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Jurnal Hukum dan Peradilan
24 pages
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The improvement of court’s quality has been done through various efforts, one of them is an accreditation program. Before the implementation of internal accreditation policies, the courts under the Supreme Court had used ISO standards to maintain the service quality. Along with the development of judiciary innovations especially the dream toward the great judiciary, the Supreme Court has developed special accreditation standards for each judicial environment. General Court (Badilum) has implemented the Quality Assurance Accreditation (APM) programme in 7 assessment areas. Afterward, the Religious Courts (Badilag) in addition to 7 APM areas as in Badilum also applied 9 other assessment standards. Furthermore, the Military and Administration Agency (Badilmiltun) has 7 different accreditation assessment areas with Badilum and Badilag. The problem that will be examined is how to determine the ideal criteria for assessing court accreditation. Given that the ideal accreditation standard i...
Asian Education and Development Studies, 2019
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explore the concept, criteria and definitions of quality of higher education from the perspectives of the leadership of three new independent accreditation agencies in Kyrgyzstan. Design/methodology/approach The author employed interpretative qualitative research design. The data for this study were collected through semi-structured interviews with the leadership of three independent accreditation agencies and through review and the qualitative analyses of new policies on accreditation of higher education institutions, new accreditation standards and criteria. A priori codes by using categories were defined in advance and emergent codes based on data driven were used for data analyses. Findings The research findings support the author’s argument that the new independent accreditation processes will not assure quality because first, the agencies are not independent of the Ministry of Education and Science; second, the current standards do not p...
New Perspectives on Using Accreditation to Improve Higher Education, 2022
Quality assurance in higher education has already a long tradition. Internal and external quality assurance procedures guarantee the quality of education and research nowadays. It doesn't matter if the higher education institutions are private or public, they have to demonstrate the diligent handling of the financial resources they have acquired. Slovenian quality assurance agency (SQAA) is an autonomous and independent body that operates according to the standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European higher education area. The Slovenian Court of Audit audited the quality assurance procedures SQAA in order to determine whether higher education study programs are of high quality and diverse. The audit discovered some inefficiencies of the evaluation and accreditation procedures and in this paper the response and correction activities of the SQAA are being studied. Based on findings some recommendations for transparent work of quality assurance agencies are presented.
The weakness of the role and existence of the Kindergarten 'Aisyiyah Bustanul RA as a basic institution of Islam that introduces and teaches the teachings of Islam for young children, due lack of fully professional management and generally have not been accredited. This will result in a weak child education and religious life, and reduced public confidence religious education and religious value internalization of very influential in self-learners. Overcoming this will require in-depth search of the problems, needs, and characteristics of each such institution as well as the solution that TK ABA Padang can be accredited well, achieving quality and good quality is legally recognized. Delivering solutions, especially in the charging instrument towards accreditation with Stakeholders who are competent in their field. Conducted through observation and transect walks/visits, in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and formulate the problem of institutions. How to create quality improvement through management training institutions charging instrument preparation TK ABA Padang to accreditation? In this case the necessary action; mapping problems and needs, determine priorities for action management training, identifying potential, setting the whole manager TK ABA became a trainee, set the program, the type of exercise that comes from the manager TK ABA. The goal, the manager of TK ABA is expected to be able to prepare and carry out accreditation.
European Researcher
Main objective of this work is to provide empirical evidence that implementing ISO 9001:2008 and standards for accreditation required by Agency for Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance (HEA) is good way to achieve success on the way to improve quality of higher education institution. In analytical part of this paper, mainly descriptive statistics will be used since issue is related to presenting results of measurements conducted by institution over years. List of HEI‟s (higher education institutions) indicators of quality will be analyzed over years in order to compare institution‟s performance over years after implementing of ISO 9001:2008 and standards for accreditation required by HEA. Data was collected through annual and semiannual reports of HEI conducted from 2009 to 2014. After comparative analysis of data over years, trend line is obvious in following all quality indicators which is great empirical evidence that implementation of ISO 9001:2008 and accredita...
