Satellite Shape Recovery from Light Curves with Noise


In this paper, the light curve inversion for the shape retrival is addressed. The focus of the paper is on a methodology that can be used with real observations that are affected significantly by noise. At the same time, only a limited amount of time can be made available per object to collect measurements. The investigation in this paper consists of a twofold; for one the conditions are investigated that allow for a successful inversion. Using observability analysis observation scenarios for the efficient light curve collection with sufficient data for an inversion are shown. Secondly, a solution to the inversion itself is shown. A fist case, showing the effect of insufficient observability in the inversion is shown. Subsequently, two light curves are used, one with full inversion and one with insufficient observability. Togther they are used to overcome the effect of the measurement noise distortions. It is shown that the approach outperforms a classical inversion.