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In his new book Andy Clark gives us reasons to defeat the common idea that the mind is confined to the brain. He proposes that the mind is in space, but in an extended space that includes the body and the environment. My cellphone, when cou- pled with me in the right way, is part of my mind. Those who think this is a sciencefiction novel idea should be prepared to face the cutting-edge research and the strong arguments that Clark presents in this book.
The aim of this paper is to reshape the mind-body problem in the light of the theory of the extended mind and its relationship to recent technological developments. Rereading the mind-body problem implies returning to Descartes, as it is well-known that the crucial theoretical point of the contemporary philosophy of mind is the refusal of Dualism. Despite the philosophers of mind, on one hand, Descartes wasn't that is usually called dualist, and, on the other hand, reductionism does not work the way recent researches have shown. Taking seriously the relationship between the human mind, body and the technological developments we are facing, we claim for an account of the mind-body problem which includes biological aspects and society, such as the place in which technology reveals itself.
World Futures, 2010
This essay critically reviews Andy Clark’s new book Supersizing the Mind: Embodiment, Action, and Cognitive Extension, in which he argues that there are circumstances in which the mind, properly considered, is found to supervene on not only the brain, but the body and the external environment as well. This review summarizes Clark’s major contributions to this viewpoint for the general reader, then raises a few critical points that help to contextualize Clark’s claims, aims, and methods, while highlighting the book’s strengths and weaknesses.
The American Journal of Psychology, 1998
Being there: putting brain, body, and world together again / Andy Clark. p. cm. "A Bradford book." Includes bibliographical references (p.) and index. ISBN 0-262-03240-6 1. Philosophy of mind. 2. Mind and body. 3. Cognitive science. 4. Artificial intelligence. I. Title. BD418.3.C53 1996 153-dc20 96-11817 CIP Cover illustration: Starcatcher (1956) by Remedios Varo. The author wishes to thank Walter Gruen for his generosity in granting permission.
This essay identifies two shifts in the conceptual evolution of the mindbody problem since it was molded into its modern form. The "mind-body problem 1.0" corresponds to Descartes' ontological question: what are minds and how are they related to bodies? The "mind-body problem 2.0" reflects the core issue underlying much discussion of brains and minds in the twentieth century: can mental states be reduced to neural states? While both issues are no longer central to scientific research, the philosophy of mind ain't quite done yet. In an attempt to recast a classic discussion in a more contemporary guise, I present a "mind-body problem 3.0." In a slogan, this can be expressed as the question: how should we pursue psychology in the age of neuroscience?
The Mind-Technology Problem, 2021
This is a preprint. Please do not cite this version. Forthcoming. Clowes, R., and Gaertner, K., Hipólito, I. (2021/in press). The Mind-Technology problem and the deep history of mind design. In Clowes, R., and Gaertner, K., Hipólito, I. (eds.) The Mind-Technology Problem-Investigating Minds, Selves and 21st Century Artifacts. Studies in Brain and Mind Springer International Publishing. This is a preprint. Please do not cite this version. Forthcoming. Clowes, R., and Gaertner, K., Hipólito, I. (2021/in press). The Mind-Technology problem and the deep history of mind design. In Clowes, R., and Gaertner, K., Hipólito, I. (eds.) The Mind-Technology Problem-Investigating Minds, Selves and 21st Century Artifacts. Studies in Brain and Mind Springer International Publishing. This is a preprint. Please do not cite this version. Forthcoming. Clowes, R., and Gaertner, K., Hipólito, I. (2021/in press). The Mind-Technology problem and the deep history of mind design. In Clowes, R., and Gaertner, K., Hipólito, I. (eds.) The Mind-Technology Problem-Investigating Minds, Selves and 21st Century Artifacts. Studies in Brain and Mind Springer International Publishing. This is a preprint. Please do not cite this version. Forthcoming. Clowes, R., and Gaertner, K., Hipólito, I. (2021/in press). The Mind-Technology problem and the deep history of mind design. In Clowes, R., and Gaertner, K., Hipólito, I. (eds.) The Mind-Technology Problem-Investigating Minds, Selves and 21st Century Artifacts. Studies in Brain and Mind Springer International Publishing. This is a preprint. Please do not cite this version. Forthcoming. Clowes, R., and Gaertner, K., Hipólito, I. (2021/in press). The Mind-Technology problem and the deep history of mind design. In Clowes, R., and Gaertner, K., Hipólito, I. (eds.) The Mind-Technology Problem-Investigating Minds, Selves and 21st Century Artifacts. Studies in Brain and Mind Springer International Publishing. This is a preprint. Please do not cite this version. Forthcoming. Clowes, R., and Gaertner, K., Hipólito, I. (2021/in press). The Mind-Technology problem and the deep history of mind design. In Clowes, R., and Gaertner, K., Hipólito, I. (eds.) The Mind-Technology Problem-Investigating Minds, Selves and 21st Century Artifacts. Studies in Brain and Mind Springer International Publishing. This is a preprint. Please do not cite this version. Forthcoming. Clowes, R., and Gaertner, K., Hipólito, I. (2021/in press). The Mind-Technology problem and the deep history of mind design. In Clowes, R., and Gaertner, K., Hipólito, I. (eds.) The Mind-Technology Problem-Investigating Minds, Selves and 21st Century Artifacts. Studies in Brain and Mind Springer International Publishing.
