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The study presents an exploration of certain sums involving functions defined by base B expansions. The work builds on previous findings in number theory to develop new insights into the properties of sums related to digital sums and carries arising in base B arithmetic. Key results indicate generalized relationships among base B digital sums and their implications for the analysis of arithmetic operations in different bases.
For odd n>=3, we consider a general hypothetical identity for the differences S_{n,0}(x) of multiples of n with even and odd digit sums in the base n-1 in interval [0,x), which we prove in the cases n=3 and n=5 and empirically confirm for some other n. We give a verification algorithm for this identity for any odd n. The hypothetical identity allows to give a general recursion for S_{n,0}(x) for every integer x depending on the residue of x modulo p(n)=2n(n-1)^{n-1}, such that p(3)=24, p(5)=2560, p(7)=653184, etc.
Journal of Number Theory, 2005
A new family of sequences is proposed. An example of sequence of this family is more accurately studied. This sequence is composed by the integers n for which the sum of binary digits is equal to the sum of binary digits of n 2. Some structure and asymptotic properties are proved and a conjecture about its counting function is discussed.
1. The Smarandache, Pseudo-Smarandache, resp. Smarandache-simple functions are defined as ([7J, [6]) S{n) = min{rn EN: nlm!}, Z(n) = min {m.E N: nl m{n~ + 1)} , 5p (n) = min{m EN: p"lm!} for fixed primes p. The duals of Sand Z have been studied e.g. in (2], [5J, [6]: 5.(n) = max{m EN: m!ln}, { m(rn+1) } Z.(n) = max mEN: 2
Over 300 sequences and many unsolved problems and conjectures related to them are presented herein. These notions, definitions, unsolved problems, questions, theorems corollaries, formulae, conjectures, examples, mathematical criteria, etc. on integer sequences, numbers, quotients, residues, exponents, sieves, pseudo-primes squares cubes factorials, almost primes, mobile periodicals, functions, tables, prime square factorial bases, generalized factorials, generalized palindromes, so on, have been extracted from the Archives of American Mathematics (University of Texas at Austin) and Arizona State University (Tempe): "The Florentin Smarandache papers" special collections, University of Craiova Library, and Arhivele Statului (Filiala Vâlcea & Filiala Dolj, România). The book is based on various articles in the theory of numbers (starting from 1975), updated many times.
In this paper we present a method to get the prime counting function π(x) and other arithmetical functions than can be generated by a Dirichlet series, first we use the general variational method to derive the solution for a Fredholm Integral equation of first kind with symmetric Kernel K(x,y)=K(y,x), after that we find another integral equations with Kernels K(s,t)=K(t,s) for the Prime counting function and other arithmetical functions generated by Dirichlet series, then we could find a solution for π(x) and () () n x a n A x ≤ = ∑ , solving [ ] 0 J δ φ = for a given functional J, so the problem of finding a formula for the density of primes on the interval [2,x], or the calculation of the coefficients for a given arithmetical function a(n), can be viewed as some " Optimization " problems that can be attacked by either iterative or Numerical methods (as an example we introduce Rayleigh-Ritz and Newton methods with a brief description) Also we have introduced some conjectures about the asymptotic behavior of the series () n n p x x p ≤ Ξ = ∑ =S n (x) for n>0 , and a new expression for the Prime counting function in terms of the Non-trivial zeros of Riemann Zeta and its connection to Riemman Hypothesis and operator theory.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 1960
Results in Mathematics, 1985
For any integers $n\geq1$ and $k\geq0,$ let $\phi(n)$ and $\sigma_{k}(n)$ denote the Euler phi function and the sum of the $k$-th powers of the divisors of $n$, respectively. In this article, the solutions to some Diophantine equations about these functions of balancing and Lucas-balancing numbers are discussed.
Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society
Euler proved the following recurrence for p(n), the number of partitions of an integer n : (1) p(n) + ∞ X k=1 (−1) k (p(n − ω(k)) + p(n − ω(−k))) = 0 for ω(k) = 3k 2 +k 2. Using the Jacobi Triple Product identity we show analogues of Euler's recurrence formula for common restricted partition functions. Moreover following Kolberg, these recurrences allow us to determine that these partition functions are both even and odd infinitely often. Using the theory of modular forms, these recurrences may be viewed as infinite product identities involving Dedekind's η-function. Specifically, if the generating function for an arithmetical function is a modular form, then one often obtains analogous recurrence formulas; in particular here we get recurrence relations involving the number of t-core partitions, the number of representations of sums of squares, certain divisor functions, the number of points in finite fields on certain elliptic curves with complex multiplication, the Ramanujan τ −function and some appropriate analogs. In some cases recurrences hold for almost all n, and in others these recurrences hold for all n where the equality is replaced by a congruence mod m for any fixed integer m. These new recurrences are consequences of some of the theory of modular forms as developed by Deligne, Ribet, Serre, and Swinnerton-Dyer. p(n) ∼ 1 4n √ 3 e π √ 2n 3
IOSR Journal of Mathematics, 2012
The present paper studies a new class of numbers. Results obtained in this paper are a table, recurrence relations, generating functions and Summation formulas for these new class of numbers. Many results reduce to their corresponding results for the Catalan numbers .
