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2006, Proceedings of the 2006 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation - ISSAC '06
We present two algorithms for simplifying rational expressions modulo an ideal of the polynomial ring k[x1,. .. , xn]. The first method generates the set of equivalent expressions as a module over k[x1,. .. , xn] and computes a reduced Gröbner basis. From this we obtain a canonical form for the expression up to our choice of monomial order for the ideal. The second method constructs equivalent expressions by solving systems of linear equations over k, and conducts a global search for an expression with minimal total degree. Depending on the ideal, the algorithms may or may not cancel all common divisors. We also provide some timings comparing the efficiency of the algorithms in Maple.
Proceedings of the 1998 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation, 1998
In this paper we review the known algorithms for performing the basic algorithms for ideal and submodule operations: intersection, transporter and saturation. The algorithms known in the literature for these operations on polynomial rings fall largely into two classes: syzygy algorithms and elimination algorithms. We show that the two classes substantially coincide: they can be seen at most as variants of the same algorithm. We show moreover that these algorithms can be generalized to another algorithm, a module elimination algorithm, that allows the use of a Hilbert function driven algorithm, see Tr , and that, with this feature, appears to be the most e cient algorithm in this class. We give some examples that support this assertion. Because of space constraints we skip all the proofs, that will appear in a full paper together with more exhaustive experiments.
Computer algebra systems often produce large expressions involving complicated algebraic numbers. In this paper we study variations of the polred algorithm that can often be used to find better representations for algebraic numbers. The main new algorithm presented here is an algorithm that treats the same problem for the function field case.
Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2021
intersection or in that of a parametric ideal quotient, each branch of the specializations corresponds to a principal parametric ideal with a single generator. Using this generator, the parametric gcd of that branch is obtained by division. For the case of more than two parametric polynomials, we can use the above two algorithms to compute gcds recursively, and get an extended algorithm by generalizing the idea of the second algorithm. Algorithms do not suffer from having to apply expensive steps such as ensuring whether parametric polynomials are primitive w.r.t. the main variable as used in both the algorithms proposed by Nagasaka (ISSAC, 2017). The resulting algorithms are not only conceptually simple to understand but are more efficient in practice. The proposed algorithms and both of Nagasaka's algorithms have been implemented in Singular, and their performance is compared on a number of examples.
Central European Journal of Mathematics
In this short note, we extend Faugére’s F4-algorithm for computing Gröbner bases to polynomial rings with coefficients in an Euclidean ring. Instead of successively reducing single S-polynomials as in Buchberger’s algorithm, the F4-algorithm is based on the simultaneous reduction of several polynomials.
Proceedings of the 2004 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation - ISSAC '04, 2004
Let L be an algebraic function field in k ≥ 0 parameters t1,. .. , t k. Let f1, f2 be non-zero polynomials in L[x]. We give two algorithms for computing their gcd. The first, a modular GCD algorithm, is an extension of the modular GCD algorithm of Brown for Z[x1,. .. , xn] and Encarnacion for Q(α)[x] to function fields. The second, a fraction-free algorithm, is a modification of the Moreno Maza and Rioboo algorithm for computing gcds over triangular sets. The modification reduces coefficient growth in L to be linear. We give an empirical comparison of the two algorithms using implementations in Maple.
ACM Communications in Computer Algebra, 2017
We employ two techniques to dramatically improve Maple's performance on the Fermat benchmarks for simplifying rational expressions. First, we factor expanded polynomials to ensure that gcds are identified and cancelled automatically. Second, we replace all expanded polynomials by new variables and normalize the result. To undo the substitutions, we use a C routine for sparse multivariate division by a set of polynomials. The resulting times for the first Fermat benchmark are a factor of 17x faster than Fermat and 39x faster than Magma.
Singular is a specialized computer algebra system for polynomial computations with emphasize on the needs of commutative algebra, alge-braic geometry, and singularity theory. Singular's main computational objects are polynomials, ideals and modules over a large variety of rings. Singular features one of the fastest and most general implementations of various algorithms for computing standard resp. Gröbner bases. The new, upcoming version 2-2 includes also algorithms for a wide class of non-commutative algebras (Plural) and the possiblity for dynamic extension of the program at run-time (dynamic modules). Furthermore, it provides multivariate polynomial factorization, resultant, characteristic set and gcd computations, syzygy and free-resolution computations, numerical root– finding, visualisation, and many more related functionalities.
The algorithms for linear algebra in the Magma and Axiom computer algebra systems work over an arbitrary ring. For example, the implementation of Gaussian elimination for reducing a matrix to (reduced) row Echelon form works over any field that the user constructs. In contrast, Maple's facilities for linear algebra in its LinearAlgebra package only work for specific rings. If the input matrix contains general expressions, the algorithms may work incorrectly. Motivated by a need to do linear algebra over quotient rings and finite fields in Maple, we have designed a simple to use facility that permits the Maple user to define a field, Euclidean domain, integral domain or ring so that our "generic" algorithms for linear algebra are immediately available. These algorithms comprise a package called GenericLinearAlgebra which is being integrated into Maple 11. We have also implemented a package for computing in quotient rings. This package, called QuotientRings, exports all the necessary operations so that one can immediately do linear algebra over a quotient ring, for example, the trigonometric polynomial ring Q[s, c]/ s 2 + c 2 − 1. The package also includes a new algorithm for simplifying fractions over a quotient ring to canonical form that we discuss.
