Quantum Cellular Automaton Theory of Light


We present a quantum theory of light based on quantum cellular automata (QCA). This approach allows us to have a thorough quantum theory of free electrodynamics encompassing an hypothetical discrete Planck scale. The theory is particularly relevant because it provides predictions at the macroscopic scale that can be experimentally tested. We show how, in the limit of small wave-vector k, the free Maxwell's equations emerge from two Weyl QCAs derived from informational principles in Ref. [1]. Within this framework the photon is introduced as a composite particle made of a pair of correlated massless Fermions, and the usual Bosonic statistics is recovered in the low photon density limit. We derive the main phenomenological features of the theory, consisting in dispersive propagation in vacuum, the occurrence of a small longitudinal polarization, and a saturation effect originated by the Fermionic nature of the photon. We then discuss whether these effects can be experimentally tes...