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This study explores the significance of knowledge management in academic libraries, addressing why it is essential, the expected benefits, the processes of knowledge creation and management, and staffing implications for its implementation. It underscores the role of libraries as knowledge-centric organizations and advocates for their active engagement in knowledge management practices to enhance operational efficiency and competitive advantage in the knowledge-based economy.
abstract In the current climate of rapid change, whether political, economical, social, or technological, the importance of knowledge cannot be ignored. Knowledge is seen to play a crucial role in the development of the society. The development of society is based on the development of the individual person of that society. Once society is developed automatically, the nation will develop. In the present scenario, knowledge has become an essence. It represents power. Developed countries have already realized the importance of knowledge and accordingly collected and organized properly. The developing countries like India are now realizing its importance. It has been felt that without knowledge, society and the nation cannot be developed. In this backdrop someone has to come forward and act as a mediator between those who have knowledge and those who may use it. No doubt, knowledge cannot be well managed until some organization or a professional takes the clear responsibility of it. Library professionals are the right persons to shoulder this responsibility. Knowledge is action. It is a value-added behavior and activity. It provides the ability to respond to a novel situation. The person having knowledge can take right decision at right time in any critical situation. Such decisions will definitely get fruitful results. Therefore it should not be neglected. It must be focused and shared.
College & Research Libraries, 2001
The emerging field of knowledge management offers academic libraries the opportunity to improve effectiveness, both for themselves and their parent institutions. This article summarizes knowledge management theory. Current applications in academic libraries and higher education are described. Similarities and differences between knowledge management and academic library practices are discussed. Issues needing resolution are presented.
The purpose of this paper is to point out the possibility of a successful transformation of the traditional library organization within the home faculty into an organization that bases its business on knowledge management. The paper provides an overview of scientific and professional discussions on knowledge management from the beginnings in economic science to papers discussing knowledge management in library theory. In particular, the hermeneutics as method was used to analyze literature on knowledge management in academic libraries in theory and practice. Knowledge management in an academic library involves collecting knowledge, processing (coding), storing, sharing, applying acquired knowledge and creating new knowledge through interaction and synergy of library staff and faculty, users, library resources and environments. In this process, the role of the academic librarian changes from a simple intermediary between users and library resources to an active participant in the process of creating and sharing knowledge. The library becomes an intelligent organizational unit and organizes the existing knowledge, produces new knowledge and raises the level of information literacy of users. The library contributes to the creation of competitive advantage of the higher education institution of which it is part. It also contributes to the creation of a digital society. Future research should focus on the raising awareness of the role of knowledge managers in academic libraries and the usefulness of applying knowledge management in practice.
The paper focuses the implementation of knowledge management (KM) in libraries. It dwells on the concept of knowledge management from business, science and library perspectives. as well as the importance of implementing KM in libraries considering the benefits that would be derive by librarians and the parent organisation of the library. This include helping librarians to do their work and save time through better decision making and problem solving and developing professional code of ethics that librarians will adhere to among others. It also addresses the implementation stages of KM in libraries such as advocating and learning, developing strategy, design and launch of KM initiatives, expand and support of KM activities and institutionalize knowledge management. This will assist any library to actualize the knowledge management processes. Barriers for implementing KM in libraries are equally identified and recommendation made based on the review of literature in the article.
Journal of Information & Knowledge Management, 2013
In today's knowledge-based economies, appropriate Knowledge Management (KM) has proved a strategic management tool to survive and thrive in the ever-changing global market. Therefore, increasingly, all types of organisations including tertiary institutions are adopting KM. This paper focuses on university libraries and presents the partial findings of a study carried out to investigate and explore KM practices in Southern African Development Community (SADC) university libraries. A structured questionnaire was used to carry out the study. The study revealed the main reasons for practicing KM to improve library services: to improve library services and productivity, produce more with less, avoid duplication of efforts and leverage existing knowledge. The major challenges were identified as constant budget decline, lack of incentives, inadequate staff training and expertise, a lack KM strategy, insufficient information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure and a lack o...
This paper examines the contributions of librarians in knowledge management, and the implications for academic librarians. A review of relevant literature on contemporary issues in libraries and knowledge management was undertaken, and the current developments in knowledge management and the future for libraries, librarians, and information science professionals were discovered. There is evidence that knowledge management cuts across all spheres of human and organizational activities including libraries and archives. With knowledge management, academic librarians contribute to the improvement of employees' capacity in knowledge creation; it promotes and strengthens relationships and inter-networking between libraries, librarians, and users. KM creates enablement to mine and extract the wealth of knowledge in library employees. Information technologies, information explosion, multiple formats of information, changing users' needs and tools have assigned newer roles and responsibilities to academic librarians. It has transformed them from custodians of recorded human intellect to knowledge navigators; they have migrated from librarians to cyberians, knowledge engineers, knowledge gatekeepers, networkers and knowledge brokers. These skills and competencies have to be gripped and imbibed by all knowledge workers or they will become irrelevant in this 21 st century.