Abstract The aim of this study was to develop criteria and indicators for administration quality assessment of Iran’s high schools (case study: Kohkiluye & Boyer Ahmad’s high schools). In this regard, the most important and fundamental criteria and indicators of school administration assessment were collected and then the data was investigated by accreditation experts. Afterwards, the final and approved framework by experts and specialists was implemented in Kohkiluye & Boyer Ahmad’s high schools to determine the administration quality of schools. This study is applicable and data collection method is descriptive due to the study nature and its fundamental aim that is to establish and accreditate of high schools quality assessment’s criteria and indicators. The study statistical community at accreditation phase included 300 line and staff experts of Kohkiluye & Boyer Ahmad’s education department and quality assessment specialists of universities, and in pilot implementation phase, the statistical community was all of Kohkiluye & Boyer Ahmad’s high school administrators. Both accreditation and implementation phases’ tools were researcher made questionnaire. Descriptive methods and one sample t test was used to data analysis. The findings show that all of criteria and indicators were assessed in high desirability level, and by t test calculation for each criteria and indicators with specified degree of freedom (sig = 0.000) value is less than the allowed error (0.05), so it is concluded that these factors, criteria and indicators were approved by specialist and in (high) schools assessment process, they are important and acceptable criteria and indicators. The results of pilot implementation of proposed framework indicated that the result of quality assessment of the schools’ administrators was evaluated (4.1860), so desirability level is "high". Key words: assessment, accreditation, quality, school administration, criteria, indicator
The Journal of International Education Science, 2023
The aim of this study is to examine the dissertations on accredita-tion in terms of content and method and to develop suggestions in line with the findings. The data of the research, which is a qualitative study based on document analysis, consists of 95 postgraduate education disser-tations written on the subject of accreditation in Turkey. The following questions were examined on the dissertations examined within the scope of the research: What is the distribution of the dissertations according to years and graduate levels?, What is the distribution of the titles of the faculty members who advise the dissertations?, Which data collection tools were used in the dissertations?, What is the distribution of dissertations accord-ing to departments?, What is the distribution of dissertations according to universities? The findings obtained as a result of the examinations are as follows: The theses on the subject of accreditation in Turkey were mostly made at the master's level and in 2019, the academicians with the title of professor were the consultants for the theses, the quantitative research method and scanning model were preferred more in the theses, the data were predominantly obtained from healthcare professionals. Questionnaire was preferred more as a data collection tool. The theses produced on the subject of accreditation were mostly published in the department of educa-tional sciences. Marmara University and Dokuz Eylul University stand out as the universities that deal with accreditation the most within the thesis. In line with the findings obtained, some suggestions have been made for re-searchers and practitioners.
This work is focused in the public policies in education in relation to accreditation and evaluation higher education institutions in Macedonia. Since their establishment as toll for quality assurance in higher education, Law on higher education 2000, until today these tools do not have their final shape and role. For the time being we have different practices about their normative aspect within education institutions and especially for their functional aspect in relation to scientific-research and education activities. Especially issues of external evaluation and self-assessment create complex debates in the university and scientific circles. The question is to what level these tools stimulate internal self-review in the study cycles, in curricula, syllabuses and especially the work of teachers and students? Part of the scientific opinion in the Macedonian universities opposed the Governmental changes on the Law about the function of the accreditation and evaluation, while part of ...
The purpose of this research to: 1) to find out data and information related to the commitment of higher education institutions in preparing their study programs to carry out international accreditation; 2) to find out the readiness of the study program in taking international accreditation; 3) to find out to what extent the preparation of the OBE curriculum has been developed by the study programs that will be prepared to carry out international accreditation.The research method used is descriptive method with data collection techniques using qualitative methods through an indept question approach. This research was conducted by using categorization analysis as a conclusion technique. Through this research, it has been found that the study programs at private universities in Medan have not prepared themselves well in order to face international accreditation. This can be seen from the implementation of OBE in SPMI that has not been implemented, so that the development of the OBE cu...
Teka Komisji Prawniczej PAN Oddział w Lublinie
This paper examines the position of the Polish Centre for Accreditation within the structure of Polish public administration. On the presumption that the PCA is a specialised administrative entity of a legal nature similar to one of an agency, which performs state tasks by accrediting notified bodies within the product conformity assessment scheme, the article assesses the influence of the Centre’s tasks and its position within the political system on the efficiency and quality of public functions it fulfils in the area of accreditation. The study demonstrates that the current structure and position of the Centre in the political system substantially facilitates the efficient implementation of state tasks in respect of accreditation. The research method employed herein in order to achieve the adopted research assumptions is the dogmatic and legal method.
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2020
This study aims to develop a strategy to speed improvements accreditation at the State University of Medan. This research is a development (Research and Development / R & D) with BMVIT policy development cycle. Data was collected using response sheets, questionnaires and questionnaires. The results obtained through this research are: 1) the target accreditation courses that will expire next year is ranked accreditation excellent, 2) the factors inhibiting the acceleration of accreditation in Study Program State University of Medan, among others: (a) a system that can be used to ease the study program to access the data; (B) The level of understanding of each course with the new accreditation system is still low; (C) The lack of assistance in preparing the study program accreditation instruments, while the supporting factors accelerating the increase in Study Program accreditation State University of Medan, among others: (a) Participation of the entire community of course is very goo...
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