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2013, American Journal of Mathematics
21 pages
1 file
We prove that, if F is a coherent sheaf of O X-modules over a morphism ϕ : X → Y of complex-analytic spaces, where Y is smooth, then the stalk F ξ at a point ξ ∈ X is flat over R := O Y,ϕ(ξ) if and only if the n-fold analytic tensor power of F ξ over R (where n = dim R) has no vertical elements. The result implies that if F is a finite module over a morphism ϕ : X → Y of complex algebraic varieties, where Y is smooth and dim Y = n, then F ξ is R-flat if and only if its n-fold tensor power is a torsionfree R-module. The latter generalizes a classical freeness criterion of Auslander to modules that are not necessarily finitely generated over the base ring. Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Analytic tensor product and fibred product 7 3. Homological properties of almost finitely generated modules 9 4. Vertical components and variation of fibre dimension 12 5. Proof of the main theorem 13 References 20 Key words and phrases. flat, torsion free, fibred power, vertical component, analytic tensor product, complex analytic geometry.
Abstract. We prove that, if F is a coherent sheaf of OX-modules over a morphism ϕ: X → Y of complex-analytic spaces, where Y is smooth, then the stalk Fξ at a point ξ ∈ X is flat over R: = O Y,ϕ(ξ) if and only if the n-fold analytic tensor power of Fξ over R (where n = dimR) has no vertical elements. The result implies that if F is a finite module over a morphism ϕ: X → Y of complex algebraic varieties, where Y is smooth and dimY = n, then Fξ is R-flat if and only if its n-fold tensor power is a torsionfree R-module. The latter generalizes a classical freeness criterion of Auslander to modules that are not necessarily finitely generated over the base ring. Contents
We present a constructive criterion for flatness of a morphism of analytic spaces ϕ : X → Y (over K = R or C) or, more generally, for flatness over O Y of a coherent sheaf of O X-modules F. The criterion is a combination of a simple linear-algebra condition "in codimension zero" and a condition "in codimension one" which can be used together with the Weierstrass preparation theorem to inductively reduce the fibre-dimension of the morphism ϕ.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2012
We present a constructive criterion for flatness of a morphism of analytic spaces ϕ : X → Y (over K = R or C) or, more generally, for flatness over O Y of a coherent sheaf of O X-modules F. The criterion is a combination of a simple linear-algebra condition "in codimension zero" and a condition "in codimension one" which can be used together with the Weierstrass preparation theorem to inductively reduce the fibre-dimension of the morphism ϕ.
Cornell University - arXiv, 2016
Let R be a commutative ring. Roughly speaking, we prove that an R-module M is flat iff it is a direct limit of R-module affine algebraic varieties, and M is a flat Mittag-Leffler module iff it is the union of its R-submodule affine algebraic varieties.
Communications in Algebra, 2006
We prove various extensions of the Local Flatness Criterion over a Noetherian local ring R with residue field k. For instance, if Ω is a complete R-module of finite projective dimension, then Ω is flat if and only if Tor R n (Ω, k) = 0 for all n = 1,. .. , depth(R). In low dimensions, we have the following criteria. If R is onedimensional and reduced, then Ω is flat if and only if Tor R 1 (Ω, k) = 0. If R is twodimensional, then in order for Ω to be flat, it suffices that it is separated, that its projective dimension is finite and that Tor R 1 (Ω, k) = 0. Many of these criteria have global counterparts and in particular, it is shown that the aadic completion of a flat module of finite projective dimension over an arbitrary Noetherian ring is again flat.
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 2013
We give a topological analogue for openness of a criterion for flatness that originates with Auslander. Over a normal base of dimension n, failure of openness is detected by a vertical component in the n'th fibred power of the morphism.
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 1997
Let I) : A H B be a homomorphism of finitely generated algebras over a field k or over Z. This note is concerned with methods and tools to ascertain whether +!I makes B a flat module over A. Morphisms with such properties are very common and desirable in the study of mappings between algebraic varieties. We show how three pillars of the study, a computable generic flatness, the local criterion and tricks in reducing the dimension of the ring, combine to allow for several tests. @ 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
Kodai Mathematical Journal, 1998
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 1983
Flat morphisms from YI to B (commutative and unitary rings) such that the multiplication B@,., B-B is flat, have I Iany of the properties of ind-etale morphisms. They don't raise weak dimension. As a consequence they preserve integral closure. In the local case they are the extensions of A that have the same strict henselian extensions as A.
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