2022, Violence & Abuse Studies Platform
Literature of the drivers of globalization mainly focused on trade and financial flows. International migration as a third driver received relatively little notice, and much of its attention has absorbed immigration. Research on migration areas has been pointed out three core areas: social, economic, and political consequences of migration; multi-coloured and complicated effects on migrants and their families; and social and cultural effects on sending migrants. Attention has not been given to the political impacts on migration, migrants places of source like village, town, country etc. The article has discussed those gaps. International migration data are comparatively limited, resulting in difficulties in providing accurate quantifies of migrant's community globally. The OECD is the first organization that tried to discover valid global movement data. World Bank and the United Nations are other international organizations that took initiatives to explore global migration data for continuous research and development for the smooth continuation of faculties of migration through data. Bilateral migration and remittances database created global matrices of bilateral migrants' stocks that foreign-born record clarity of migrants from decade ends census and population register evidence. The United Nations international migration database provides information on the stores of global migrants by country of birth, citizenship, sex, and age. Databases have been made on population registers, surveys, statistical sources from more than 200 countries and territories. Because of database priority, global migrants' stock increased from 92 million in 1960 to 215 million in 2010. An estimated 34 percent of migrants are from the south, while an estimated 35 percent have been born in the south, but they resided in the north. The paper aims to discuss various demographics of global migration and political consequences through documentary analysis of its methodological process for the application. The feature question is how does democratic structure shape by the return emigrant communities!