Geometric Auslander criterion for flatness

2013, American Journal of Mathematics

We prove that, if F is a coherent sheaf of O X-modules over a morphism ϕ : X → Y of complex-analytic spaces, where Y is smooth, then the stalk F ξ at a point ξ ∈ X is flat over R := O Y,ϕ(ξ) if and only if the n-fold analytic tensor power of F ξ over R (where n = dim R) has no vertical elements. The result implies that if F is a finite module over a morphism ϕ : X → Y of complex algebraic varieties, where Y is smooth and dim Y = n, then F ξ is R-flat if and only if its n-fold tensor power is a torsionfree R-module. The latter generalizes a classical freeness criterion of Auslander to modules that are not necessarily finitely generated over the base ring. Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Analytic tensor product and fibred product 7 3. Homological properties of almost finitely generated modules 9 4. Vertical components and variation of fibre dimension 12 5. Proof of the main theorem 13 References 20 Key words and phrases. flat, torsion free, fibred power, vertical component, analytic tensor product, complex analytic geometry.