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2012, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science
Concurrent constraint programming (ccp) is a well-established model for concurrency that singles out the fundamental aspects of asynchronous systems whose agents (or processes) evolve by posting and querying (partial) information in a global medium. Bisimilarity is a standard behavioural equivalence in concurrency theory. However, only recently a well-behaved notion of bisimilarity for ccp, and a ccp partition refinement algorithm for deciding the strong version of this equivalence have been proposed. Weak bisimiliarity is a central behavioural equivalence in process calculi and it is obtained from the strong case by taking into account only the actions that are observable in the system. Typically, the standard partition refinement can also be used for deciding weak bisimilarity simply by using Milner's reduction from weak to strong bisimilarity; a technique referred to as saturation. In this paper we demonstrate that, because of its involved labeled transitions, the above-mentioned saturation technique does not work for ccp. We give an alternative reduction from weak ccp bisimilarity to the strong one that allows us to use the ccp partition refinement algorithm for deciding this equivalence.
Concurrent constraint programming (CCP) is a well-established model for concurrency that singles out the fundamental aspects of asynchronous systems whose agents (or processes) evolve by posting and querying (partial) information in a global medium. Bisimilarity is a standard behavioral equivalence in concurrency theory. However, only recently a well-behaved notion of bisimilarity for CCP, and a CCP partition refinement algorithm for deciding the strong version of this equivalence have been proposed. Weak bisimilarity is a central behavioral equivalence in process calculi and it is obtained from the strong case by taking into account only the actions that are observable in the system. Typically, the standard ✩ This work has been partially supported by the projects ANR-09-BLAN-0345 CPP, ANR 12IS02001 PACE and ANR-09-BLAN-0169-01 PANDA; and by the French Defense procurement agency (DGA) with a PhD grant.
Science of Computer Programming, 2015
Concurrent constraint programming (CCP) is a well-established model for concurrency that singles out the fundamental aspects of asynchronous systems whose agents (or processes) evolve by posting and querying (partial) information in a global medium. Bisimilarity is a standard behavioral equivalence in concurrency theory. However, only recently a well-behaved notion of bisimilarity for CCP, and a CCP partition refinement algorithm for deciding the strong version of this equivalence have been proposed. Weak bisimilarity is a central behavioral equivalence in process calculi and it is obtained from the strong case by taking into account only the actions that are observable in the system. Typically, the standard partition refinement can also be used for deciding weak bisimilarity simply by us-✩ This work has been partially supported by the projects ANR-09-BLAN-0345 CPP, ANR 12IS02001 PACE and ANR-09-BLAN-0169-01 PANDA; and by the French Defense procurement agency (DGA) with a PhD grant.
In this doctoral work we aim at developing a new approach to labelled semantics and equivalences for the Concurrent Constraint Programming (CCP) which will enable a broader capture of processes behavioural equivalence. Moreover, we work towards exploiting the strong connection between first order logic and CCP. Something which will allow us to represent logical formulae in terms of CCP processes and verify its logical equivalence by means of our notion of bisimilarity. Finally, following the lines of the Concurrecy Workbench we plan to implement a CCP Workbench based on our theoretical structure.
Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures, 2011
Concurrent constraint programming (ccp) is a well-established model for concurrency. Bisimilarity is one of the central reasoning techniques in concurrency. The standard definition of bisimilarity, however, is not completely satisfactory for ccp since it yields an equivalence that is too fine grained. By building upon recent foundational investigations, we introduce a labelled transition semantics and a novel notion of bisimilarity that is fully abstract w.r.t. the typical observational equivalence in ccp.
Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - SAC '12, 2012
Saraswat's concurrent constraint programming (ccp) is a mature formalism for modeling processes (or programs) that interact by telling and asking constraints in a global medium, called the store. Bisimilarity is a standard behavioural equivalence in concurrency theory, but a well-behaved notion of bisimilarity for ccp has been proposed only recently. When the state space of a system is finite, the ordinary notion of bisimilarity can be computed via the well-known partition refinement algorithm, but unfortunately, this algorithm does not work for ccp bisimilarity. In this paper, we propose a variation of the partition refinement algorithm for verifying ccp bisimilarity. To the best of our knowledge this is the first work providing for the automatic verification of program equivalence for ccp.
