innovative approaches to imagining the university of the future. A major focus of contemporary research on higher education has been on equality of opportunity and the relationships between educational expansion, employment opportunities and social mobility. Whilst the policies and practices of governments and higher education institutions are contested, a major theme of social scientific research has been whether educational expansion has reduced or reinforced educational, economic and social inequalities. Most of this international research evidence points to how educational and economic inequalities in global and local labour markets are reinforced, internationally and nationally, although gender inequalities are either occluded or ignored. This overview of contemporary sociological research sets the scene for imagining a new socio-cultural future of pedagogies and practices in universities in the 21st century.
Philosophy for Comparative and Int'l Higher Education This is the official journal of the Comparative and International Education Society's (CIES) Higher Education Special Interest Group (HESIG), which was created in 2008. HESIG serves as a networking hub for promoting scholarship opportunities, critical dialogue, and linking professionals and academics to the international aspects of higher education. Accordingly, HESIG will serve as a professional forum supporting development, analysis, and dissemination of theory-, policy-, and practice-related issues that influence higher education. Submission and Review The Editorial Board invites contributions, normally of around 1,500 words or less, dealing with the complementary fields of comparative, international, and development education and that relate to one of the focus areas listed in the Newsletter Philosophy section above. Electronic submissions should be sent to [email protected]. Manuscripts are evaluated by the editorial board-with full confidentiality on both sides-and then accepted, returned for further revisions, or rejected.
Precise and rigorous international comparative research requires metho-dological reflections and determinations at each step of the empirical research process. This chapter analyzes the precision and rigor of international comparative higher education research by diagnosing their comparative methodology, particularly their country selection and case sampling. It evaluates 202 studies that have been published in journals of both higher education and comparative education, because international comparative higher education intellectually and institutionally intersects both interdisciplinary fields. The major empirical findings show a relative lack of explicit and elaborate justification strategies, as well as a lack of comparative methodology. But they also show that the intellectual and institutional context, represented here in the form of the journals, influences the implementation of comparative methodology. The use of comparative methodologies is more thorough in the context of comparative education, where a continuous debate about the theoretical and methodolo-gical aspects of comparative studies takes place. One of the implications of the study is that the debate regarding comparative methodologies within higher education research should be intensified.
SensePublishers eBooks, 2017
Note on the number and size of institutions Note on enrollment and completion ratios Note on expenditure comparisons Note on apprenticeship in the United States and Germany vi 5 INTRODUCTION Higher education is a very important component of most countries' education systems. In most developed countries, over a third of young adults in the typical higher education age range are students. Modern societies now demand large numbers of graduates with knowledge and skills typically developed in higher education institutions, and they compensate those graduates more than in the past for the acquisition of those skills. Indeed, in the most developed countries, higher education has replaced secondary education as the focal point of access to rewarding careers. What has been said of U.S. job seekers is also true for those in most other developed countries: given current technologies in transportation, communication, and trade, if a worker's skills are no better than those of poorly educated, low-paid workers in less-developed countries, that worker is likely to face tough economic pressure. The purpose of this report is to provide a review of higher education systems in selected developed countries and to compare higher education in the United States and other countries. Our "focus group" of countries This report will not be useful if the comparisons across countries are not valid, however. The most basic assumption justifying this effort proposes that observing the country variation in educational indicators can be instructive-instructive by placing our own system in the context of others and instructive in benchmarking the "best practices" of other countries to ours. Ideally, country-level comparisons are most useful among like or competitive countries. Unfortunately for this comparison, there is really no other country quite like the United States on dimensions such as geographical size, population, wealth, and governance structure. We therefore Higher Education: An International Perspective 3 7 a Small: less than 25, 000 square miles; medium: 25,001 to 75,000; large: greater than 75,000. b Small: less than 30 million persons; medium: 30 million to 100 million; large: greater than 100 million.
Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education, 2022
This book includes the abstracts of all the papers presented at the 2nd Annual International Symposium on Higher Education in a Global World (9-12 July 2018), organized by the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER).
Kaiser, Frans and Beverwijk, Jasmin and Dassen, Adrie and Deen, Jarno and Jongbloed, Ben and Kaulisch, Marc and Kottmann, Andrea and Leisyte, Liudvika and Vossensteyn, Hans and Weert de, Egbert (2007) Issues in higher education policy 2006: an update on ...
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any other form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the Author, with the exception of any material supplied specifically for the purpose of being entered and executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the work. 'Over the last two decades, the concept of the internationalization of higher education is moved from the fringe of institutional interest to the very core. In the late 1970s up to the 'Internationalization of higher education is being fundamentally changed in reaction to and support of the competition agenda and market orientation. (…) What is certain is that it brings new opportunities, risks, benefits and challenges. (…) The double role of internationalization in furthering both cooperation and competition among countries is a new reality of our more globalized world.' (Knight, 2010, p. 216) 3] The globalisation of our society and the dynamic role of higher education in it, is an important reason for this development (De Wit, 2010, p. 220).
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