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2022, arXiv…
17 pages
1 file
The theory of regularity is a philosophical perspective in which laws of nature are just descriptions, that is to say, laws of nature do not govern the world. Moreover, according to the theory of regularity, the number of laws of nature might be infinite, thus any attempt towards the theory of everything is doomed. Here I propose a special or restricted theory of regularity. The main difference as to the well-known version of that theory is both the range of validity and the scale of the laws of nature. Laws of nature ought to be considered just inside the observable universe and within certain energy and length scales. Even so I apply the theory of regularity to the multiverse scenario. As a consequence, the special theory of regularity supports only two types of multiverses by comparison with our world: those ones with a different sequence of unique events and different laws of nature and those ones with the same sequence of unique events and the same laws of nature instanced by the unique events. The latter case is some sort of eternal recurrence or a parallel eternal recurrence.
The article analyzes the problem of physical theory nature and its criteria in the context of several concepts of modern physics. Such physical concepts allow multiple possible universes (the last usually happens to be a random consequence of the theory). Since the study requires several universe models, which basic principles (physical laws) can vary, the two theories have become the objects of analysis: the first, which includes the concept of eternal inflation, the second – the string cosmology (the string landscape). Both theories allow for a large variation of physical laws (no matter, whether these are fundamentally different physical laws or different versions of the same basic principles). The amount of dark energy (cosmological constant) has been selected as a physical law parameter, changing its value in possible universes. The analysis of the physical theories, which allow a multiplicity of universes, has shown that the standard requirements for the theory, which connect its veracity with the criteria of observability and the need for validation of our universe basic principles, are not entirely consistent. Theoretical physics is moving towards the formulization of models that become a real (in some cases, apparently irresistible) challenge for experimental verification. The article proves that such verification probably can not be required in several physical theories, since, in particular, the postulation of this kind of connection between theory and reality is no more than a manifestation of anthropocentrism. However, the theory can trace more general grounds that lie beyond the scope of human observation.
The paper is devoted to the problem of describing reality in the language of mathematics and logic in connection with the intellectual intuition corresponding to a certain stage of knowledge development. The question is raised as to how the basic requirements to mathematical theory and logic will change if some of the multiverse models of modern physics are taken as the basis. Mathematics is considered in the context of various historical approaches, and mutual criticism of intuitionism, logicism, and formalism is analyzed. It is shown that some of the well-known requirements to a formal theory (such as consistency) may begin to play a different role if the multiverse hypothesis is accepted. In the framework of theories based on the idea of multiple worlds, the logical consequence, the natural law of Duns Scotus, the law of excluded middle, and other well-known facts of classical logic which in some cases cause controversy due to their intuitive unacceptability are resolved. The p...
The paper is devoted to the problem of describing reality in the language of mathematics and logic in connection with intellectual intuition. The question raised is how the basic requirements of mathematical theory and logic will change if some of the multiverse models of modern physics are taken as the basis. Mathematics is considered in the context of various historical approaches. It is shown that some of the well-known requirements of a formal theory (such as consistency) may begin to play a different role if the multiverse hypothesis is accepted. In the framework of theories based on the idea of multiple worlds, the logical consequence, the natural law of Duns Scotus, the law of excluded middle, and other well-known facts of classical logic which in some cases cause controversy due to their intuitive unacceptability are resolved. The paper discusses an approach based on paraconsistent logics: such logics can be considered the first to correspond to multiverse theories.
The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum entanglement experiments is at best incomplete, since the intermediate state induced by collapse of the wave function apparently depends upon the inertial rest frame in which the experiment is observed. While the Many Worlds Interpretation of Everett, MWI, avoids the issue of wave function collapse, it, too, is a casualty of the special theory of relativity. This requires all events in the universe, past, present and future, to be unique, as in the block universe picture, which rules out Everett style branching. The benefits of MWI may be retained, however, by postulating a multiverse of discrete, parallel, block universes which are identical to each other up to certain points in the MWI trunk before they diverge according to the MWI branching. The quantum probability of an event then emerges from the number of parallel universes in which the event happens divided by the total number of universes. This means that the total number of such univ...
