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It is known that the dynamical degree of an automorphism g of an algebraic surface S is lower semi-continuous when (S, g) varies in an algebraic family. In this paper we report on computer experiments confirming this behavior with the aim to realize small Salem numbers as the dynamical degrees of automorphisms of Enriques surfaces or rational Coble surfaces.
Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 2010
This is a 2-part introduction to the dynamics of rational surface automorphisms. Such maps can be written in coordinates as rational functions or polynomials. The first part concerns polynomial automorphisms of complex 2-space and includes the complex Henon family.
Journal of Geometric Analysis, 2009
§0. Introduction. Here we discuss automorphisms (biholomorphic maps) of compact, projective surfaces with positive entropy. Cantat [C1] has shown that the only possibilities occur for tori and K3 (and certain of their quotients), and rational surfaces. K3 surfaces have been studied by Cantat [C2] and McMullen [M1]. Here we consider the family of birational maps of the plane which are defined by
In these notes, we consider self-maps of degree ≥ 2 on a weak del Pezzo surface X of degree ≤ 7. We show that there are exactly 12 such X, modulo isomorphism. In particular, K 2 X ≥ 3, and if X has one self-map of degree ≥ 2 then for every positive integer d there is a self-map of degree d 2 on X.
Journal of Algebra, 2001
We classify minimal pairs (X, G) for smooth rational projective surface X and finite group G of automorphisms on X. We also determine the fixed locus X G and the quotient surface Y = X/G as well as the fundamental group of the smooth part of Y. The realization of each pair is included. Mori's extremal ray theory and recent results of Alexeev and also Ambro on the existence of good anti-canonical divisors are used.
Compositio Mathematica
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Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1990
i= 1 µ (Ai) for all measurable sets A1,..., Ak. Update: Considerable progress has been made on this circle of problems. Masser [17] proved a conjecture of Schmidt [20] by showing that the order of mixing for an algebraic Zd by automorphisms of a zerodimensional group as detected by studying mixing shapes coincides with the real order of mixing. It remains a considerable problem to actually compute either for non-trivial examples.
Journal of Symbolic Computation, 1998
The aim of this paper is to present theoretical basis for computing a representation of a compact Riemann surface as an algebraic plane curve and to compute a numerical approximation for its period matrix. We will describe a program Cars ) that can be used to de ne Riemann surfaces for computations. Cars allows one also to perform the Fenchel{Nielsen twist and other deformations on Riemann surfaces.
Consider an arbitrary automorphism of an Enriques surface with its lift to the covering K3 surface. We prove a bound of the order of the lift acting on the anti-invariant cohomology sublattice of the Enriques involution. We use it to obtain some mod 2 constraint on the original automorphism. As an application, we give a necessary condition for Salem numbers to be dynamical degrees on Enriques surfaces and obtain a new lower bound on the minimal value. In the Appendix, we give a complete list of Salem numbers that potentially may be the minimal dynamical degree on Enriques surfaces and for which the existence of geometric automorphisms is unknown.
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
We develop technics of birational geometry to study automorphisms of affine surfaces admitting many distinct rational fibrations, with a particular focus on the interactions between automorphisms and these fibrations. In particular, we associate to each surface $S$ of this type a graph encoding equivalence classes of rational fibrations from which it is possible to decide for instance if the automorphism group of $S$ is generated by automorphisms preserving these fibrations.
Transformation Groups, 2007
Let X be an affine irreducible variety over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic zero. Given an automorphism Φ, we denote by k(X) Φ its field of invariants, i.e the set of rational functions f on X such that f •Φ = f. Let n(Φ) be the transcendence degree of k(X) Φ over k. In this paper, we study the class of automorphisms Φ of X for which n(Φ) = dim X − 1. More precisely, we show that under some conditions on X, every such automorphism is of the form Φ = ϕ g , where ϕ is an algebraic action of a linear algebraic group G of dimension 1 on X, and where g belongs to G. As an application, we determine the conjugacy classes of automorphisms of the plane for which n(Φ) = 1.
American Journal of Mathematics, 2012
Kodai Mathematical Journal, 2007
Equations for the locus of Riemann Surfaces of genus three with a nonabelian automorphism group generated by involutions are determined from vanishings of Riemann's theta function. Torelli's Theorem implies that all of the properties of a non-hyperelliptic compact Riemann Surface (complex algebraic curve) X are determined by its period matrix W. This paper shows how to compute the group Aut X of conformal automorphisms of a surface X of genus three using W, in the case when the group is nonabelian and generated by its involutions. The connection between W and X is Riemann's theta function yðz; WÞ. Accola ([1], [2], [3]), building on classical results about hyperelliptic surfaces, found relationships between the theta divisor Y ¼ fz A JacðX Þ : yðz; WÞ ¼ 0g and Aut X. In the case of genus three, certain vanishings of y at quarter-periods of JacðX Þ imply that X has an automorphism s of degree two (or involution) such that X =hsi has genus one (making s an elliptic-hyperelliptic involution). This work derives equations in the moduli space of surfaces of genus three for many of the loci consisting of surfaces with a given automorphism group. It is a two-step process. First, topological arguments determine the order of the dihedral group generated by two non-commuting involutions. Then, combinatorial arguments about larger groups generated by involutions determine the theta vanishings corresponding to each. Much of the work here is based on the author's 1981 PhD dissertation [7] at Brown University. It appears now because of renewed interest in these questions, some of which is inspired by questions in coding theory: See [3], [5]. The research was directed by R. D. M. Accola, and Joe Harris was also a valuable resource. The author extends his (belated) thanks to them. 1. Preliminaries and notation In all that follows, X is a compact Riemann Surface (or complex algebraic curve) of genus three with automorphism group Aut X , period matrix W, jacobian 394
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 1989
This note studies the dynamical behavior of polynomial mappings with polynomial inverse from the real or complex plane to itself.
Arkiv för matematik, 2002
We study the dynamics of polynomial automorphisms of C k. To an algebraically stable automorphism we associate positive closed currents which are invariant under f, considering f as a rational map on pk. These currents give information on the dynamics and allow us to construct a canonical invariant measure which is shown to be mixing.
Mathematische Annalen, 2010
Transactions of the …, 2009
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