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This study aims to observe the development of translation studies through three concepts of descriptive translation studies; product-based, process-based, and functionalbased translation studies. The readers are introduced to some famous translation scholars including their view of translation studies. At the further discussions, this study lets the readers to acknowledge the main issues on translation studies, focusing on the debate of equivalence versus variations in intertextual texts analysis. Some tendencies of variations, such as different grammar and sentence structure, diglossia leakage, and pragmatic consideration are also presented to present to what extent variations occur during investigation processes. Therefore, regarding those tendencies, this study is closed by the description of Matthiessen's proposals about points of consideration to construct a parameter to measure meaning variations. This study may help those who are interested to conduct translation researches and help them by giving options of which theories is beneficial to their analysis.
Disciplinary identity depends on how the disciplinary research object is conceived of. If translation studies is a discipline studying translation and translating, it is natural that it can define its identity at the intersection between translation and translating. This intersection is translation process. The need for an epistemological description of translation process arises form the need to make the process describable or to find a possibility of its optimum description. To do this translation studies needs an elementary model of translation process that would ensure the comparability of di¤er-ent translations and describability of translation culture. New interest in the evaluation of translation quality and in the linguistic nature of translation brings along the necessity to reconceptualize di¤erent trends in translation studies. Translation studies is on the verge of a new self-description, and the language and attitudes of this self-description should derive from a systemic understanding of the research object of translation studies.
The article briefly outlines the main schools and approaches that make up the current landscape of Translation Studies. The purpose of this paper is to offer an introduction to translation theory for those who are beginning their studies in this field or whose knowledge of Translation Studies is tangential. The article starts with a few preliminary matters, such as the question of what Translation Studies is and how the discipline has been mapped out. Then it moves on to examine the theoretical considerations that have been developed since the second half of the 20 th century, with special attention being paid to the most recent decades. In this section, which is devoted to theoretical considerations, I will review some of the fundamental issues from a) theories of equivalence and comparisons between languages; b) functionalist theories; c) discursive approaches; d) polysystem theory, descriptive studies and norms; e) cultural studies; f) philosophical theories; g) latest contributions to the field of Translation Studies; and h) interdisciplinary and integrating approaches.
The aim of this essay is to outline an operational protocol with which to carry out an analysis of the translated text. The starting point will be the selected texts (linked to the three fundamental procedures: linguistic transposition, cultural transposition and recuperation of the otherness). Then the differing levels of the discourse that the translated text foments (the critical point of view of the translator who is fluent in the original language; the point of view of the reader of the translated foreign language texts, who is not necessarily acquainted with the language of the original text. Finally the relationship that the translated text has with the original, taking into consideration textual and intertextual signifiers that the translation itself creates.
International Journal of English Linguistics, 2016
Epistemologies of translation are a complicated subject that is beyond the scope of this article. As such, only the critical points have been addressed in this paper. One key epistemological issue is the analysis of discourse in any science. In this article, four scenarios of translation studies have been discussed. An underlying concept in translation studies is the issue of fidelity in translation. In this paper, the trajectory of this concept is analyzed in brief. It is followed by a reflection on two fundamental concepts of source oriented (Sources) and target oriented translation approaches, as they occupy a particular position in the translation. The last section of the article investigates dichotomies in the field of translation studies, including the theory of the action, the untranslatability versus translatability, art versus science, and etc. In this paper, we try to study theoretical principles of translatology. So we consider four important speeches of Jean Rene Ladmiral: Prescriptive translatology, Descriptive translatology, Productive translatology, scientific translatology and then we consider faithfulness in translation. Ladmiral suggests two concepts for fidelity in translation: The source oriented (sources) and target oriented. These two concepts are the fundamental concepts in translatology. In the next step the translation science is investigated in various languages such as English, German and at last in French. Finally, we take a look at binary concepts: Theory vs. action, Translatability vs. untranslatability, Art vs. Science. This paper is in epistemology scope of translation and does not have pedagogical aspect, in other words, it is a function-oriented translation.
Hikma. Revista de traducción, 19 (1), pp. 209-237, 2020
This paper addresses the study of variation in translated texts from a theoretical-methodological perspective. The first section focuses on the determining factors affecting diasystematic variation in the variational space of languages, a concept emerging from the field of German variational linguistics, where I refer to the domains of communicative immediacy and communicative distance, two concepts essential for understanding the classification proposed in the following pages. The second section is devoted to the type that I have called contact-based variation, defining language variants attributable to the situation of contact in which all translations are produced. The third section briefly covers what I have termed gradational variation, i.e. the existence of forms that are intensified or attenuated with respect to others. The fourth section describes how the three types of variation interrelate in target texts and establishes a typology of phenomena aimed at explaining variants in translated texts, revolving around the concept of interference. Lastly, the viability of this proposal for analysing variants in the field of descriptive, historical, and applied linguistics is discussed
If we set out to describe a translation or an act of translating, the simple description might seem to require no grand theory. In fact, it could be considered too simple to be taken seriously by scholars. Some of the most significant concepts in European translation theory have nevertheless come from what we shall call a broad " descriptive paradigm, " and this chapter describes the ways that paradigm developed in the twentieth century. This background should help connect translation theory to some of the main anti-humanist currents of the day. It is also intended to correct some common misunderstandings, particularly with respect to the many ways the various schools and centers were interconnected. We place some emphasis on the Russian Formalists, even though they did not produce any major works on translation. This is because the key ideas of the Formalists can be traced through various paths throughout the century, reaching several points at which major translation theories did develop. The first connection is with the work done in Prague, Bratislava and, more loosely connected, Leipzig. The second link is with the " Tel Aviv school " (Even-Zohar, Toury and the development of Descriptive Translation Studies). And the third link is through Holland and Flanders. When literary scholars from those three areas met and discussed their projects at a series of conferences, Translation Studies started to take shape as an academic discipline. That is why the history is important—this particular paradigm does not come from the same roots as the others mentioned in this book. The second half of the chapter describes the main concepts used within descriptive studies: translation shifts, systems and polysystems, " assumed translations, " and a focus on the target side. In the next chapter we look more closely at some of the findings that have come from the general descriptive approach. Special thanks to Itamar Even-Zohar, Gideon Toury, Zuzana Jettmarová, Jana Králová and Christina Schäffner for their help and advice with this chapter. The main points covered in this chapter are:-Descriptive Translation Studies developed from a tradition in which objective scientific methods were applied to cultural products.-Those methods were often applied to translation by literary scholars working in smaller cultures.-Rather than prescribe what a good translation should be like, descriptive approaches try to say what translations are like or could be like.
Journal of Cultural and Religious Studies, 2021
This article is devoted to the study of one of the most important questions of philology-translation which throughout its centuries-long and rich history has been considered a sphere of philological activity of utmost significance providing an exceptional possibility for recoding and bringing philological and cultural traditions within the reach of people at large. Through the application of a variety of methods (linguo-stylistic, linguo-poetic, and comparative), the author attempts to study the process of translation, the clash of difficulties inevitably arising in that process, and offers solutions that will help recreate the vitality of the original and the uniqueness of linguistic thinking. Emphasis on the importance of the consideration of intra-and inter-linguistic correlations of language units in the original work of literature drives the author to the conclusion that the most reliable approach to literary translation is to be guided by the principle of "metaphoric displacement".
This paper proposes current insights on translation studies which essentially cover two subject matters. Firstly, it provides classifications toward the abundant definitions of translation as stated by translation scholars. Secondly, it gives broader view that translation act is not merely concerned with lingual or commonly bilingual expressions as assumed by many people in general or even translation scholars who still have outdated view. In providing classification toward the abundant definitions of translation, it was found that basically all of the definitions stated by translation scholars can be classified into three categories: as a process, a product and a phenomenon. Having explored further, it turns out that most translation scholars define translation as a process. The outdated or traditional paradigm in viewing translations is disputed by the concept of translatics. This concept gives a broader insight that translation is not merely involving two different languages in terms of bilingual translation in form of lingual expressions but also involving non-lingual expressions in terms of semiotic-based communication.
Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series – Themes in Translation Studies, 2021
In her review of the preceding volume, i.e. Volume 7, of this series of proceedings of the International Maastricht-Łódź Duo Colloquia on "Translation and Meaning", which have taken place every five years since 1990, Leona Van Vaerenbergh announced that the areas of translation and meaning would again be present in Volume 8, the proceedings of the Łódź session, but with a "focus on the theoretical aspects" (2008, p.282). While it is true that the largest section of Volume 8 is, indeed, Section II 'The theory of translation' (my italics) and that it contains the works of ten contributors, numerous other topics in this volume resemble those in number 7. In addition, Volume 8 also includes a section with the vaguer title 'Translation Studies' (Section III in 7) and appears to include additional theoretical articles. Moreover, many of the remaining sections run parallel to those in Volume 7: Section III 'Media translation and interpreting' (cf. 'Audiovisual Translation' in 7), Section V 'Translation strategies and translation training' (cf. 'The training of translators/interpreters' and 'Translation strategies' in 7), Section VI 'Lexicology and terminology' and Section VII 'Language corpora and translation' (cf. 'Terminology/terminography' and 'Corpora/lexicology/lexicography' in 7) and Section VIII 'Translating literature' (cf. 'The translation of literature' in 7). All this goes to show that there is not much difference between Volumes 7 and 8. This is also confirmed by a look at the sections that are new in Volume 8: Section I 'Translation and cognition', Section IV 'Contrastive studies between pairs of languages and translation' and Section IX 'Translation quality management'. However, together with the sections on lexicology and terminology (VI) and language corpora and translation (VII), these new sections are the shortest of the volume, with only one, two or three papers each. Such short sections surely follow from a type of decision questioned by Van Vaerenbergh (2008, p. 280) and again raises suspicions about the breadth and depth with which the subject is treated. The contents of the volume reveal a conglomeration of different author nationalities, although, as evident from the list of contributors, the majority are Polish. The myriad nationalities of contributors is further reflected in the examples presented in the texts. Unfortunately, as someone who does not know the Polish language, many of the examples are lost on me for lack of a back-translation into the language of the article itself. For
Most people, especially laymen, perceive translation as a concept that does not have any theory. The truth is that translation does have lots of theories but no general theory. Another myth has been that studies in translation have only resulted in a mixture of fragmentary theories. Truth is that there are a number of candidates who have come forwards as general theories of translation. Skopos forms one of these candidates. Skopos theory is a general functional theory that appears to be strategically placed on the translation studies map. The question, however, is how well the theory has stood the test of time? This essay seeks to provide a general retrospective evaluation of the theory, in light of Mona Baker’s (2005) statement, “Translators have to prove to themselves as to others that they are in control of what they do; that they do not just translate well because they have a “flair” for translation, but rather because, like other professionals, they have made a conscious effort to understand various aspects of their work.” Skopos theory is a unique theory from other translation theories since it is a characteristic of a deductive, syntactic theory which involves a limited number of explicit axioms. Skopos shares the same meaning with the word “Zweck”, which means purpose, or Funktion (Vermeer, 1986). However, in this case, “function”, is not defined in the same context but rather could come across as the “intended effect”.
International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature
Corpus-based translation studies is that branch of translation that focuses on the relationship between translation and ideology, within the broader framework of DTS. In corpus-based translation studies, the features of translated texts, as well as the use of language strategies and methods come under scrutiny. Translation is not done in a vacuum. It is an encapsulation of intercultural communication governed by all sorts of social factors and norms, including ideology. Thus, at the heart of corpusbased translation studies is the need to reveal the interconnectedness between translation and ideology by analyzing the choice of the source text, the reception of translated texts, the features of translated texts and the strategies and methods that are used by translators. Researchers on corpus-based translation studies therefore have to ask themselves the following questions before embarking on their work: The choice of the corpus which is the object of research The text-type (is it a literary peace, that is drama, poetry or prose; bible; children's literature; or a text on politics, economics, legal text or a text on gender issues). The reception of the translated work by the target language audience. The different methods, theories, strategies and approaches used in translating the text from the source to the target language. The above is a pointer to the fact that translation is not possible without an understanding of the text being translated. Popelkova (2017:415) for example, emphasizes on thorough understanding of the text prior to translation and points out that-it would be a mistake to believe that in professional translation, a simple substitution of terminology and a very basic level of grammar would suffice to create a quality target text.‖ It should be observed that understanding of both the source language text and the target language text can only be possible after an in-depth analysis of both. The very obvious
Journal of King Saud University - Languages and Translation, 2011
This paper has emerged out of the conviction that linguistic theory has more to offer to translation theory than is so far recognized and vice versa. As Gutknecht (2001) claims, the translation theorists have made little systematic use of the techniques and insights of contemporary linguistics. However, two points must be emphasized: (1) although translation has existed for many centuries, it was not until the second half of this century that 'Translation Studies' developed into a discipline in its own right, and (2) although translation has taken on concepts and methods of other disciplines, ''it is still conceived as a subdiscipline of applied linguistics'' (Schaffner, 2004, p. 2). On the other hand, the past fifteen years or so have seen the focus of translation studies shift away from linguistics and increasingly to forms of cultural studies. There has also been a shift towards studies that have incorporated models from functional linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis, locating the text within its sociocultural context. More recently, technological advances, which have transformed the working conditions of professional translators and researchers and have spawned new forms of translation, have also produced new areas of research, some linked to the effects of globalization and some to forms of intersemiotic translation. The present study, therefore, attempts to outline the scope of the discipline of translation studies (TS), to give some indication of the kind of work that has been done so far. More importantly, it is an attempt to demonstrate that (TS) is a vastly complex field with many far-reaching ramifications.
