China's Greater Role in Afghanistan in Post-Withdrawal Environment

2021, Spotlight


China paid close attention to the changing political and security conditions of Afghanistan during the military exit of the United States from the war-torn country. Amid the fragile peace negotiation and with the collapse of Ashraf Ghani's regime, the country invited a lot of attention from the region as well as from the entire world. China also showed its concerns over the changed scenario and so vowed its pledge to respect and support the political settlement between the Taliban and other political stakeholders in Kabul. China showed utmost support to the peace process among the Afghan stakeholders and now also desires to work for the reconstruction and stability of Afghanistan long with other regional and global contenders. China does not have any historical baggage in Afghanistan and it has never sided with any of the factions or interfered in the internal political matters therein. Therefore, China can confidently partner with any of the future government(s) of Afghanistan. Moreover, Beijing's decentralised diplomatic approach is always acknowledged by stakeholders in Afghanistan. China's role in Afghanistan would also be compatible with the other neighbours of Afghanistan, especially Pakistan and the Central Asian Republics (CARs).