Symphony of Matter and Mind. Part Five., 2021
The brain is the source of sensations, emotions, desires, thoughts, memories, movement and behavior control. All these are aspects of the process we call the Mind. Despite a vast amount of data on the nervous system functioning down to the molecular level, no concept has yet uncovered the physical mechanism and the technology of this process. With this aim in sight, the author continues to develop the Teleological Transduction Theory. The book contains hypotheses about the physical nature of the Mind and provides examples of how physics manifests in the nervous system physiology. It also shows how the Mind’s algorithm produces a reality model with constant updating based on incoming data and performs the self-learning functions. The theory encompasses the physical processes that create the enormous capacity, speed and multi-level complexity of our memory. It solves the riddle of how the brain forms and reproduces a vast number of representations almost instantly. A significant part of the book is devoted to the teleology of all these technological solutions. Building a model of reality is not an end to itself. The final goal is to act based on this model. The nervous system specializes in controlling the body and organizing purposeful movement. But how does it perform the function? The book contains hypotheses about the technology and physical mechanism that create the observed speed and efficiency of motion control. Taking all these aspects together, the proposed theory claims to finally cover the explanatory gap about the physical nature of the Mind.
In this seminar, we explore the idea that mind and cognition are not (merely) inside the head but "distributed" across brain, body, and the wider world such as tools, artifacts, language, media, cultural practices, norms, group structures, and social institutions. The first part of our course is organized around Andy Clark's flagship presentation of the "extended mind" thesis, introducing contemporary debates over "distributed cognition" (DC) as part of a larger trend to regard mental phenomena as embodied, embedded, extended, enactive, and affective (4EA). The DC framework offers an opportunity to integrate sciences and humanities through illuminating accounts that combine biologically and culturally situated aspects of mind-and thus erode traditional separations between "inner vs. outer", "nature vs. nurture", and "active mind vs. inert matter". We engage this approach in the middle part of our course by working, selectively, though a 4-volume series on the history of distributed cognition ranging from antiquity to the 20 th c. ( In the final part, we use DC as a platform to drill more deeply into speculative questions about the role technology plays in the formation of the human condition, such as its increasing "cyborganization" and potential transition into a post/transhuman era. For example, is it an apt variation on the "homo faber" theme to say we make "things" as much as they make us? And will posterity consider the "mind-technology" problem as a historical successor to the early modern "mind-body" problem?
Philosophical Review, 2010
286 INDEX Tedrake, R., 8 Telepresence, 207. See also Control; Coupling Tetris, viii, 48, 70-75, 77-80, 85, 93,117, 137,153, 214, 221, 238, 279. See also Dovetailing Thelen, E., xxiv-xxv, 10,125,129,165, 233~235, 241, 247 Thompson, A., 211 Thompson, E., ...
Digital technology has made various forms of convergence possible that would not otherwise have been possible, such as the convergence of hardware devices, media, and various applications. The most interesting form of convergence, however, is that between digital devices, such as the iPhone, and their human users. If one considers a smartphone an externalization of one's own cognitive processes, there is a convergence between subject and instrument, between one's cognitive subjectivity and a device that assists or substitutes for one's cognitive activities. The convergence of human beings and digital technology requires reexamining the boundaries of humans, instruments, and environments in a fundamental way. As the boundaries between self and instrument become vague and unclear, a new approach to the self becomes necessary. Recently, there have been several attempts in philosophy and psychology to understand the human mind as extending into the external world. For example, Andy Clark and David Chalmers (1998) claim that when we perform cognitive activities with the help of external tools, the extra-cranial states or processes involved in those tools may be regarded as parts of our mind or our cognitive processes. The so-called "extended mind thesis" by Clark and Chalmers in their article "The Extended Mind" contends that our mind is not confined within an organism (inside our body) or our brain, but it can be extended outward over the boundary of our skin (pp. 7-19). In the foreword to Andy Clark's Supersizing the Mind, for example, Chalmers (2008) claims, "My iPhone is not my tool, or at least it is not wholly my tool. Parts of it have become parts of me" (p. x). This amounts to the claim that if external devices such as iPhones are coupled with our brains in an appropriate way, such devices themselves can be considered parts of our minds.
Current Biology, 2015
Journal of Cognition and Culture, 2014
Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 2010
In this paper, I would like to propose the idea of "extended mind" for a new paradigm of psychology. Kohler (Integrative Psychology & Behavioral Science 44:39-57, 2010) correctly pointed out the serious problems of the machine paradigm, and proposed the "organic" view as a new paradigm. But the term "organic" signifying the processes inside the body, is inadequate to express the characteristic of human mind. The recent philosophy of mind suggests that the mind is realized neither only in the brain nor only in the body, but in the whole system of brain-body-environment, namely, in the "extended mind". The characteristic of human mind resides in the interaction with the mediating tools, artifacts, and the humanized environment. We should propose an "extended mind approach" or an "ecological approach to humanized environment" as a new paradigm for a psychology.
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