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 2006
Constraint-based concurrency is a simple and elegant formalism of concurrency with monotonic mobile channels, whose history started in early 1980's as a subfield of logic programming. Although it has hardly been recognized as process calculi, there is a close connection between them. In this paper we try to convey the essence of constraint-based concurrency to the process calculi community. We also describe how it smoothly evolved into LMNtal (pronounced "elemental"), a language model based on hierarchical graph rewriting.
Information and Computation, 1995
Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, 1993
A system is described which supports proofs of both behavioural and logical properties of concurrent systems; these are specified by means of a process algebra and its associated logics. The logic is an action based version of the branching time logic CTL which we call ACTL; it is interpreted over transition labelled structures while CTL is interpreted over state labelled ones. The core of the system are two existing tools, AUTO and EMC. The f'wst builds the labelled transition system corresponding to a term of a process algebra and permits proof of equivalence and simplification of terms, while the second chocks validity of CTL logical formulae. The integration is realized by memos of two translation functions from the action based branching time logic ACTL to CTL and from transition-labelled to state-labelled structures. The correctness of the integration is guaranteed by the proof that the two functions when coupled preserve satisfiability of logical formulae.
The process algebra Csp [1] [4] [15] [16] is a formal method devoted to the modelling as well as to the analysis and verification of concurrent systems. It is a speciality of Csp that it captures both, the concurrent system as well as its desired properties, as specifications: Let Sys be the formal Csp model of a concurrent system, let P be a property formulated in Csp – such a property could, for instance, be deadlock-freedom. In such a setting, the statement P Sys, read ‘Sys is a refinement of P ’, expresses that the property P holds for the concurrent system Sys. In the proof of such a statement the process algebraic laws of Csp play a vital role: Thanks to completeness results, see e.g. [8] [15], most refinement statements can be proven by solely applying process algebraic laws. Isabelle [13] is an interactive theorem prover that allows one to prove new theorems by semiautomatically applying rules which are pre-proven theorems. Then, successfully proved theorems can be stored an...
Formal Aspects of Computing, 1995
Operations on action systems may be defined corresponding to CSP hiding and renaming. These are of particular use in describing the refinement between action systems in which the granularity of actions is altered. We derive a simplified expression for hiding sets of actions and present sufficient conditions for forwards simulation in which the concrete system uses hiding and renaming. Both of these reduce the complexity of proofs of refinement. We present a case study in specification and refinement using action systems which makes use of the operations and refinement rules previously defined.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2014
Concurrent constraint programming (ccp) is a well-established model of concurrency for reasoning about systems of multiple agents that interact with each other by posting and querying partial information on a shared space. (Weak) bisimilarity is one of the most representative notions of behavioral equivalence for models of concurrency. A notion of weak bisimilarity, called weak saturated bisimilarity (≈ sb), was recently proposed for ccp. This equivalence improves on previous bisimilarity notions for ccp that were too discriminating and it is a congruence for the choice-free fragment of ccp. In this paper, however, we show thaṫ ≈ sb is not a congruence for ccp with nondeterministic choice. We then introduce a new notion of bisimilarity, called weak full bisimilarity (≈ f), and show that it is a congruence for the full language of ccp. We also show the adequacy of ≈ f by establishing that it coincides with the congruence induced by closing≈ sb under all contexts. The advantage of the new definition is that, unlike the congruence induced by≈ sb , it does not require quantifying over infinitely many contexts.
The-calculus is a formal model of concurrent computation based on the notion of naming. It has an important role to play in the search for more abstract theories of concurrent and communicating systems. In this paper we augment the-calculus with a constraint store and add the notion of constraint agent to the standard-calculus concept of agent. We call this extension the +-calculus. We also extend the notion of barbed bisimulation to de ne behavioral equivalence for the +-calculus and use it to characterize some equivalent behaviors derived from constraint agents. The paper discusses examples of the extended calculus showing the transparent i n teraction of constraints and communicating processes.
