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14 pages
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The perspective of the Christian faith in understanding the world of work is the same when it is involved in the work. In the business world, according to some opinions it is solely for profit. In the perspective of the Christian faith, business is a manifestation of one's faith responsibilities towards God and others. The perspective of the Christian faith in the business world must be understood as a service. Therefore, ethical business ethics in the perspective of Christian faith need to be understood and implemented based on the Word of God.
THRONOS: Jurnal Teologi Kristen
It is a challenge for Christians today in responding to economic developments that continue to grow and increasingly depress in human life. The author analyzes some literatures by looking at some relevancy that related to the topic. The author believe that the Bible provides a theological base for business practice. God himself is a person who is a model of work. When running a business, the main attention of all effort is to glorify God. In this case, Christians are not controlled by mammon but rather do business as part of God's mandate.
Manna Rafflesia
There are several business sectors that disturb the tranquility of Christian life, types of business: producers of prayer paper, producers of hio or incense to hold ritual worship of gods, the making of statues of gods of worship. If the businessman is a non-Christian then it will certainly not cause problems, but if the businessman is a Christian then bring him into a dilemmatic state. What is the attitude of Christians towards life for this business of prayer equipment. First, it is indicated the problem of how the character of Christian businessmen is viewed from Christian Ethics. Christian business ethics in highlighting all business activities of Christians, including the production of prayer equipment should also be reviewed from the basis of devotion. The basis of devotion from biblical excavation in the context of devotion to mammon or to God is the basis for important considerations for Christians in conducting these business activities. Second, it is indicated that the pro...
Journal Kerusso, 2021
Business ethics is part of special ethics (applied), which initially developed in the United States, where it highlights various moral aspects of human behavior that have professions in business and management. Studying business ethics can help people who are in the business world to be able to formulate and apply ethical principles in the economics and business world among each other. It is expected that ethical principles can help determining the right attitude in dealing with conflicts (both interests and conscience) that arise when doing business. Of course, the Bible will be a foundation (reference) in formulating ethical principles in business. Thus, this paper limits business ethics that only based on biblical truth, so that it does not open a space for business ethics based on the secular world. In addition, the writer will discuss the relationship between ethics and business, definition, various presuppositions in doing business, some examples of violations of business ethi...
Jurnal Teologi Kentekstual Indonesia, 2021
Indonesia is a nation that is gifted by God with a wealth of cultural diversity. The richness of the archipelago's cultural treasures has captivated and attracted the attention of foreign people. Their admiration for the culture of the archipelago brought an interest in studying the patterns and diversity of this equatorial earth culture. The culture that attracts the foreign world turns out to be inversely proportional to that in their own country, where the Indonesian people no longer respect and preserve it. This research was conducted using qualitative with descriptive approach methods to see how the ethical view of the archipelago culture is and how the responsibility of theological ethics is in maintaining the preservation of the archipelago culture. In its responsibility to preserve the culture of the archipelago, theological ethics plays a role in the inculturation and contextualization of the Gospel and Culture. The gospel must be able to illuminate culture, so that in contextualization, context (culture) must be illuminated by the text (Bible). The gospel is higher than culture, so the culture of the archipelago which is neutral and does not conflict with the Bible must be preserved.
Profit : Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syariah, 2019
Praktek bisnis yang hadir ditengah masyarakat pada umumnya paling tidak dapat digambarkan dengan dua cara pandang, pertama doing business like a business yaitu berbisnis untuk mendapatkan manfaat ekonomi. Kedua doing business not only like a business yaitu berbisnis bukan hanya untuk motif bisnis dengan mengedepankan nilai-nilai yang etis untuk mendapatkan benefit ekonomi. Cara pandang ini melahirkan perilaku yang bersentuhan dengan prinsip keadilan dan nilai kemanusiaan. Antara perilaku bisnis yang bermoral dan a moral.Konsep etika antara pandangan pemikir Barat dan pemikir Islam berjalan beriringan dengan nilai-nilai etisnya. Etika memiliki peranan penting dalam menjaga keseimbangan bisnis, terlepas apakah etika umum atau etika Islam. Menurut Al-Mathuridi (w.333/944) dan Dun Scotus (w.1308) tentang moralitas, bahwa manusia memiliki dua kecenderungan yang berlawanan yaitu kasih sayang untuk keadilan (affection for justice) dan kasih sayang untuk mendapatkan keuntungan (affection fo...
In 1997-1998 Indonesia experienced a monetary crisis and economic crisis, where one of the factors causing it is the existence of economic wideenization. The image arises because the business ethics of entrepreneurs in Indonesia is low. If analyzed more deeply, the phenomenon is called the term "seller's market", which means the market is dominated by the seller, where the powerful seller is doing a lot of monopoly activities by ignoring the business ethics that becomes an important spirit in business activities. To build a healthy culture in business then it is necessary to use Islamic business ethics that there is a principle about the Barometer of Person and Person Ketaqwaan is a means for worship to Allah SWT. But to start Islamic business ethics must do several things: (1) Intention Ikhlas Expect Ridha Allah SWT. (2) Professional (3) Honest & Trustful (4) Promoting Ethics of a Muslim (5) Not Breaking Sharia Principles (6) And the last is Ukhuwah Islamiyah.
Etika Bisnis Dalam Prespektif Al-Qur’an
Al-Qur'an is the revelation which is reduced for many purpuses. One of the purposes is to vanish both material poverty and spiritual, foolish, illness and living suffer. Business ethic in Al-Qur'an is normative discipline, in which the certain ethic standard that has been formulated and then applied that will be the guidance in running business. The norm or ethic are also stated in Al-Qur'an and the prophet's teaching, which discuss more deeply and broadly, also more comprehensively, that explains that Islam is emphasized more on the ethic, moral and attitude in every way of life, include also in it business ethic.
The aim of this study is to give the perception of business ethics in Islam and to reveal the western secular values and thoughts about ethics. We have presented a variety of repeatedly verses from the Holy Quran and the teachings of the prophet. Here Islam see also from the value-niali penerapaan Islam, trasedental, the afterlife, and as well as the blessing of Allah that he had hoped. While non-Muslim or secular here he simply apply the values of materialism, because he's ukuranya only when its needs are met Muslim kebahagiaanya.Terutama pinansial therein lies the struggle for a lot of advantages and they ignore the ethical standards of business, what Islam prohibits and what it allows them does not matter. Being Muslims we must follow the rules and regulations for business affairs expressed by Islamic law business will maintain the image and will be able to survive because of the business ethics of Islam he is also viewed in terms of axioms there are a few things such as monotheism, equilibrium, free will and accountability and in Islamic business here are very concerned in terms of halal and haram.
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Referensi : Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen dan Akuntansi, 2017
Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis Manajemen dan Akuntansi (JEBMA), 2022
P3M STAI Sufyan Tsauri Majenang, 2014
EIRENE Jurnal Ilmiah Teologi
CBJIS : Cross-Border Journal of Islamic Studies
Institut Filsafat dan Teknologi Kreatif Ledalero, 2022
Al-Hisbah Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah