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Myocardial imaging in SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed tomography) scan of the gamma-ray emitting radiopharmaceuticals to patients after intravenous radiopharmaceuticals evenly spread in the heart region of interest by recording changes in the disease caused by a computer using the PSA test is to diagnose. Containing information on the functional myocardial perfusion imaging is a useful way to examine non-invasive heart disease, but the argument by noise and low resolution of the physical landscape that is difficult to give. For this paper, the level of myocardial imaging by using the three algorithms to split the video into 3-D implementation of the partitioned area to help you read the proposed plan. To solve the difficulty of reading level, interest in using the sheet set, partitioned area of the left ventricle was ranked the partitioned area was modeled as a 3-D images.
Journal of Cardiac Surgery, 1986
Journal of the Korean Medical Association, 2013
V irtual reality (VR) is defined as an approach to user-computer interface that involves real-time simulation of an environment, scenario, or activity that allows for user interaction via multiple sensory channels. In recent years, virtual reality has grown immensely with rapid advancement of VR technologies in the field of stroke rehabilitation. In this paper, current VR applications to the field of rehabilitation are reviewed. In the field of stroke rehabilitation, many clinical trials related to VR-based assessment and treatment have been performed to assess and treat arm dysfunction, walking ability, visuospatial problems, cognitive dysfunction, etc. Among them, VR is beneficial in improving arm function when compared with conventional therapy with limited evidence. Whether VR improves walking, visuospatial problems, or cognitive function has not been well established yet. However, VR can simulate the real environment without the risks arising from errors, and can also give a sense of immersion in the simulated environment and a concomitant feeling of 'presence'. Moreover, VR provides the motivation of gaming factors. With these advantages, VR will be one of the major advanced technologies for assessment and managing post-stroke dysfunction in the future.
For precise interpretation of magnetotelluric (MT) data distorted by irregular surface terrain, topography effects are investigated by computing apparent resistivities, phases, tippers and induction vectors for a three-dimensional (3D) hill-and-valley model. To compute MT responses for the 3D surface topography model, we use a 3D MT modeling algorithm based on an edge finite-element method which is free from vector parasites. Distortions on the apparent resistivity and phase are mainly caused by distorted currents that flow along surface topography. The distribution of tipper amplitudes over both hill and valley are the same, while the tipper points toward the center of hill and the base of the valley. The real part of induction vector also points in the same direction as that of tipper, while the imaginary part in the opposite direction.
한국생산제조시스템학회지, 2013
Recently, the death rate owing to breast cancers has been increasing, and the occurrence age for breast cancers is lowering every year. Mammography is known to be a reliable detection method for breast cancers and works by detecting texture changes, calcifications, and other potential symptoms. In this research on breast cancer detection, candidate objects were detected by using image processing on mammograms, and feature analysis was used to classify candidate objects as benign tumors and malignant tumors. To find candidate objects, image pre-processing and binarization using multiple thresholds, and the grouping of micro-calcifications were used. More than 50 shape features and intensity features were used in the classification. The performance of the detection algorithm by using Euclidian distance method for benign tumors was 93%, and the classification error rate was approximately 2%.
Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences, 2020
These days, the coaxial rotor system is used for various purposes like UAVs, Mars exploration helicopters, and the next-generation high-speed rotorcraft. A number of research projects on aerodynamic performance of rotor systems, including the coaxial configuration have been made previously. On the contrary, research on rotor blade deformation has been mainly carried out regarding the single rotor system, where such effort has not been enough on the coaxial system. Nonetheless, in case of the coaxial system, blade deformation analysis is much more important because of the complex air flow around the rotors, and that the distance between the two rotors is a key factor affects aerodynamic performance of the entire system. For these reasons, an experimental study on rotor blade deformation of the coaxial system was conducted using the Stereo Pattern Recognition(SPR) technique, one of the state-of-the-art of photogrammetry method. In this research, a small-scale coaxial rotor test stand designed by Korea Aerospace Research Institute(KARI) was used. With the same test stand, performance of the coaxial configuration had been studied before the experimental study on blade deformation, in order to find the relation between performance and blade deformation of the rotor system. Results of the performance test and the deformation study are presented in this article.
Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, 2015
In recent years, ear has emerged as a new biometric trait, because it has advantage of higher user acceptance than fingerprint and can be captured at remote distance in an indoor or outdoor environment. This paper proposes an individual identification method using ear region based on SIFT(shift invariant feature transform). Unlike most of the previous studies using rectangle shape for extracting a region of interest(ROI), this study sets an ROI as a flexible expanded region including ear. It also presents an effective extraction and matching method for SIFT keypoints. Experiments for evaluating the performance of the proposed method were performed on IITD public database. It showed correct identification rate of 98.89%, and it showed 98.44% with a deformed dataset of 20% occlusion. These results show that the proposed method is effective in ear recognition and robust to occlusion.
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society
Oepa rtm en t of Radiology, College o(Medicine, Chonnarn National Un i vers ity CT has beco l1l e th e 11l 0sl usef 비, vasive diagnostic l1l ethod ðS th e initial eXð l1l inatio n in the diagnosis of ruptured intracranial aneurysrn with intracrania! hell1orrhage(subarachnoid , intracerebral and in traventricular hemorrhage), hydrocephalus and infarclion Furthermore, high resolulion CT ca n uernonstrale aneurysrn ilself But angiography is the lasl and conc lusi ve rnethod as yel , ior better eva luati on oí vascula r anatornic struc. ture of aneurysrn for surgery Auth ors anJlyzed 40 cas es of ruptured intracranral dneurys l11 confirl1l ed by CT, angiography and/or surge ry at Chonnarn Nationa l University Hospital from July. 83 ' lo Jul y, 85'
Journal of Sensor Science and Technology, 2009
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Journal of Broadcast Engineering, 2014
Journal of the Korean Glaucoma Society
Heart Rhythm, 2009
Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, 2013
Journal of the Korean Radiological Society, 1995
American Heart Journal, 1991
Journal of Korean Medicine, 2015
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea, 2012
Journal of Korea Spatial Information Society, 2014
Australasian Radiology, 1990
Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers, 2014
Korean Journal of Sport Biomechanics, 2012
Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B, 2015
The Journal of Korea Navigation Institute, 2015
The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers, 2011
Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea, 2013
Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers, 2015
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology, 2012
Journal of Korea Multimedia Society, 2012
Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information, 2012