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This paper introduces the wheel chair which is controlled by voice commands from the handicapped person. Voice commands are received by the android mobile and converted into the text and provided to the Microcontroller PIC 16F877 for controlling the movement of wheel chair. The input command from the android mobile is transferred to the Microcontroller with the help of Bluetooth module wirelessly. Two DC motors are used to control the movement of wheel chair. These motors are connected to the back wheels of wheel chair with the help of a gear mechanism. Battery is used to provide the power to the DC motors. Two double pole Relays are used, which connects the battery to the DC motors and the operation of relay is controlled by the microcontroller. Two IR sections, forward and backward are used to detect the obstacle in the path of wheel chair. The block diagram, hardware used and performance analysis of wheel chair is presented in this paper.
This paper presents the voice operated wheel chair for handicapped person which is controlled with the voice command from handicapped person. This chair is battery powered wheel chair with DC motors. Voice command input is taken from android mobile and converted into the text and this text is given to Microcontroller via Bluetooth module to control the operation of DC motors. Also an IR detection system is used to detect the obstacle in the path of wheel chair and to avoid the collision of wheel chair. This chair makes handicapped person independent for movement purpose.
international journal for research in applied science and engineering technology ijraset, 2020
The disabled people cannot move from one location to another location. They always need help for moving wheel chair. The voice controlled system provide more help independently. We describes in this paper about intelligent smart voice controlled wheel chair which operates on disabled voice commands. This system can be controlled by the simple voice commands given by the disabled people. This voice controlled system make them move independent. Joystick interface Powered wheelchairs are unable to be controlled by many people. All the physical disabled person can control the wheel chair easily. Who cannot control their movements especially with the help of hands. Some patients like cerebral palsy, quadriplegic, and multiple sclerosis are dependent on other people to move from one place to another place and due to this they don't have the freedom of mobility. This voice controlled wheelchair helps them to drive the wheelchair without anyone's help. Depending upon the direction specified in the commands, the Arduino nano will drive the motors. The speech recognition is recognized by Google voice service .The bluetooth is connected with Arduino nano which helps for the movement off wheels to which the DC motor is fixed. The wheelchair would operate by disabled people.
IJCSMC, 2017
The main objective of VOICE CONTROLLED WHEEL CHAIR SYSTEM project is recommended to control a wheel chair by using speech recognition module. The system is designed to control a wheel chair using the voice of person. The objective of this project is to fascilate the movement of people who are disable or handicapped and elderly people who are not able to move well. The goal of this system will allow certain people to live a life with less dependence on others for their movement as a daily need. Speech recognition technology is a key technology which will provide a new way of human interaction with machine or tools. Therefore the problems that they face can be solved by using speech recognition technology for the movement of wheel chair. This can be realized and optimized with use the smart phone device as an intermediary or interface. In this project interfaces has been designed therefore to develop a program for recognize speech also controls the movement of chair and an application which can handle or manage the graphical commands. This project uses arduino kit Microcontroller circuit and DC motors to create the movement of wheel chair and Ultrasonic Sensors to detect the hurdles in between wheelchair and the way of direction.
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering, 2016
In this paper, we present our work called wireless voice-based wheelchair controller system, which consists of an Android device and a control system that controls the movement of wheelchair using a DC motor. This project is aim to ease the burden for wheelchair user especially for elderly people to move around. The control system is build using the Yo-Yo (IOIO) platform that controls the DC motor, communicates with the Android phone application using RF receiver through a Bluetooth communication protocol and RF signal. The Android application is developed using Basic-4-Android (B4A) rapid development tool connected with one main control interface using voice command, D-pad and joystick to control the motor driver MD30C direction and speed through IOIO platform based on four conditions; forward, backward, right and left. The speed movement is controlled by Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal while the direction movement for Qibla’ is generated by the control interface and guided by ...
