Selected Issues in Higher Education Policy



Philosophy for Comparative and Int'l Higher Education This is the official journal of the Comparative and International Education Society's (CIES) Higher Education Special Interest Group (HESIG), which was created in 2008. HESIG serves as a networking hub for promoting scholarship opportunities, critical dialogue, and linking professionals and academics to the international aspects of higher education. Accordingly, HESIG will serve as a professional forum supporting development, analysis, and dissemination of theory-, policy-, and practice-related issues that influence higher education. Submission and Review The Editorial Board invites contributions, normally of around 1,500 words or less, dealing with the complementary fields of comparative, international, and development education and that relate to one of the focus areas listed in the Newsletter Philosophy section above. Electronic submissions should be sent to [email protected]. Manuscripts are evaluated by the editorial board-with full confidentiality on both sides-and then accepted, returned for further revisions, or rejected.