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2012, Religions
15 pages
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The Centrality of Religiosity Scale (CRS) is a measure of the centrality, importance or salience of religious meanings in personality that has been applied yet in more than 100 studies in sociology of religion, psychology of religion and religious studies in 25 countries with in total more than 100,000 participants. It measures the general intensities of five theoretical defined core dimensions of religiosity. The dimensions of public practice, private practice, religious experience, ideology and the intellectual dimensions can together be considered as representative for the total of religious live. From a psychological perspective, the five core-dimensions can be seen as channels or modes in which personal religious constructs are shaped and activated. The activation of religious constructs in personality can be regarded as a valid measure of the degree of religiosity of an individual. The CRS thus derives from the five dimensional measures a combined measure of the centrality of religiosity which is suitable also for interreligious studies. The paper presents the theoretical basis and rationale of its construction with different versions of the CRS in 20 languages with norm values for 21 countries. Furthermore, the paper presents versions of different extension and describes specific modifications that were developed for studies with Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims.
The centrality of religiosity scale (CRS) is a measure of the importance of religious constructs in personality. The Polish CRS has been applied in more than 40 published studies on the psychology of religion, with over 18,000 total participants. However, no comprehensive overview on the Polish CRS is available. This paper shows how using the CRS sheds light on different patterns in which religion integrates with other psychological variables. It consists of three parts: first, we introduce the Polish adaptation of the CRS; second, we present the review of the research using the Polish CRS; and finally, we provide research results that suggest a curvilinear mechanism for explaining the categories of the centrality of religiosity. Three measures were applied to the research: the CRS, emotions toward God scale, and content of prayer scale-revised. The results indicated that there is a curvilinear relationship between centrality of religiosity and emotions toward God, prayer types, and...
Religions, 2020
The presence of different religions and the freedom of people to navigate the religious space shows that religion in the Philippines is not a monolithic entity. This study validated three versions of the Centrality of Religiosity Scale (CRSi-7,-14, and-20) which propose an adequate assessment tool for the diversity of religious belief systems co-existing in Philippine society. The sample (N = 514) was drawn from the young population of the country in an online survey. Descriptive statistics and Cronbach's alpha values were calculated for the five subscales (ideology, intellect, experience, private and public practice) of the Centrality of Religiosity Scale. The factor structure of the interreligious Centrality of Religiosity Scale was tested using confirmatory factor analysis. The results show that CRSi-7 denotes internal consistency while CRSi-14 and CRSi-20 indicate good internal consistency. Models of CRSi-7,-14, and-20 show a good global fit. Despite two models of the CRSi-20 being identical in fit, the researchers defer to the CRSi-20 model with correlated factors since it is a simpler model. All versions of the CRSi demonstrate a valid and reliable measure for the centrality of religiosity in the Philippines and support the usefulness of the CRS for the study of religiosity.
Religions, 2021
The Centrality of Religiosity Scale (CRS) is an instrument that measures the centrality, importance, or salience of religious meanings in personality. Addressing the dearth of research on the salience of religion among Filipino Christian youths, the researchers explore in this paper the degree of religiosity of selected university students and the relevance of religious beliefs in their daily life by validating the Abrahamic forms of the Centrality of Religiosity Scale (CRS-5, CRS-10, and CRS-15). This paper specifically answers the following questions: (1) What CRS version is valid for Filipino Christian youths? (2) What is the position of the religious construct-system among selected Filipino Christian university students? and (3) How does the centrality of religiosity influences the selected Filipino Christian university students’ subjective experience and behavior? Means and standard deviations were calculated for the five subscales of the centrality of religiosity for CRS-5, CRS-10, and CRS-15. The distribution of the subscale scores was also computed using measures of skewness and kurtosis. Cronbach’s α values are provided for each of the subscales to establish internal consistency. Descriptive statistics were also computed with the use of the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software version 20. Bivariate correlations are reported for all CRS-15 items. This paper established that in a predominantly Christian country such as the Philippines, the CRS-15 is suitable in measuring the centrality of religiosity among Filipino Christian youths.
