Jenis-Jenis Ikan Indonesia yang Kritis dan Terancam Punah


ABSTRACTIndonesia has a high diversity of fish species. Some fish species are critical and endangered. Information on Indonesian native and endemic fish species needs to be disseminated to the public. Such information is available in various sources and is generally in a foreign language. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to inventory and distribute information about several species of fish native to Indonesian public waters that need special attention because they are endangered and critically endangered. Species of fish, especially species that have been critically endangered, do not rule out turning into extinct in the wild (extinct in the wild). The decline in the status of the above from vulnerable (vulnerable) to endangered (endangered) and critical (critically endangered) or even become extinct in the wild (extinct in the wild) caused by various factors, including the existence of fisheries activities that tend to exploit natural resources without offset by conservat...