In the technologically developing world patients with some cognitive disabilities and impairment must be provided with smart wheelchair systems for their easy navigation and safety. This paper describes the wheelchair system with user friendly touch screen and joystick interface. Use of touch-screen enables less muscle movement and less muscular pressure than the self-propelled wheelchairs which are being used from ages. It enables a disabled person to move around independently using a touch screen application which is interfaced with motors through microcontroller. In order to change the direction, the touch screen sensor is modelled to direct the user to required destination using direction keys on the screen and that values are given to microcontroller. Depending on the direction selected on the touch screen, microcontroller controls the wheel chair directions. The joystick is to translate the movement of a plastic stick into an electronic information. Then it is processed through a controller. The speed controller works by varying the average voltage sent to the motor. This is done by switching the motors supply on and off very quickly using PWM technique. The methodology adopted is based on grouping a microcontroller with a touch screen.
Here is implemented a home navigation system, which comprises of a wheelchair which works on the inputs such as gesture commands via an android phone through Bluetooth and navigates according to command. It can be used by an elderly or physically challenged person to move inside the home without any difficulty. It is also equipped with obstacle avoidance technique, where the person may not be able to provide proper command at the right time. This project is to develop a wheel chair control which is useful to the physically disabled person with his hand gesture recognition using Acceleration technology. It is wheelchair which can be controlled by simple hand gestures. It employs a sensor which controls the wheelchair hand gestures made by the user and interprets the motion intended by user and moves accordingly. In Acceleration we have Acceleration sensor. When we change the direction, the sensor registers values are changed and that values are given to microcontroller. Depending on the direction of the Acceleration, microcontroller controls the wheel chair directions like LEFT, RIGHT, FRONT, and BACK.
— The technology and science has achieved many new heights but still the mankind is left physically disabled at some time in their lives. In the view of present scenario in India among the total population of the country around 27.1% are the sufferer from the disability of the movement. An important aspect of the paper is to integrate persons with disabilities in the society so that they can actively participate in society, be a part of a society and lead a normal life. Therefore in the present work an attempt has been made to provide better maneuverability with the help of a Voice Controlled Wheelchair. The main aim of the paper is to focus on the movement by a voice command. The simple words like Go, Back, Left, Right and Stop are used. The controller decodes the maneuvering commands by speech-recognition techniques and transmits these commands to the Wheelchair motors to affect the desired motion.
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 2018
Most of the physically disable individual satisfies their movement through motorized wheelchair. The scenario is unusual for the disables of developing countries because of their economic conditions. Moreover traditional powered wheelchair is not comfortable to all segments of the disable society because of their complexity. Several researchers have used sophisticated technologies to operate wheelchair such as voice controlled, head gesture controlled, remote controlled wheelchair for providing better flexibility. For being sophisticated technology Android is being used in mobile, TV or in smart watches.An app with mitigating required controlling facilities is implemented here that may provide a flexible movement of the certain disable community. This paper focuses on the system of PWM based Android Controlled Wheelchair.
Wheel chairs are the way of re-incarnating life in the lives of physically disabled people. The number of people, who wants to move around with the help of some artificial means, whether through illness or an accident, is continuously increasing. It becomes difficult for a normal person to drive the wheel chair in domestic environment and hence it becomes still more difficult for a person with hand and leg impairments. The main aim of this paper is assist paralyzed (quadriplegic and paraplegic) people and physically challenged people. The prototype developed consists of user dependent voice recognition system and accelerometer interfaced, which is being further extended for real time implementation. Intended users control the chair by wearing a glove fitted with accelerometer for controlling the movement and direction of the wheelchair. The wheel chair is also assisted with a Voice recognition kit, with the help of which the user can guide the wheelchair through voice commands. Ultrasonic sensors are used for real-time obstacle detection
In recent year's enlargement promises a broad scale in developing smart wheelchair for those people disabled belonging to poor community. The research of smart wheelchair begins to depict awareness from both scientific community and industry. This paper includes the smart wheelchair that can monitor the possibility circumstances like temperature, humidity, fire etc... Be in command of voice, eye and joystick. This smart wheelchair informs the doctor/ analyzer via text message or through voice message about the patient conditions. In present world the medical field is center of attention about to be concerned the patients and hence this proposed product will be made user friendly to reduce the load of caretaker and will boost up the confidence level of the disabled person by making him/her self-dependent. The system is divided into 3 main units: Voice recognition through Mobile Phone, Eye Gesture recognition through Microcontroller and Motor control through Joystick. The whole coordination is based on grouping a Mobile Phone with a Microcontroller and Sensors.
