Programming of Agent-Based Systems



IJ ITA is official publisher of the scientific papers of the members of the ITHEA ® International Scientific Society IJ ITA welcomes scientific papers connected with any information theory or its application. IJ ITA rules for preparing the manuscripts are compulsory. The rules for the papers for IJ ITA as well as the subscription fees are given on The camera-ready copy of the paper should be received by Responsibility for papers published in IJ ITA belongs to authors. General Sponsor of IJ ITA is the Consortium FOI Bulgaria ( Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to explore the possibility of applying the language PRALU, proposed for description of parallel logical control algorithms and rooted in the Petri net formalism for design and modeling real-time multi-agent systems. It is demonstrated with a known example of English auction on how to specify an agent interaction protocol using considered means. A methodology of programming ...