Unexpected tunnelling volume losses in the Westmister area, London

2006, Geotechnique

During construction of the Jubilee Line Extension (JLE), London, large variations in tunnelling volume loss, from 1.1 to 3.3%, were measured between Waterloo, south of the Thames, and the area north of St.James'sPark(about2km).AdetailedinvestigationwasundertakeninJames'sParktwoyearsafterconstruction to establish reasons for the differences of 1.2 to 3.3% observed north and south of the park.Three primary causes are identified: tunnelling method and control; differences in clay cover from past erosion and; divisions within the London Clay with markedly different geotechnical characteristics - in particular the permeability. A key point is the necessity to control construction operations very closely when tunnelling through clays containing water-bearing silt and sand partings.This case study highlights the importance of understanding the engineering geology, even in London with decades of tunnelling experience and well characterised ground conditions. The message is equally a...