Affect, Representation and Language


This book offers a clinical approach to non-neurotic phenomena and unrepresented mental states that emphasizes representation, not as a given but as 'a developmental achievement through which previously unbound or inchoate forces become bound and contained in the psyche." -Evelyne Sechaud, former president of the European Psychoanalytic Federation; former president, training and supervising analyst of the APF (French Psychoanalytic Association). "Psychoanalysts need to resort to as many luminaries in their field as they can, granted that no single author, no matter how great, can be credited with possessing the final truth. But then another problem arises: the multiple analytic idioms represent a challenge of their own. Levine brilliantly meets that challenge by displaying an exemplary capacity to navigate between many exponents of the British, French, North-and Latin-American analytic traditions and offering a personal synthesis rich with original ideas and clinical illustrations." -Dominique Scarfone, training and supervising analyst,