In this paper we are proposing a semi-autonomous system. Semi-autonomous category falls in between manual and autonomous, which gives flexibility to users to move as per their choice. To avoid the risk of collision a group of monitoring sensors can be used. Ultrasonic sensors are simple, light, and inexpensive alternative to other range sensors. So here 4 Ultrasonic sensors have been used for detecting obstacle in forward, reverse, right and left direction. Android phone is used for wheelchair navigation and home automation purpose due its multiple advantages.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Energy, 2014
This project describes the design of a voice controlled wheelchair and home appliances using embedded system. Proposed design supports voice activation system for severely disabled persons incorporating manual operation with switch. PIC Microcontroller (16F877A) and voice recognize processors (HM2007) were used to support the wheel chair and home automation. This is a unique system incorporating both wheel chair control through voice and the home automation which provides reliability, safety and comfort.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2021
Many disabled people usually rely on others in their standard of living especially in getting from one place to a different. To use wheelchair, they have someone to assist them in moving the wheelchair. Having a wheelchair system will help handicapped persons become independent. The system could be a wireless wheelchair system with a voice recognition system for triggering and controlling all its movements. The wheelchair responds to the voice command by user to perform any movement. It integrates a microcontroller, android phone, control interface board to maneuver the wheelchair. By using the system, users are able to operate the wheelchair by simply talking to wheelchair microphone. the essential movement functions includes forward and reverse direction, left and right turns and stop. It utilizes Renesas Microcontroller to manage the system operations. It communicates with the voice recognition processor to detect word spoken and so determines the corresponding output command to ...
Global Journal of Researches in Engineering, 2010
The aim of this study is to give the software consideration of a low cost battery-operated wheelchair and also to introduce the easy application of PIC programming and the specifications of a commonly used Microcontroller Microchip PIC16F877. In this paper, we have described a software application of a battery-operated wheel chair. The proposed system is meant to give simple and clear interface programming data to potential designers. The calculating values (the maximum direction values such as right-left and reverse motion) which are favorable for the user have been detected in the experiments. Herewith the user"s easier control of the vehicle has been maintained. It is noted that modern motion control software may be applied to reduce such problems as grounding, shielding, susceptibility, structuring related wheelchair.
Asian Journal of Information Technology, 2019
This project could be a improved style of mechanically controlled chair that is exactly supposed for the folks with frailness. This device assistances the operators to transfer from one place to the opposite empty the support of others. The puzzling troublesome encountered by the paralytic persons is their self-acting movement. They have associate external facilitate to attain their every day accomplishments. powered wheelchairs square measure aimed to assist paraplegics unsuitably, these cannot be utilized by persons with higher degree of deficiency, like quadriplegics, i.e., persons that, thanks to age or illness, cannot move any of the body elements, except of the pinnacle. The key objective of the project is to afford associate automatic system for disabled folks. The wheel chair can labor supported the pinnacle live of the user. the quality gestures square measure accustomed turn out motion management tips to the management in order that it will control the motion of the wheel chair in step with the user intention. Proposal and growth of head motion controlled chair has been earned exploitation measuring system sensors and AT89S52 microcontroller. The system is instigated just about and works well. The measuring system device senses the amendment in direction of head and consequently the signal is given to microcontroller. betting on the direction of the Acceleration, microcontroller controls the wheel chair directions like left, right, front and back with the help of DC motors. The wheel chair is additionally controlled by voice recognition of the users through Bluetooth signal exploitation portable. Be contingent the voice signal, the microcontroller controls the track of the wheel chair.