Collection of Articles on the Materials of the XXV international scientific and practical Conference ‘Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Mathematics: theoretical and applied Research’ #7(17), 2019 – Moscow, PH ‘Internauka’ ISSN 2541-9846 (Translation from Russian), 2019
Against the concept of the Multiverse of Hugh Everett, the Author puts forward the idea of the infinite hierarchically determined nesting of universes. Considering the laws underlying the evolution of our Universe, including the new fundamental law of motion, the Author offers the cosmological model that brings a new perspective to the Core theory. This paper could be valuable to students, post-graduate students and scientists dealing with physical and philosophical problems of the Universe.
Computing Research Repository, 2011
The objective of this paper is analyzing to which extent the multiverse hypothesis provides a real explanation of the peculiarities of the laws and constants in our universe. First we argue in favor of the thesis that all multiverses except Tegmark's <<mathematical multiverse>> are too small to explain the fine tuning, so that they merely shift the problem up one level. But the <<mathematical multiverse>> is surely too large. To prove this assessment, we have performed a number of experiments with cellular automata of complex behavior, which can be considered as universes in the mathematical multiverse. The analogy between what happens in some automata (in particular Conway's <<Game of Life>>) and the real world is very strong. But if the results of our experiments can be extrapolated to our universe, we should expect to inhabit -- in the context of the multiverse -- a world in which at least some of the laws and constants of nature should show a certain time dependence. Actually, the probability of our existence in a world such as ours would be mathematically equal to zero. In consequence, the results presented in this paper can be considered as an inkling that the hypothesis of the multiverse, whatever its type, does not offer an adequate explanation for the peculiarities of the physical laws in our world. A slightly reduced version of this paper has been published in the Journal for General Philosophy of Science, Springer, March 2013, DOI: 10.1007/s10838-013-9215-7.
In this paper, within the framework of the general concept of the Multiverse, the Author puts forward the idea of the infinite hierarchically determined nesting of universes. Considering the laws underlying the evolution of our Universe, including the new fundamental law of motion, the Author offers the cosmological model that brings a new perspective to the Core theory.
This paper presents a new concept for particle physics, which leads to a new concept for the universe and theories in physics. That concept is that the fundamental particle in the universe is a Dark Matter (DM) particle, and our matter consists of excited DM particles. The excited DM particles are theorized as formed in small regions of the universe where DM particles have been concentrated via gravitational attraction, which also acts to concentrate gravitational potential energy. These high-energy DM concentrations energize DM particles, creating the electromagnetic fields, which forms our matter and our sub-universe. The DM particles only interact via a gravitational field; however, the excited DM is theorized to also create the electromagnetic force. The weak and strong nuclear forces are theorized as an edifice of the DM basic bubble like structure. All matter is composed of only two items, DM and energy. All particles are composed of different combinations of these two items. The greater universe is an even distribution of DM particles with all energy stored as gravitational potential. Our sub-universe is a concentration of DM and energy. The energy flows back to lower energy regions in the universe following the same principle as the thermodynamic laws. The energy flows back to the universe's lower energy regions via excited DM particles, creating the appearance of an expanding universe. Thus we live in two universes, an infinite DM universe and a finite sub-universe composed of our matter with both universes sharing the same space, time, energy, gravity and DM particles. This theory has major implications in " a theory of the universe, " particle physics and general physics. This simple assumption provides alternate theories to many of current accepted theories. The model presented herein is less complex than the current Standard Model, origin of the universe, and relativity. Many current contradictions are resolved. This theory lends itself to more rigorous mathematical modeling of physical phenomena, enabling a more rigorous mathematical modeling as compared to current theories.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics , 2018
This paper describes the existence of multiverse due to the occurrence of possible infinite events. The theory of multiverse will be developed to understand events and phenomenon which are not yet explainable by classical theories. We used theories like Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Simulation Theory, Quantum Entanglement and Butterfly Effect. In this paper we discussed the plausibility of existence of a multiverse rather than a universe as we believe in to better accommodate the observations which are not yet fully explainable. This paper will help the reader appreciate the fact that a multiverse approach to study our universe not only alters the way of our thinking but also makes room for each and every possible event to occur.
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