Powerless women in Roman Republic, a historical survey


CHAPTER 5: Powerless women in Roman Republic, a historical survey Marriage in Rome is a normal part of human life, but its definition and has by and large been a subject of controversy in anitquity. Although the roles within marriage were familiar to most Romans authors, still we can trace personal preconceptions and interests. Marriage was seen by some authors as an instrument of forging alliances and of strengthening the position of noble families socially, politically and financially. Literary authors had shown that political marriages were in decline and chose to question how much affection was created in arranged marriages. I will try to reconstruct the institution of marriage, its legal scope, roles and customs through a range of texts which I have singled out as the most representative mainly from the Triumviral period to the Early Principate. Before discussing the attitudes to marriage in Lucan and in other authors, I shall try to give a brief overview of the role and position of women in Roman society, and then try to place them into the social context of the time. The study of marriage cannot be separated from the study of women as Romans held that not men but only women can enter a matrimonium, a relationship, which makes them wives and mothers. In effect men were organising matrimonium and women were being organised into a matrimonium.