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2018, Teknosastik
7 pages
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The objectives of this research were to find out undergraduates' awareness of English irregular verbs and to find out what errors that the students made in using the irregular verbs. This research was conducted at University of Teknokrat Indonesia. The population of this research was the first semester students. There were 30 university students who were chosen as the samples. They were all S1 English Literature students. The data of this research were collected through a written task. The task was designed to measure the students' ability in using irregular verbs in sentences telling about past events. There were 140 irregular verbs tested to the students. The result of the research showed that the undergraduates' awareness of English irregular verbs is low; 22 (73.3%) out 30 students made errors in using English irregular verbs. The errors varied into three types; using the rule of regular verbs for irregular verbs, using simple form verbs for past events, and creating new words which did not exist in English vocabulary. The highest number of error was placed by applying the rule of regular verbs for irregular verbs with 14 incorrect verbs (53.8%), the second position was placed by using simple form verbs for past events with 9 incorrect verbs (34.6%), and the third position was placed by creating new words which did not exist in English vocabulary with 3 incorrect verbs (11.5%). The results of this study indicate that students in which English is a foreign language might still have insufficient English vocabulary when they come to higher schools.
The research design of this study was descriptive. The objective of this thesis was to know the difficulties of the students in using regular and irregular verbs in simple past tense. This research was conducted in SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Banyuwangi in which the respondents were the eighth year students. They were chosen by population technique. The number of respondents in this research was 136 students. In this research, the researcher used a test as the main method of collecting data. To analyze the collected data, the reearcher used percentage method. They are 136 students as the research sample which was taken by using population. It means the Eighth Grade from VIII A to VIII E. Based on the result of the data analysis, it can be known the percentage of the students’ difficulties in using regular and irregular verbs in simple past tense is 47,5%. The number of the students that chose incorrect answer almost equal with the number of the students that chose correct answer. It shows th...
Second Language Acquisition (L2 Acquisition) is the study of how languages are acquired after first languages (Fromkin, 2014, p. 578). English has been a global language in this modern era nowadays. Most people are obliged to learn this language as it will be used for many purposes whether it is for school, job, or academic purpose. In Indonesia, acquiring English as a second language is not an easy thing to do for Indonesian people as there are many differences compared to Indonesian language, which is their mother tongue or native language. People find it difficult to study English language because of the phonological, morphological, and grammatical differences and their complexities make the language difficult to be learned. This paper investigated the errors of eight-grade students in using Regular and Irregular verbs. The researcher collected the data of this research by making an exercise containing the use of Regular and Irregular verbs and distributing the exercise to the eight-grade students.
JETL (Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning), 2021
The mastery of the irregular form of verbs in the past simple tense poses challenges to non-native learners of English all over the world. The objectives of this research paper were to establish why the English First Additional Language learners face difficulties in mastering the inflection of irregular verbs in the past simple tense, and identify strategies useful for mastering the inflection of the irregular verbs. The research paper adopted a quantitative research design. A questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection from the respondents. Data were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 22 to ensure valid interpretations. Date were presented in a table and a graph dealing with the inflection of irregular verbs in the past simple tense. The respondets of this research paper comprised 21 Grade 10 learners of Dimani Secondary School in Limpopo Province, South Africa in the 2021 academic year. Initially, the respondents experienced difficulties in using the suppletion principle and the terminal consonants phoneme changes. Therefore, the researchers used two irregular verbs learning strategies, namely: the grouping of common irregular verbs and the learning of irregular verbs in sentences to enhance the learners'mastery of the irregular verbs inflection. The findings revealed that learners had improved significantly in the mastery of irregular verbs inflection in the past simple tense after utilising these two strategies.
Pakistan Languages and Humanities Review, 2018
This study focuses on the use of corpus to teach irregular verbs. The verb is a necessary learning process and its teaching has primary importance in teaching a language. The researcher used the corpus of English textbooks of the HSSC level of the Punjab Text Book Board (PTB), to teach irregular verbs. The students were divided into control and experimental groups. The use of a pre-test helps to find out the existing knowledge of the students. Only the top 20 irregular verbs were selected. Their selection is based on their frequency. Multiple techniques were used to teach and enhance the knowledge of irregular verbs among the students. The post-test showed their improvement. The data has been analyzed numerically and presented through percentages. The analysis of data has proved that corpus-based teaching of irregular verbs is far better than the earlier methods applied for the purpose of teaching verbs. This research also has helped to check the students' attitudes toward corpus-based activities. Students like to learn through computers and mobile phones so this is an interesting one. In this aspect, it is very useful for the students because one who learns in an interesting way can save that knowledge forever.
LLT Journal: A Journal on Language and Language Teaching, 2021
The objective of the study is to know the use of a regular and irregular verb in the students writing an essay and to know the most dominant verb past written by the students in their students writing an essay. The design of this study is descriptive qualitative research. Based on the analysis from 14 students writing an essay, it shows that the students use both regular and irregular verb (past) in their students' writing essays. Both regular and irregular verbs are 312 data in verb 2 (past). In the regular verbs, there are 142 data or 45.51 %, and in the irregular verb, there are 170 data or 54.49 %. It shows that the most dominant verb past written by the students in their students' writing essay is an irregular verb. Regular verbs are verbs that can change according to tense and change it regularly. Regular verbs are verbs whose changes comply with normal rules, that is with add the letter-d or-ed to the verb first-form/verb-1 (infinitive) so that it becomes a verb form second/verb-2 (past tense). Several things must be considered in the way of forming regular verbs by adding the letter-ed suffix or-d in the basic verb/verb-1 (infinitive). Irregular verbs are verbs that change according to the tense and do not comply with normal compliance. The past tense Irregular verbs are not formed from basic verbs/verb-1 (infinitives) plus letters-d or-ed letters to form verb-2/past tense. Irregular verbs form their past tense differently (through) not always) through a vowel and consonant change. So that, these forms must be memorized by the learners/students.
