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Evaluation of policies for well functioning local labour markets in the Nordic countries by
Regional imbalances caused by and effecting demographic change are unevenly spread between the Nordic countries. A common threat is that of labour shortage, which is already experienced in certain sectors in particular regions and forecasted on a broader scale in the future. The also common characteristic of an ageing labour force has important side effects from a social and economic
SN Social Sciences, 2021
For most of the twentieth century, the welfare state was predominantly understood as a national project. In recent years, however, it has been recognized that other political levels — both sub- and supranational — have a profound impact on the design and delivery of social- and labour market policies and programmes. This article looks more closely at labour market policies on the sub-national level. In this domain, political bodies, such as municipalities and regions, have become key actors in developing and delivering programmes on local levels. The underlying assumption is that local actors are better suited to adapt services to the needs of residents in comparison with the national level. This assumption is contested, among other reasons because it leads to increased within-state inequalities. This article analyses Swedish municipalities. They have come to be central stakeholders in the area of active labour market policies. The article looks at data on municipal actions to reduc...
Environment and Planning C: Government & …, 2009
Denmark has been regularly cited as a leading example of the `active' welfare state. Regional and local governance and delivery structures have been crucial to the implementation of Denmark's strategies to improve the employability of unemployed people. In this paper we trace the develop- ment, implementation, and effectiveness of regional and local labour-market structures in Denmark, particularly focusing on the country's largest regionöGreater Copenhagen. Drawing on interviews with key stakeholders and case-study research, we critically analyse the performance of: (a) the regional structures that have, until recently, provided the main framework for planning employability strategies; and (b) emerging frameworks for local-authority-led employability services. We argue that Denmark has successfully established effective regional governance structures, which have included employers, trade unions, and other stakeholders in the planning of provision for job seekers, while allowing for the tailoring of employability services to reflect the dynamics of local labour markets. However, there remain concerns that recent reforms that effectively dismantle regional structures in favour of more localised governance will threaten the capacity of future employability programmes to secure the buy in of stakeholders and respond to changing labour-market conditions.
TemaNord, 2011
Is it possible to sustain an ambitious and redistributive Nordic welfare state in a Europe with open borders? Drawing on longitudinal administrative records spanning four decades, we first present discouraging historical evidence showing that labor migrants from low-income source countries tend to have unstable employment careers with marked overrepresentation in welfare programs. This pattern extends to post-accession labor migrants from Eastern Europe, who quickly experience high rates of unemployment. The article discusses possible avenues for making the welfare state "migration robust". We argue that there are alternatives to reclosing borders and/or cutting down welfare state ambitions, and recommend policies based on strengthening of activity requirements in social insurance programs, raising minimum job standards, and substitution of workoriented services for cash-based family allowances.
Kommission an den Rat, das Europäische Parlament, den Europäischen Wirtschafts-und Sozialausschuss und den Ausschuss der Regionen. Zusammenarbeiten, zusammen mehr Pekka Pättiniemi (Co-operative Idekoop) 3 Country Report: Finnland 3.1 State of the Art-report 3.1.1 Unemployment In early 1990´s Finland experienced the worst recession after the Second World War. Unemployment level increased rapidly from low level of 3 % in late 1980s to a high of 20% at the beginning of 1990s. By the mid 1990s the unemployment rate was 15, 5 % and ten years after still 8,5%. In 1995 the unemployment rate of women was slightly less 15,1 % than amongst men 15,7 % , but the situation changed as the economical up swing fostered from 1996 to 2001 the unemployment of women was slightly higher than that of men the difference was at its peak in year 2000. It seems that the unemployment of men, still unemployed, is presently more persistent that in the previous five years. The indicator describing the thread of unemployment (ISCED) are only available in ISCED 2 and ISCED 3, they indicate that the thread of youth unemployment is increasing. Statistics of indicator ISCED 2 is available only from 2001 to 