We study three notions of bisimulation equivalence for concurrent processes. Bisimulation equivalences are based on an operational interpretation of processes as labelled transition systems, and constitute the strongest notion of equivalence one may adopt for such systems: two systems are equivalent if and only if they have the same step-by-step behaviour. We focus first on Milner's notion of weak bisimulation (also known as observational equivalence) and propose an alternative formulation for it. More specifically, we show that Milner's notion may be redefined as one of reducibility to a same system-via a reduction function called abstraction homorriorphism. We use our characterisation to derive a complete set of reduction rules for observational equivalence on finite processes. We also show how abstraction homomorphisms may be extended to labelled event structures: however we do not consider the possibility of unobservable events here. We look then for notions of bisimulation which account for the concurrent aspects of processes. Traditional transition systems-evolving via successive elementary actions-only provide an interleaving semantics for concurrency. We suggest two generalisations of the notion of transition system: distributed transition systems, obtained by generalising the residual of a transition, and pornset transition systems, obtained by extending the notion of action labelling a transition (an action being now a partially ordered multiset). For the latter we find a corresponding notion of bisimulation on labelled event structures. Based on these new kinds of transitions, we obtain two bisimulation equivalences-one stronger than the other-which are both more discriminating than Milner's equivalence. For both of them we present an algebraic characterisation by means of a complete set of axioms.
… architectures 2004: WoTUG-27: proceedings of …, 2004
CSP, Hoare's Communicating Sequential Processes, [1, 2] is one of the formalisms that underpins the antecedents of CPA, and this year celebrates its Silver Jubilee [3]. Formal Systems' own FDR refinement checker [4] is among the most powerful explicit exhaustive finite-state exploration tools, and is tailored specifically to the CSP semantics. The CSP M ASCII form of CSP, in which FDR scripts are expressed, is the de-facto standard for CSP tools. Recent work has experimentally extended the notation to include a probabilistic choice construct, and added functionality into FDR to produce models suitable for analysis by the Birmingham University PRISM tool [5].
Abstract. CSP, Hoare’s Communicating Sequential Processes, [1, 2] is one of the formalisms that underpins the antecedents of CPA, and this year celebrates its Silver Jubilee [3]. Formal Systems ’ own FDR refinement checker [4] is among the most powerful explicit exhaustive finite-state exploration tools, and is tailored specifically to the CSP semantics. The CSPM ASCII form of CSP, in which FDR scripts are expressed, is the de-facto standard for CSP tools. Recent work has experimentally extended the notation to include a probabilistic choice construct, and added functionality into FDR to produce models suitable for analysis by the Birmingham University PRISM tool [5]. 1
BRICS Report Series, 2002
The tcc paradigm is a formalism for timed concurrent constraint programming. Several tcc languages differing in their way of expressing infinite behaviour have been proposed in the literature. In this paper we study the expressive power of some of these languages. In particular, we show that:<dl compact="compact"><dt>(1)</dt><dd>recursive procedures with parameters can be encoded into parameterless recursive procedures with dynamic scoping, and vice-versa.</dd><dt>(2)</dt><dd>replication can be encoded into parameterless recursive procedures with static scoping, and vice-versa.</dd><dt>(3)</dt><dd>the languages from (1) are strictly more expressive than the languages from (2).</dd></dl>Furthermore, we show that behavioural equivalence is undecidable for the languages from (1), but decidable for the languages from (2). The undecidability result holds even if the process variables take values...
Formal Aspects of Computing, 2009
Advanced Topics in Bisimulation and Coinduction
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1993
In a previous paper the authors proved the decidability of bisimulation equivalence over two subclasses of recurslve processes involving a parallel composition operator, namely the so-caUed norrned and live processes. In this paper, we extend this result to the whole class. The decidability proof permits us further to present a complete axiomatisation for this class of basic parallel processes. This result can be viewed as a proper extension of Miiner's complete axiomatisation of bisimulation equivalence on regular processes.
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