This research focuses on the use of lexical verbs by foundation students at one of the tertiary education institutions in Nigeria. The aim of the study is to investigate the patterns of the use of lexical verbs by the subjects and to find out the factors for them committing these errors while using lexical verbs in their writings. The theoretical framework of this research was based on Jordens (1977); Kellerman (1979) and Touchie (1983) which posits that Interference from the mother tongue, simplification, generalization, hypercorrection, fault teaching, avoidance, inadequate xi learning, and false concepts hypothesized are among the factors causing errors in students writing. The research sample consists of forty students out of the total population of two hundred foundation program students in a public institution in Nigeria. Simple random sampling was used in selecting the sample size. The data were collected via a composition test and a semi-structured interview. The errors are presented based on frequencies of distribution and percentage scores. The major finding of this research shows that majority of the students find it difficult to use of lexical verbs due the first language interference and because of lack of adequate knowledge on how to use them in their writings. The result of this study found that the ordering errors had the highest number of occurrences, that is, 63.47% of the overall errors committed. Errors of omission were recorded to have been committed 20.31% of the overall errors. The number of misformation errors that were committed was 14.45% of the total errors, while error of addition were the least committed consisting of only 1.75% of overall errors. The result from the semi structured interview conducted in this study reveals that, learners’ insufficient knowledge of lexical verbs, lack of focus on lexical verbs in lessons and inadequate teaching hours by the lecturers, lack of students’ readiness on learning lexical verbs, confused thinking over lexical verbs, and above all, overgeneralization over use of lexical verbs i.e., the influence of the student’s mother tongue (L1) while using English as an L2 are the factors constituting students to commit these errors. In regards to these research findings, the researcher provides several suggestions. The researcher believes that the institution where the students are studying should employ adequate and competent English teachers who can teach the language well and provide them with materials that can help them teach the language. Teachers should also avoid the use of first language while teaching English in their classroom. Institutions should employ regular inspection on teachers’ instruction, promote change of students’ attitudes towards English language, motivate both teachers and students from education stake holders; make proper choice of the English text materials to be used, and last but not the least to provide adequate financial support from government and non-governmental organizations.
ETERNAL (English, Teaching, Learning, and Research Journal)
This study aims at investigating junior high school students’ errors in using English past tense in their English compositions. The subjects of this study were 8th-grade students in a junior high school in North Bali. This study employed descriptive qualitative research which describes the error that was produced by EFL learners. There were four steps in collecting the data namely, asking the students to watch a video, telling them to write recount text through guided writing, collecting the learners' writing, identifying the students' errors in writing past tense, and classifying the errors. The data were analysed using Corder's framework to classify students' errors. The study revealed that there were nine types of errors produces by EFL learners. The errors are applying Indonesian syntactic pattern, using Indonesian acronym, omitting the plural marker -s, adding plural marker -s in a singular form, deleting BE, using incorrect word choice, adding articles, overgen...
LINGUA: Journal of Language, Literature and Teaching, 2016
This study used qualitative design focusing on the errors made by the second year students of MAN 2 Samarinda. The variable of this study was errors on auxiliary verbs. The variable was measured by using an objective test on auxiliary verbs. The instrument of the study was a test on auxiliary verbs. The data were analyzed the kinds of typical errors which are classified into four, they are: omission, addition, misformation, misordering errors. The components of auxiliary verbs test were: to do (do, does, did), to have (have, has), and modal auxiliary (can, could, will, would, may, and must). The study discovered that kinds of typical errors on auxiliary verbs are classified into four kinds of typical errors: omission errors, addition errors (double marking and regularization), misformation errors and miscellaneous errors. The typical errors present on auxiliary verbs are classified into four kinds of typical errors: (1) to do, including: errors in adding “do”, “does” and “did”, mi...
Scope : Journal of English Language Teaching
Many scholars have conducted research on error analysis in English writing. However, scientific research on errors in using English verbs in terms of tense and aspect is still in its early stages. As a result, the purpose of this study was to identify the errors or mistakes in sentence translation from Indonesian to English that were related to tense and aspects. 25 English department students sat in the English syntax class and translated 12 Indonesian sentences into English. The findings reveal a total of 126 errors in sentence translation in terms of tense and aspect. The past perfect continuous tense, past perfect tense, present perfect continuous tense, future perfect continuous tense, future perfect tense, and future continuous tense are the most common errors. These findings indicate that the students were unfamiliar with the formulas and functions of these tenses, as well as aspect interpretation. As a result, English lecturers/teachers should prioritize English tenses and a...
This research study reports the importance of the usage of multiple auxiliaries in English language in the corpus approach of the students of bachelor level in district Kohat. It also explores the linguistic features which define its practical usages and focuses on how the language of English is shaped syntactically by the students of bachelor level using multiple auxiliaries in their group learning. Despite of its long history of usages and applications in English language and linguistics, auxiliaries have been proven to be highly important in the construction of syntactical structures. This research paper also suggests a beneficial assessment of L2 learners grounded in Chomsky’s theory of competence and performance to determine students’ learning through corpus approach /group learning. Data has been collected randomly from all the 10 selected sample colleges. Pre-test and post-test are used as data collection tool.
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Research on Humanities and Social Sciences , 2015, 2018
Kairos English Language Teaching Journal
English LAnguage Study and TEaching
PAROLE: Journal of Linguistics and Education
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Proceedings of INTED2015 Conference 2nd-4th March 2015, Madrid, Spain
International Journal of Language Studies, 2020
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Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Burdur Eğitim Fakültesi dergisi, 2018
Journal of English Education and Teaching, 2021