Dualities for Some Intuitionistic Modal Logics


We present a duality for the intuitionistic modal logic IK introduced by Fischer Servi in [8, 9]. Unlike other dualities for IK reported in the literature (see for example [13]), the dual structures of the duality presented here are ordered topological spaces endowed with just one extra relation, which is used to define the set-theoretic representation of both ✷ and ✸. Also, this duality naturally extends the definitions and techniques used by Fischer Servi in the proof of completeness for IK via canonical model construction [10]. We also give a parallel presentation of dualities for the intuitionistic modal logics IntK ✷ and IntK✸. Finally, we turn to the intuitionistic modal logic MIPC, which is an axiomatic extension of IK, and we give a very natural characterization of the dual spaces for MIPC introduced in [2] as a subcategory of the category of the dual spaces for IK introduced here.