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2011, Nipe Working Papers
1 file
" "F Fi is sc ca al l P Po ol li ic cy y i in n t th he e B BR RI IC Cs s" " F F.. J Ja aw wa ad di i S Su us sh ha an nt ta a K K.. M Ma al ll li ic ck k R Ri ic ca ar rd do o M M.. S So ou us sa a NIPE WP 19/ 2011
Staff Discussion Notes, 2019
DISCLAIMER: Staff Discussion Notes showcase policy-related analysis and research being developed by IMF staff members and are published to elicit comments and to encourage debate. The views expressed in Staff Discussion Notes are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the IMF, its Executive Board, or IMF management.
Nipe Working Papers, 2009
" "M Mo on ne et ta ar ry y P Po ol li ic cy y a an nd d E Ec co on no om mi ic c A Ac ct ti iv vi it ty y i in n t th he e B BR RI IC CS S" " S Su us sh ha an nt ta a K K.. M Ma al ll li ic ck k Ricardo M. Sousa NIPE WP 27/ 2009 " "M Mo on ne et ta ar ry y P Po ol li ic cy y a an nd d E Ec co on no om mi ic c A Ac ct ti iv vi it ty y i in n t th he e B BR RI IC CS S" " S Su us sh ha an nt ta a K K.. M Ma al ll li ic ck k R Ri ic ca ar rd do o M M.. S So ou us sa a
OECD Development Centre working papers, 2010
Cette série de documents de travail a pour but de diffuser rapidement auprès des spécialistes dans les domaines concernés les résultats des travaux de recherche du Centre de développement. Ces documents ne sont disponibles que dans leur langue originale, anglais ou français ; un résumé du document est rédigé dans l'autre langue. Tout commentaire relatif à ce document peut être adressé au Centre de développement de l'OCDE,
Conjuntura Austral, 2020
Nothing herein shall constitute or be considered to be a limitation upon or waiver of the privileges and immunities of The World Bank, all of which are specifically reserved.
Ambiente: Gestão e Desenvolvimento, 2019
Este artigo examina as razões da criação e dinâmica de interação entre os países membros do BRICS, e concentra-se na avaliação das atividades e perspectivas da organização pelos principais cientistas, economistas e cientistas políticos da Rússia. O artigo também explica a posição oficial da Rússia sobre as perspectivas de desenvolvimento do BRICS, mostrada através de documentos oficiais - o conceito de participação da Federação Russa na associação do BRICS - e as declarações do presidente Vladimir Putin nos últimos três anos, antecipando as cúpulas, durante as cúpulas e comentando seus resultados.
This current study was aimed at exploring the consequential effects of both short- and long-term interest rates on fiscal deficits in BRICS economies. The panel vector error correction model (PVECM) techniques were employed to capture both long-run and short-run dynamics between variables. Using annual panel data, spanning the period 1995 to 2019, which was derived from OECD and IMF, this current study discovered a positive and significant relationship between both short- and long-term interest rates in BRICS economies. Moreover, the results of the study revealed a negative and significant relationship between GDP and fiscal deficits. These results confirmed that fiscal deficits hypothetically crowd out private investment and consumption through increased effects on interest rates. Therefore, the implementation of policy mix (interaction between monetary policy and fiscal policy) was recommended to unnecessary or unproductive government expenditure that may result in increased fisca...
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A Developing Country Perspective, 2012
European Journal of Political Economy, 2008
Fiscal Policies for Development and Climate Action
Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 2017
IMF Staff Position Notes, 2009
… : Restarting Growth and Reform in Latin …, 2003
The Australian, 2016
World Bank Publications, 2020