On a Microscopic Representation of Space-Time V



In order to extend our approach based on SU*(4), we were led to (real) projective and (line) Complex geometry. So here we start from quadratic Complexe which yield naturally the 'light cone' x_1^2+x_2^2+x_3^2-x_0^2=0 when being related to (homogeneous) point coordinates x_α^2 and infinitesimal dynamics by tetrahedral Complexe (or line elements). This introduces naturally projective transformations by preserving anharmonic ratios. Referring to old work of Plücker relating quadratic Complexe to optics, we discuss (linear) symplectic symmetry and line coordinates, the main purpose and thread within this paper, however, is the identification and discussion of special relativity as direct invariance properties of line/Complex coordinates as well as their relation to 'quantum field theory' by complexification of point coordinates or Complexe. This can be established by the Lie mapping which relates lines/Complexe to sphere geometry so that SU(2), SU(2)×U(1), SU(2)×SU(2) an...