2004 and shows that the proportion of those who lack of education after nine years basic school is rising same time the proportion of persons aged 20-24 having at least secondary education has diminished from the rate of 86,8 1999 to 84,6 in 2004. Long-term unemployment rate is available (counted in ILO suggested way) from 1997 to 2001, they show that long-term unemployment has diminished during these years 4,9 to 2,5,the rate of men has dropped from 4,9 to 2,7 and the rate of women has dropped from 5 to 2,3. The share of long-term unemployed amongst the unemployed decreased from the year 1997 to 2001 from 38,8 % to 27,7 % and amongst females fr9m 38 % to 24 % and with males 39,5 5 to 31,5 %, showing that long-term unemployment is more persistent amongst men that amongst women. Very long-term unemployment rate is available from 1997 to 2002 and only for the total rate and amongst female and male. The very long-unemployment rate has dropped from 2,7, to 1,2 among females more from 2,9 to 0,9 than among men from 2,5 to 1,5. The fluctuation of unemployment suggests that unemployment is gradually going down in 1997 labour offices got 409000 new claimants and there 220400 leaving claimants. First time the number of leaving claimants exceeded than number of new claimants in 2001. In 2005 there was about 100000 leaver's more than new claimants. Most leavers have found new job or are in training or other measures and thus not counted in as clients. 3.1.2 Poverty Gini-coefficient figures show that in equality in incomes has raised in Finland from 1996 to 2005 from 22 to 25 curiosly enough this has been s a phenomenon of the 2000´s. The figure rose from very rapidly from 2000 to 2001 up to 27 and the beginning to slowly drop down to 25 in 2005.
The aim of this study is to discuss the Nordic regional labour market policy response to demographic ageing and its consequences on the labour supply. The study proposes to answer the following questions: (1) is there a policy response to ageing and its consequences on labour supply in the Nordic countries? (2) Is ageing and its consequences on the labour supply addressed in regional policies? (3) To what extent are labour market institutions dynamic to ageing and its consequences at the regional level? The theoretical framework is based upon institutional economics, the segmented labour market theory and the new economic geography. The study does not consider demography as destiny for economic development and that the regional level is a good starting point for analyses on the effects of ageing and labour market. It is also of outmost importance to focus on long-term policies for structural problems. The empirical material is based upon policy documents at European, Nordic, nationa...
Across Europe the competitiveness of urban and regional labour markets becomes an increasingly important task for regional and sector policies. Efficient matching of local demand and supply of labour at different qualification levels is considered to be an important prerequisite both for economic growth and social cohesion in every region. The expectation is that higher mobility of the labour force should increase the general level of employment. Moreover, increased total labour mobility is seen as a tool for reaching the goals of the labour market policy, employing as large as possible part of the labour force into ordinary employment. Furthermore high mobility is expected to satisfy the employer's claim of filling in the vacancies with suitable labour as quickly as possible in a flexible labour market in continually structural change. Use of annual gross-flow labour market statistics may be very relevant in such analyses. Such data may allow multidimensional analysis of labou...
Shifting Roles and Functions of Regional and Local Labour Market Observatories Across Europe, 2013
Across Europe the competitiveness of urban and regional labour markets becomes an increasingly important task for regional and sector policies. Efficient matching of local demand and supply of labour at different qualification levels is considered to be an important prerequisite both for economic growth and social cohesion in every region. The expectation is that higher mobility of the labour force should increase the general level of employment. Moreover, increased total labour mobility is seen as a tool for reaching the goals of the labour market policy, employing as large as possible part of the labour force into ordinary employment. Furthermore high mobility is expected to satisfy the employer's claim of filling in the vacancies with suitable labour as quickly as possible in a flexible labour market in continually structural change. Use of annual gross-flow labour market statistics may be very relevant in such analyses. Such data may allow multidimensional analysis of labou...
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Statistical journal of the IAOS, 2017
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 2020
Routledge eBooks, 2024
TemaNord, 2008
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