2022, Academia Letters


Even though the concern with Astronomy Education has increased in the last few years in Brazil, literature in this area shows that it is not so recent. It dates back to some time before the arrival of the settlers, when natives were already doing the job of preserving this knowledge by passing down its contents to other generations. In this paper, you will see briefelly some indigenous myths about Astronomy. By reviewing some of the representative moments related to Astronomy and its teaching in Brazilian history, one can provide a general overview of the activities performed in this area. Understanding the past will providing subsidies for the understanding of the current situation of Brazilian education on this theme, since the historical facts in Astronomy mix up with the ones of its teaching, in several punctual moments. From these ones, we identify the first Brazilian activities related to Astronomy and its teaching, which have influenced modern activities in universities, events, literature and professional and amateur institutions. Having this general view, we clarify the gradually decreasing presence of Astronomy in school curricula and teacher education programs in Brazil, thus showing some of the consequences of this fact and the problems which come from it (Langhi & Nardi, 2012). The natives which inhabited Brazil before settling already had a large amount of astronomical knowledge which was passed down to their descendents. Thus, astronomy and its teaching already existed in our land before the "white man" arrived. For example: indigenous group Apinajé has a ritual to celebrate the passage of the sun from one hemisphere to another (Neves & Arguello 1986; Queiroz et al. 2003) and rock inscriptions registering the passing of comets and meteors dating back 4,400 years ago (Barreto 2001).