Proceedings of the international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation - ISSAC '94, 1994
Mark. Encarnacion@risc. Uni-linz. ac. at Modular methods for computing the gcd of two univariate polynomials over an algebraic number field require a prim-i knowledge about the denominators of the rational numbers in the representation of the gtd. We derive a multiplicative bound for these denominators without assuming that the number generating the field is an algebraic integer. Consequently, the gcd algorithm of Langemyr and McCallum [J. Symbolic Computation, 8:429-448, 1989] can now be applied directly to polynomials that are not necessarily represented in terms of an algebraic integer. Worst-case analyses and experiments with an implementation show that by avoiding a conversion of representation the reduction in the computing time can be significant. We also suggest the use of an algorithm for recovering a rational number from its modular residue so that the denominator bound need not be computed explicitly. Experiments and analyses indicate that this is a good practical alternative.
Four new algorithms for multivariate polynomial GCD (greatest common divisor) are given. The first is a simple improvement of PRS (polynomial remainder sequence) algorithms. The second is to calculate a Groebner basis with a certain term ordering. The third is to calculate subresultant by treating the coefficients as truncated power series. The fourth is to calculate PRS by treating the coefficients as truncated power series. The first and second algorithms are not important practically, but the third and fourth ones are quite efficient and seem to be useful practi-cally. 1.
LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics, 2014
We develop algorithms to turn quotients of rings of integers into effective Euclidean rings by giving polynomial algorithms for all fundamental ring operations. In addition, we study normal forms for modules over such rings and their behavior under certain quotients. We illustrate the power of our ideas in a new modular normal form algorithm for modules over rings of integers, vastly outperforming classical algorithms.
Journal of Symbolic Computation, 1992
Three new algorithms for multivariate polynomial GCD (greatest common divisor) are given. The first is to calculate a GrSbner basis with a certain term ordering. The second is to calculate the subresultant by treating the coefficients w.r.t, the main variable as truncated power series. The third is to calculate a PRS (polynomial remainder sequence) by treating the coefficients as truncated power series. The first algorithm is not important praetioaUy, but the second and third ones are efficient and seem to be useful practically. The third algorithm has been implemented naively and compared with the trial-division PRS algorithm and the EZGCD algorithm. Although it is too early to derive a definite conclusion, the PRS method with power series coefficients is very efficient for calculating low degree GCD of high degree non-sparse polynomials.
Proceedings of the 2007 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation - ISSAC '07, 2007
We present a first sparse modular algorithm for computing a greatest common divisor of two polynomials f1, f2 ∈ L[x] where L is an algebraic function field in k ≥ 0 parameters with r ≥ 0 field extensions. Our algorithm extends the dense algorithm of Monagan and van Hoeij from 2004 to support multiple field extensions and to be efficient when the gcd is sparse. Our algorithm is an output sensitive Las Vegas algorithm. We have implemented our algorithm in Maple. We provide timings demonstrating the efficiency of our algorithm compared to that of Monagan and van Hoeij and with a primitive fraction-free Euclidean algorithm for both dense and sparse gcd problems.
Central European Journal of Mathematics, 2011
We present an algorithm to compute a primary decomposition of an ideal in a polynomial ring over the integers. For this purpose we use algorithms for primary decomposition in polynomial rings over the rationals resp. over finite fields, and the idea of Shimoyama-Yokoyama resp. Eisenbud-Hunecke-Vasconcelos to extract primary ideals from pseudo-primary ideals. A parallelized version of the algorithm is implemented in Singular. Examples and timings are given at the end of the article.
Proceedings of the 1991 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation - ISSAC '91, 1991
We present two algorithms for interpolating sparse rational functions. The first is the interpolation algorithm in a sense of sparse partial fraction representation of rational functions. The second is the algorithm for computing the entier and the remainder of a rational function. The first algorithm works without apriori known bound on the degree of a rational function, the second one is in the parallel class NC provided that the degree is known. The presented algorithms complement the sparse interpolation results of [GKS 90].
ACM Sigsam Bulletin, 2009
One of the main successes of the computer algebra community in the last 30 years has been the discovery of algorithms, called modular methods, that allow to keep the swell of the intermediate expressions under control. Without these methods, many applications of computer algebra would not be possible and the impact of computer algebra in scientific computing would be severely
This study investigates the problem of computing the exact greatest common divisor of two polynomials relative to an orthogonal basis, defined over the rational number field. The main objective of the study is to design and implement an effective and efficient symbolic algorithm for the general class of dense polynomials, given the rational number defining terms of their basis. From a general algorithm using the comrade matrix approach, the nonmodular and modular techniques are prescribed. If the coefficients of the generalized polynomials are multiprecision integers, multiprecision arithmetic will be required in the construction of the comrade matrix and the corresponding systems coefficient matrix. In addition, the application of the nonmodular elimination technique on this coefficient matrix extensively applies multiprecision rational number operations. The modular technique is employed to minimize the complexity involved in such computations. A divisor test algorithm that enable...
Proceedings of the 2009 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation - ISSAC '09, 2009
We present an efficient algorithm for factoring a multivariate polynomial f ∈ L[x1,. .. , xv] where L is an algebraic function field with k ≥ 0 parameters t1,. .. , t k and r ≥ 0 field extensions. Our algorithm uses Hensel lifting and extends the EEZ algorithm of Wang which was designed for factorization over Q. We also give a multivariate p-adic lifting algorithm which uses sparse interpolation. This enables us to avoid using poor bounds on the size of the integer coefficients in the factorization of f when using Hensel lifting. We have implemented our algorithm in Maple 13. We provide timings demonstrating the efficiency of our algorithm.
We discuss the algorithms which, given a linear difference equation with rational function coefficients over a field k of characteristic 0, compute a polynomial U(x) ∈ k[x] (a universal denominator) such that the denominator of each of rational solutions (if exist) of the given equation divides U(x). We consider two types of such algorithms. One of them is based on constructing a
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