The Naturalisation of the City after the End of the World

The contention of the following pages is that the urban has become “natural”: first, that this is a symptom of the dissolution of the city in contradistinction to Nature or the world — urbi et orbi are no longer distinguishable nor can they be split into such a straightforward binary; and second, that this becoming-natural of the city is a symptom of what has been identified as the ‘End of the World’ or the ‘End of Nature’. Via theorists such as Jean-Luc Nancy, Timothy Morton, Bruno Latour, and Jane Bennett, and with a detour via Italo Calvino’s Marcovaldo, I will argue that in the way that Pier Paolo Pasolini speaks of Rome, and the way that cities are portrayed in the films of Michelangelo Antonioni, this conception of the city as natural had already started to take place, albeit unconsciously.