Computational linguistics and translation studies

2016, Benjamins Translation Library


Computational linguistics is a science combined with not only computer science and linguistics, but also mathematics, cognitive science ,and so on. With the application of computer technology into language process ,it emerged and developed gradually into an independent system. Study on linguistics influence on the development of computational linguistics and translation platform construction from the perspective of computational linguistics, promotes deep understanding ,the further research explore and effective practice on translation. There seems a certain plausible division of labor between linguistics analysis methods and language process in computational linguistics, which are combined to form a hybrid system. The approach to design the hybrid system is explored from the application of translation platform construction from the perspective of computational linguistics. The paper aims to provide some new perspectives to the translation and the teaching of foreign languages, firstly, analyzes the basic theory of the hybrid model translation platform based on computational linguistics, and then designs the translation platform in detail from the system design idea, overall structure design, and function module design three aspects.