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92 pages
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The report analyzes regional disparities in central and eastern European accession countries following EU enlargement, emphasizing the unique historical burdens these regions face compared to existing EU members. It presents two methodologies: a quantitative convergence analysis and a qualitative anticipation of future regional differentiation, aiming to inform effective structural policy interventions through the EU's Structural Funds. Statistical limitations and the necessity for more granular analyses, particularly at the NUTS 3 level, are also discussed.
International Conference on Eurasian Economies 2011, 2011
Regional policy of the European Union (EU) is implemented in order to improve welfare and quality of life in specific regions of EU member countries, minimize interregional income differences and restructure less developed industrial areas. regions of the EU countries has urban and regional development differences in themselves. Regional policies have gained importance in the process of EU enlargement. Increases regional disparities has been observed to occur with the first expansion. Although the tools that the Community could use for regional inequality were initially limited, they began to increase over the years in the process of development of regional policy of the EU. In this respect, this study will focus primarily on the EU regional development policies, the structural funds in line with the measures taken to ensure economic and social cohesion in EU countries and European Investment Bank and the new tools such as community tool will be discussed.
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 2012
We examine the impact of the structural and cohesion funds on regional disparities within EU countries over the period 1995-2006. We find that the structural funds have reduced regional disparities over this period. Our empirical estimates also suggest that the effect of the structural funds on regional disparities is potentially reversed above some level of transfer intensity (approximately 1.6% of country GDP).
USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration, 2015
During the last century Europe, politicians have become increasingly aware that the establishment of lasting domestic and international economic relations based on trust and demonstrating solidarity with individuals and / or less developed nations, have become indispensable in order to achieve general welfare It is important to analyse the conditions for achieving economic growth and regional development, which have been discussed in terms of the experiences of Member States over time and their critical issues affecting the EU and making it vulnerable. The issue of the financial instruments used by the EU to improve regional development and alignment of Member States policies is also approached. The economic development of a region is usually expressed in terms of gross domestic product (GDP). This ratio is also frequently used as a basis for regions’ comparison. Another indicator is the one related to employment. Regional convergence in GDP per capita expressed in PPS can be analys...
Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 2008
This paper undertakes a critical assessment of the influence of the EU Cohesion policy on regionalisation and the role of regional institutions in Central and Eastern Europe. It addresses questions that are central to ongoing theoretical debates about the role of the region in the new member states. Have the powers and resources of the regions been strengthened by their involvement in EU support programmes? Are regions increasingly involved in integrated ‘bottom-up’ responses to regional development challenges? The paper offers a fresh perspective on these issues, with a cross-national analysis of practical experience in the postenlargement period and a detailed assessment of the technical, variable, and complex reality of working with EU Structural Funds. A distinctive approach of the analysis is to disaggregate the stages of Structural Funds programme management and delivery, thereby highlighting the varied nature of regional involvement in Structural Funds. Ultimately, the paper ...
The enlargement of the European Union by the entry of 10 new Member States in 2004 and another two in 2007 led to a significant rise of the economic regional disparities both in absolute and in relative terms. There are considerable and persistent regional contrasts between the old and the new Member States, although many of the regions with a low GDP per inhabitant in the new Member States are catching up fast due to a higher dynamics of economic development. There are some regions under EU-27 average growth rates of GDP per inhabitant, all them belonging to three NMS: Romania, Czech Republic and Bulgaria. Disparities in the levels of development in the enlarged European Union imply the need for assistance on the least developed regions and Member States, by means of an appropriate allocation of structural and cohesion funds. Increase in regional disparities following the EU enlargement SK04 Východné Slovensko 42,33092 3,81 Conv Sources: Eurostat regional yearbook 2007, Eurostat and DG Regional Policy estimates * Categories: Conv Convergence regions PO Phasing-out regions PI Phasing-in regions RCE
Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 2013
This paper analyses the disparities and convergences between 97 regions of the European Union in the period 2000 to 2008. The methodology is based on the Gini coeffi cient, Disparity Range Coeffi cient, Average Disparity Range Coeffi cient, and and -convergence. The study tests the hypothesis that the EU regions are converging economically. The subject is relevant as the welfare disparities among the EU regions and their possible convergence represents an economically and politically important issue for the EU. The EU is aiming at decreasing regional welfare disparities through the cohesion policy. The study analyses the convergence within the time span where there was substantial EU enlargement with a disparity eff ect on the whole EU. The study concludes that the level of disparities among the EU regions is relatively low. The convergence analysis provided mixed results, depending on the methodology used. The tested hypothesis was not confi rmed fully.
Rue Revista Universitaria Europea, 2007
Analysis of regional disparities in the Enlarged European Union.: Structural Funds and Cohesion Policy. Lessons from Spain and Poland
The International Journal of Latest Trends in Finance and Economic Sciences, 2016
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This thesis investigates an issue that has settled permanently on the political agenda at both national and European level, namely reconciling regional imbalances through an efficient use of structural funds. It aims at showing that centralization of power should not be considered the sole obstacle for the divergent outcomes observed CEU eTD Collection
Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies, 2011
The European Union regional policy is targeting to strength internal cohesion, seeking to improve the performance of the whole territory but with special emphasis on the less favored regions. In this paper we analyze the effectiveness of the Structural Funds in Objective 1 regions during the programming period, 2000-2006. Firstly, the EU expenditure is divided into seven categories, with the aim to identify which of them show a positive and real contribution to growth. Secondly, we test the existence of a national influence on the regional capability to take advantage from Structural Funds. Finally, we show how this country effect is related to the quality of governance of each country. JEL Code: R5
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Baltic Region, 2013
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Regional Studies, 2017
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Investigaciones Regionales, 2012
Investigaciones Regionales
B-Digital – Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Faculty of Human and Social Sciences Review, 2008.
Eastern Journal of European …, 2010