Linguistica Antverpiensia, 2008
On the Verge, 2019
An analysis of a translated literary text requires a critical approach which should be as objective as possible. Even though quantitative methods (such as corpus analysis) are accurate and provide the researchers with specific data, they do not account for richer pragmatic layer of the literary texts to a satisfactory extent. Qualitative methods which may also be used to discuss pragmatics of a text are, however, greatly based on the analysts’ judgement. In order to achieve acceptable level of objectiveness, the qualitative method of translation’s analysis must therefore be formalized to a certain extent. In my research I intended to create a framework which would make it possible to detach the analyst from the text. In order to achieve this goal, I eventually decided to deconstruct both the translated text and the source text into a set of pragmatic variables, which can be then subject to comparative analysis. In this paper I present my framework and introduce my first attempt to at least partially formalize the pragmatic approach to translation. I also present a number of case studies with the application of this framework.
Article, 2018
Philosophy is a skeptical research struggle on comprehension of human, nature, truth, reality; in a word, of life. Philosophers assign synthetic meanings to thoughts and bring new aspects in familiar concepts with radical questions. Aspects of synthetic propositions referred herein contradistinction to analytical ones-are always innovative. In fact, predicates gain meaning after interaction with the subject in synthetic propositions and without being identified in terms of the subject, as well as logically losing its harmony. Evaluation of scientific concepts in synthetic approach plays an important role with regard to concept-meaning-naming in translation studies. In this article, ''Translation Product'' (Translatum) will be put under the scope synthetically pursuant to inter-linguistic comparison and discussed with its immanent and transcendent dimensions after re-brainstorming in translation studies. In conclusion, connections between translation philosophy and translation studies will be uncovered through projection methods and ''Translatability'' will be questioned according to deconstruction as well as hermeneutic approaches.
Ta'lim innovatsiyasi va integratsiyasi, 2024
The article reflects and summarizes the subject of translation theory - translation practice, translation works, translation processes, translator's faoism, translation history and the language born on the basis of their study, the rules of law, instructions for translation. Translation theory scientifically-critically studies views, points of view, observations, colorful experiences associated with the extensive live practice of translation, outlines the rules and principles of translation, the boundaries, norms of ulaming.
Target, 2003
This Benjamins Translation Library 32nd volume is a selection of 25 papers presented at the 4th International Congress on Translation in Barcelona, 1998. The book is remarkable in several respects: thanks to the editors' meticulous efforts it brings well-written (and translated) articles arranged into four coherent sections; although the content is diverse, the focus of the book is on advances in empirical research in the late 1990s, accompanied by several theoretical articles and translators' reflections. With sixteen papers by Spanish contributors, this volume also includes a representative selection from state-of-the-art TS research in Spain -the European country with the highest number of T/I schools. The pace of advance in TS research is remarkable, and one cannot but agree with Gile's concluding assumption (p. 89) that Spain, so active in the late 90s, may now take the lead in TS research. Reports on three major Spanish projects related to T/I teaching and supported by the Spanish Ministry or universities are further evidence that the Spanish authorities have acknowledged the relationships between research and university training in our field (an achievement many countries still dream of) and that Spain has developed a strong human potential in TS research. An added value of the book is the representative nature of the articles on current TS research in Spain. Section I -"Investigating translation paradigms" -presents seven papers addressing diverse methodological aspects. While Eugene A. Nida, through his reflection and carefully chosen illustrative examples, brings the reader to the conclusion that the text on any level is culturally embedded and must be seen as such, Albrecht Neubert complements his personal reflections as a Leipzig teacher and scholar with a historiographic account of the development of the discipline and its institutionalization in Europe since the 1960s. The path from the linguistic to the interdisciplinary paradigm, as he concludes, has not
A translator‘s viewpoints about the accuracy, acceptability, and readibility of translation are assumed to affect the translation process and products. The purpose of this study was, therefore, (1) to prove the relationship among the three things, namely translator‘s viewpoints, translation processes, and translation quality and (2) to figure out if there was any mismatch. To confirm the translator‘s viewpoints, the researcher conducted an interview with the translator. Furthermore, to verify the effect of the translator‘s viewpoints on the process, the translator was assigned to translate a given text and to be interviewed as soon as the translator finished doing the assignment. Finally, the translation products especially their accuracy, acceptability, and readibility were analyzed in order to know their relationship with the two things previously mentioned. The result showed that translator‘s viewpoints really matched translation process and, in the following turn, matched the pr...
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