Social Science Research Network, 2015
Incorporating religiosity variables into macro-and micro-marketing studies can add to the insights produced. This research used data from a national survey of 725 adults, fielded in January 2015, to illustrate how religiosity measures differ. Responses to 34 survey questions were used to construct six factor-based religiosity measures. Six linear regressions tried to predict the religiosity factors with demographics, a social desirability bias measure, and a political preference indicator as independent variables. While some independent variables were significant, the six religiosity and spirituality factors (Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic-Social, Extrinsic-Personal, Tentativeness Quest, Complexity Quest, and Doubt Quest) contained considerable information that was not explained by the regressions. According to one estimate, more than two-thirds of people on our planet would say that religion is important in their daily lives . Religious individuals allocate time and money to their religion and gain satisfaction from the experience, while organizations spend significant funds "marketing" different religions to prospective members. Religion and a somewhat related concept, spirituality, can have an important influence on both attitudes and behaviors. However, measures of religiosity and spirituality have only been included in a few marketing studies. Studies that included measures of religiousness or spirituality have found links with a variety of consumer values and behaviors. Various religiosity measures have been associated with life satisfaction and happiness (
This study was based on an interdisciplinary paradigm for religious research, with the manifestation of inter-disciplinarity in terms of content (the specific field being the psychology of religion which traditionally coincide within two separate disciplines), as well as the methodology (embracing a true positivistic approach). Although 40 624 individuals from a large public service institution in South Africa participated in the study, only 32 413 datasets were usable for this study. Religiousness, comprising of two factors, namely Salience and Participation was measured. The instrument reported an acceptable internal consistency in terms of the Cronbach alpha coefficient and inter-item correlation. High reliability scores were reported on the eight Salience and three Participation items. Overall, religion was seen as an important aspect in the lives of all the participants. All the participants had a positive attitude towards religion and all agreed that religion played an important part in their family life, their wellness, their work performance and in their relationships with others. The overall participation in religious activities, including the involvement in Religious leadership roles, the frequency of Religious participation, as well as the extent of Religious expression, measured high. Religiousness (expressed as the aggregate score of the two factors) measured high, which is an indication that the participants generally believed in a higher power and had positive attitudes towards institutional/religion-specific practices. The participants also indicated that they valued religion as an important aspect of their lives. No meaningful inferences could be made in terms of the impact of race, gender, age and the specific religion on Religiousness.
MIMBAR : Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan
Religiosity in studies of sociology and psychology of religion is generally measured by using a scale constructed for a particular religious tradition. The Centrality of Religiosity Scale (CSR) developed by Huber & Huber (2012) is a religiosity measure scale that can be used by adherents of different religions. Research on religiosity in heterogeneous Indonesian society requires an instrument that can be used by various religious adherents. The purpose of this study is to translate and test the reliability and validity of CSR from English to Indonesian. The translated CRS is a 15-item version that is divided into 5 dimensions, namely ideology, knowledge, experience, public worship, and private worship. This study was conducted in 2 stages. It began with translating the English version of the CRS-15 measuring instrument into Indonesian which was carried out using the back forward translation method from Brislin (1980). The next stage was to test the psychometric appropriateness of CR...
This study was based on an interdisciplinary paradigm for religious research, with the manifestation of inter-disciplinarity in terms of content (the specific field being the psychology of religion which traditionally coincide within two separate disciplines), as well as the methodology (embracing a true positivistic approach). Although 40 624 individuals from a large public service institution in South Africa participated in the study, only 32 413 datasets were usable for this study. Religiousness, comprising of two factors, namely Salience and Participation was measured. The instrument reported an acceptable internal consistency in terms of the Cronbach alpha coefficient and inter-item correlation. High reliability scores were reported on the eight Salience and three Participation items. Overall, religion was seen as an important aspect in the lives of all the participants. All the participants had a positive attitude towards religion and all agreed that religion played an importa...
The aim of this study was to examine the measuring characteristics of constructed religiousness questionnaire for people of the Islamic faith, in other words to establish its structural validity and reliability. The research was conducted on a sample of 250 respondents (70 male students and 160 female students). Factor analysis singled out three latent factors or dimensions of religiousness around which default items are grouped. The first isolated factor explained 19% of the variance and grouped statements relating to the acceptance of the basic postulates of Islamic belief, with an emphasis on cognitive internalization of the beliefs and perceptions of Allah in accordance with Islamic postulates. The second isolated factor explained 13% of thevariance and grouped items elated to religious orthopraxy-the practice of prayer. The third factor explained 10% of the variance and grouped items related to interpersonal relationships with other people in accordance with Islamic postulates. Consequently, it was concluded that the mentioned questionnaire examines and measures three dimensions of the religiousness of the islamic faith examinee. The primary dimension of religiousness is the acceptance and internalization of the fundamental postulates of Islamic belief, focusing on internalized belief and perception of Allah. The performance of prayer represents the second dimension through which a close relationship with Allah (SWT) is achieved and reinforces the belief, while the third dimension is represented by an interpersonal relationship with other people in accordance with Islamic postulates. Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient of the questionnaire was α = 0.950, which indicates that this is a highly homogenized research instrument, whose items are in a high degree of correlation.
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Asian Social Science, 2016
Religions, 2021
Religions, 2019
Journal of Empirical Theology, 2020
International Journal of Sociology
Pertanika Journal of …, 2005
International Journal of Indian Psychology