The project presents a multifunctional smart wheelchair for movement of disabled people along with patient monitoring using Arduino. The wheelchair can move in left, right, forward and backward directions. The movement is controlled by voice. Here voice is given to the mobile phone and it transmits the corresponding data to microcontroller using bluetooth module. Microcontroller controls the movement of wheelchair by controlling the DC motors interfaced with motor drivers. Patient monitoring is achieved by temperature sensor and data is given to microcontroller. Whenever the temperature rises above the threshold value, an alert message is sent to doctor's phone using GSM module. Along with this, obstacle detection is also implemented using Ultrasonic sensors.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, 2019
There are some people who cannot walk on their own because of some problems such as accidents, handicapped issues, age factors, etc. So there must be some mechanism that can be use to restrain these defects. The proposed Android Controlled Wheel Chair is used to remove these defects and let the people live their life on their own, and survive in the environment easily. The android application is created and installed in the Smartphone and the connection is done using Bluetooth. This wheelchair can move in two modes, first is touch mode and the second is voice mode. In the touch mode when user want to change the direction, then by using the touch screen of the Smartphone the user has to choose the direction specified within the four quadrants on the screen. The user can move upward, downward, right and left according to the specific commands given by the user by the Smartphone.
This project describes a wheelchair which can be controlled using the user's voice, android based phone or a computer. Our goal is to design the a robotic wheelchair system which is intended to provide a general purpose navigational assistance with the use of an android based phone, computer and voice control, which will allow its user to travel efficiently and with greater ease. The systems is made up of interactive servo motors, NXT intelligent brick, Lego sound sensor, USB cable, RJ 12 cable and are connected as: The interactive servo motor was connected to the NXT intelligent brick via the RJ 12 signal cable. The NXT intelligent brick was connected to the computer to program the robot via the USB cable. The Lego parts were also used for the structural construction of the robot. The NXT intelligent brick was then programmed to move forward, backward, left, right etc. using an android based program and a computer program that was connected wirelessly for the mobility of the robot. The Lego sound sensor was connected to the NXT intelligent brick. Tests conducted shows that for android base phones and computer, using the basic movements which include forward, backward, left and right, the commands are sent to the robot through Bluetooth from an android based phone or a computer.
We live in a world, where the technology is growing to the next level every day. But it is very strange to see paralyzed people depending on someone's help for their mobility. In this project, we have developed a smart wheelchair which helps the completely paralyzed patient to move on their own. This is achieved by the voice control method by using an android application connected to the accelerometer. Another method is a hand gesture control method. In this method, we use a flex sensor to control the motion of the wheelchair. Hand gesture control can be used only by partially paralyzed patients. The Android based voice control through the Bluetooth has been designed in the motor, the motor is controlled by the predesigned embedded c software.
This paper is to develop a wheelchair control which is useful to the physically disabled person with his hand movement or his hand gesture recognition using Acceleration technology. Various Projects have been undertaken previously to develop automatic wheelchair using various technology like button control, Retina controlled. But none have such combined features like Navigation, Dark Room Sensor, Automatic messaging, Obstacle detector. This project will make the user life more comfortable and more independent and is also cost effective and requires low maintenance. Tremendous leaps have been made in the field of wheelchair technology. However, even these significant advances haven't been able to help quadriplegics navigate wheelchair unassisted. It is wheelchair which can be controlled by simple hand gestures. It employs a sensor which controls the wheelchair hand gestures made by the user and interprets the motion intended by user and moves accordingly. Microcontroller controls the wheelchair directions like LEFT, RIGHT, FRONT, and BACK. The aim of this paper is to implement wheelchair direction control with hand gesture reorganization. The features included in this project are, We are using touch plate sensors to control wheelchair movement, Obstacle detection with the message on mobile via Bluetooth and deviation from the obstacle, Panic Switch with the alert message to the near ones, Illumination of the LEDs in the dark places, Navigation through Google maps.
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