Small scale clustering of late forming dark matter

2015, Physical Review D


We perform a study of the nonlinear clustering of matter in the late-forming dark matter (LFDM) scenario in which dark matter results from the transition of a nonminimally coupled scalar field from radiation to collisionless matter. A distinct feature of this model is the presence of a damped oscillatory cutoff in the linear matter power spectrum at small scales. We use a suite of high-resolution N-body simulations to study the imprints of LFDM on the nonlinear matter power spectrum, the halo mass and velocity functions and the halo density profiles. The model largely satisfies highredshift matter power spectrum constraints from Lyman-α forest measurements, while it predicts suppressed abundance of low-mass halos (∼ 10 9 -10 10 h -1 M ) at all redshifts compared to a vanilla ΛCDM model. The analysis of the LFDM halo velocity function shows a better agreement than the ΛCDM prediction with the observed abundance of low-velocity galaxies in the local volume. Halos with mass M 10 11 h -1 M show minor departures of the density profiles from ΛCDM expectations, while smaller-mass halos are less dense, consistent with the fact that they form later than their ΛCDM counterparts.