arXiv: Number Theory, 2016
The balancing numbers $B_n$ ($n=0,1,\cdots$) are solutions of the binary recurrence $B_n=6B_{n-1}-B_{n-2}$ ($n\ge 2$) with $B_0=0$ and $B_1=1$. In this paper we show several relations about the sums of product of two balancing numbers of the type $\sum_{m=0}^n B_{k m+r}B_{k(n-m)+r}$ ($k>r\ge 0$) and the alternating sum of reciprocal of balancing numbers $\left\lfloor\left(\sum_{k=n}^\infty\frac{1}{B_{l k}}\right)^{-1}\right\rfloor$. Similar results are also obtained for Lucas-balancing numbers $C_n$ ($n=0,1,\cdots$), satisfying the binary recurrence $C_n=6C_{n-1}-C_{n-2}$ ($n\ge 2$) with $C_0=1$ and $C_1=3$. Some binomial sums involving these numbers are also explored.
BBP-type formulas are usually discovered experimentally, one at a time and in specific bases, through computer searches. In this paper, however, we derive explicit digit extraction BBP-type formulas in general binary bases b = 2 12p , for p ∈ Z + and mod (p, 2) = 1. As particular examples, new binary formulas are presented for π √ 3, π √ 3 log 2, √ 3 Cl 2 (π/3) and a couple of other polylogaritm constants. A variant of the formula for π √ 3 log 2 derived in this paper has been known for over ten years but was hitherto unproved. Binary BBP-type formulas for the logarithms of an infinite set of primes and binary BBP-type representations for the arctangents of an infinite set of rational numbers are also presented. Finally, new binary BBP-type zero relations are established.
In "Construction of some new families of Apostol-type numbers and polynomials via Dirichlet character and p-adic q-integrals Turk J Math (2018) 42: 557-577", we defined some new families of numbers and polynomials related to the Dirichlet character of a finite abelian group. In this paper, we investigate some properties and relations for these numbers and polynomials with their series representations and generating functions. By using functional equations of generating functions with their differential equations and series representations of these numbers and polynomials, we derive some formulas including recurrence relations, combinatorial numbers, combinatorial sums and special numbers and polynomials. By using p-adic integral method, we also derive p-adic series representations of these series representations of these numbers and polynomials.
Journal of Number Theory, 1990
Extensions and improvements of a recent paper, "On Digit Expansions with Respect to Linear Recurrences" by A. Petho and R. F. Tichy (J. Number Theory 33 (1989), 243-256) are established. Furthermore distribution properties mod 1 of the sequence @a(n)) are investigated, where so(n) denotes the sum-of-digits function with respect to the linear recurrence G. a
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2016
The aim of this article is to define some new families of the special numbers. These numbers provide some further motivation for computation of combinatorial sums involving binomial coefficients and the Euler kind numbers of negative order. We can show that these numbers are related to the well-known numbers and polynomials such as the Stirling numbers of the second kind and the central factorial numbers, the array polynomials, the rook numbers and polynomials, the Bernstein basis functions and others. In order to derive our new identities and relations for these numbers, we use a technique including the generating functions and functional equations. Finally, we not only give a computational algorithm for these numbers, but also some numerical values of these numbers and the Euler numbers of negative order with tables. We also give some combinatorial interpretations of our new numbers.
Journal of Number Theory, 2005
A new family of sequences is proposed. An example of sequence of this family is more accurately studied. This sequence is composed by the integers n for which the sum of binary digits is equal to the sum of binary digits of n 2 . Some structure and asymptotic properties are proved and a conjecture about its counting function is discussed.
We give two simple algorithms for the exact evaluation of the sum S(x) = 0≤n<x;n≡0(mod3) (−1) σ(n) , where σ(n) is the binary digit sum of n and obtain the sharp estimates for x −λ S(x), λ = ln 3 ln 4 .
Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 1998
We consider digital expansions with respect to complex integer bases. We derive precise information about the length of these expansions and the corresponding sum-of-digits function. Furthermore we give an asymptotic formula for the sum-of-digits function in large circles and prove that this function is uniformly distributed with respect to the argument. Finally the summatory function of the sum-of-digits function along the real axis is analyzed.
manuscripta mathematica, 2000
Let s(n) denote the sum of digits of the Zeckendorf representation of n and S q,i (N) = n<N,n≡i modq (−1) s(n). The aim of this paper is to discuss the behaviour of S q,i (N). First it is shown that that the values of S(N) = S 1,0 (N) admit a Gaussian limit law with bounded mean and variance of order log N. Conversely, for q > 1 S q,i (N) (mostly) has a periodic fractal structure. We also prove that S 3,0 (N) ≥ 0 which is an analogue to a well-known result by Newman [14] for binary digit expansions.
Applications of Fibonacci Numbers, 1993
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