Continental J. Education Research, 2021
This study investigated knowledge management practices in Auchi polytechnic library in the 21 st century. The study employed a descriptive survey method and questionnaire was the instrument used for data collection. The total population for this study is forty-four (44) respondents. The entire population was used for the study using purposive sampling technique. The data obtained from the copies of the questionnaire retrieved from the respondents were analyzed using simple statistic of frequency counts, percentage and mean. It was found from the study that attending training programmes, conferences, seminars, improving library services, to contribute to knowledge creation of the library, to identify and protect strategic knowledge present in the library, loss of key personnel and their knowledge and to increase knowledge sharing are factors that could influence knowledge management practices in Auchi polytechnic library. The study also revealed that Lack of incentives or rewards for innovation and sharing of knowledge by library staff, Inadequate train and retraining programmes for library staff, Lack of knowledge sharing culture in the library, Lack of adequate resources in the library and Lack of top management Commitment to knowledge management practice in library are the challenges facing knowledge management practices by library staff. The study therefore recommended that, The polytechnic library management need to brace up to ensure that library staff are equip with the necessary knowledge management skills and competence through programmes like seminars, conferences, workshops etc. to remain relevant with the rapid changes of the 21st century, which is knowledge driven.
South African Journal of Libraries and Information Science, 2011
Some academic libraries have significantly developed and are applying some knowledge management (KM) principles and practices in the provision of library services. KM has been implemented in commercial and business environments towards achieving operational advantages. Its principles and tools can help libraries to improve performance and fulfil their mandate. By using a case study approach, the objective of this research was to find out how knowledge is identified, captured, shared and retained in order to enhance performance and improve the quality of service in the Metropolitan College of New York (MCNY) library. A web-based questionnaire, some institutional documents, observation and face-toface interviews were used to collect data. Data was analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The findings indicate that the MCNY library practices are not deliberately informed by KM principles, but are amenable to KM principles. It is recommended that KM, with its potential to turn individual knowledge into organisational knowledge, should be used in positioning the MCNY library in a changing information environment.
This developmental paper provides an overview of the factors influencing knowledge management (KM) practices in academic libraries as currently understood and presented in the literature. Important here is the discussion pertaining to organizational culture, KM strategy development and the role of information communication technology in KM within academic libraries as critical factors. The paper also presents an overview of KM by clarifying the necessary terminology from relevant studies in the literature that have focused on KM. Factors which are regarded in the literature as contributing to the failure of successful implementation of KM practices are also discussed.
The history of KM is evolving. However, it has a long root in library practice in the sense of managing knowledge. The initial appeal of the emerging field was in business. Recently, Knowledge Management (KM) has often been claimed to be an essential ingredient in building competitive within libraries. Yet, KM adoption is relatively slow in evolving especially in the context of Malaysian university libraries. Whereby library management need to have initiatives to take steps and move forward for encouraging their staffs in acknowledging KM. This paper presents a conceptual model/framework that will be developed in the perspective of the Knowledge Management Practice (KMP) at the university libraries environment. This Knowledge Management Practice (KMP) model/framework relies on knowledge processes that exist in a Library and Information Sciences (LIS) environment. The conceptual model/framework emphasizes on the knowledge gaps found, namely as Knowledge Record (KRe) and Knowledge Preserving (KPr) in the current KM Practice framework. Nevertheless, it is hoped that these novel two processes of knowledge gaps could provide a direction for future research and contribute to enrich the literature in KM areas.
The data Management (KM) has become a crucial guideline for the data and data Society, also as for libraries. In our standard of living, we have a tendency to modify vast quantity of information and knowledge. Data {and information and data and data} isn't knowledge till we all know a way to mine the worth out of it. This is the reason we need knowledge management. The rising field of information management offers educational libraries the chance to boost effectiveness, each for themselves and their parent establishments. The aim of information management in libraries is to take care of relationship in between library and therefore the user. The modern academic libraries are now focusing to deliver the information in the digital form through web, Online Public Access Catalogue via internet. Academic departments, or maybe school and students, may purchase or build their own portals to meet their academic and/or research needs. To prove their connection and price, educational libraries should attempt to produce the correct quantity of data to the correct patronage at the correct time with a right expense of financial and human resources. With a stagnant or dwindling library budget, educational libraries need to increase their operational potency so as to fulfill the challenge. One management tool which will facilitate during this regard is data Management Knowledge management may be a viable means that within which educational libraries may improve their services within the gift knowledge era.
IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2014
The development of knowledge management in recent years has become a great concern for librarians and libraries. This paper willreview the development of knowledge management.It will also examine the role of librarians/libraries in knowledge management and recommends that librarians/libraries in the digital age should be in change of knowledge management in their respective organizations in order to leverage the intellectual assets and to facilitate knowledge creation.
Proceedings of 24th IASLIC 2003, Survey of India Dehra Dun, Dec 15-18, 2003.
Knowledge is the most important asset of an organization. The better management of knowledge within an organization will lead to competitive advantage. Knowledge management is the constructive management of vital knowledge. KM aims to change the thoughts – ‘Knowledge is Power to Knowledge Sharing is Power’. Knowledge innovation through innovation in the theoretical, technical and organization management forms the core of KM. A successful KM program includes the generation, sharing, and utilization of Knowledge. Hence, libraries and librarians have a key role to play in KM. Librarians today should graduate from knowledge mediators to knowledge managers. They have to initiate new methods, and strategies of knowledge management to justify their role as knowledge managers.
Today libraries are giving much attention on quality services to focus on user satisfaction but quality services can be delivered if libraries improve its management efficiency. Library is a place where enormous of information is acquired, stored, classified and disseminated to its users at the maximum to satisfy their needs. The users are the essential key to library and they are the best judge to evaluate the library and library services. Therefore, to evaluate "users satisfaction" and to development the "quality" of the library, it is mandatory to bring a new innovation in library. With the profusion of ocean of information through WWW, the term information management was altered to new and recent expression known as Knowledge management and it has become a new research area in comparison to other research areas like data processing, information management, and network management etc.
The library will play a very crucial role in the extension and modification of knowledge. The development of knowledge management in recent years has become the key concern for librarian and libraries. Knowledge Management requires more effective methods of information handling, speedy transfer of information. This paper is intended to be an overview to assist knowledge management in terms of its relevance for library and Information science professionals. It also examines the role of librarian/libraries in knowledge Management.
Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice, 2015
Knowledge Management (KM) has become a fundamental process for all types of institutions in society. Academic libraries are also an integral part of the knowledge system, these institutions being one of the forms that contribute to knowledge development. This study aims to find out the challenges and opportunities associated with KM practices in Dhaka University Library (DUL). The specific objectives were to ascertain the understanding of KM concepts among library professionals of DUL, to explore an overview of KM and its role, and to identify the rationale behind not practicing KM properly at DUL. Appropriate methods were employed. The findings indicate that limited expertise and lack of clear guidelines are the major challenges for the implementation of KM in DUL.
Purpose – This paper aims to discuss the applications of knowledge management (KM) for library practice. Design/methodology/approach – The paper starts by reviewing the relevant literature and then the results of an empirical study which investigated the perceptions of LIS community on the relevance of KM to libraries. The involvement of libraries in KM programs is also presented. Findings – The results show that the LIS community exhibits a positive attitude towards introducing KM to libraries, and not only because this could bring libraries closer to their parent organization, but also because it might help them to survive in an increasingly challenging environment. Practical implications – Although there are some indicators of involvement of libraries in KM in published case studies (through activities such as development of intranets and institutional repositories of content management and embedding information literacy instruction in the curriculum and employing web 2.0 technologies for knowledge sharing), libraries are still in the early stage of understanding the potential implications of KM. Originality/value – The paper focuses on KM in the library community.
The management of information has long been regarded as the domain of librarians and libraries. Librarians and information professionals are trained to be experts in information searching, selecting, acquiring, organizing, preserving, repackaging, disseminating, and serving. However, professionals in information technology and systems have also regarded information management as their domain because of the recent advances in information technology and systems which drive and underpin information management. One of the clearest evidences of this is that the positions of "Chief Information Officer" (CIO) in many organizations are generally held by information technologists instead of librarians. In fact, most of the work of CIO's has to do with developing and managing the IT infrastructure and systems, not the managing of information per se. With the growing interest in knowledge management, many questions have been raised in the minds of librarians regarding: the difference between information and knowledge; between information management and knowledge management; who should be in charge of information and knowledge management; would librarians and information professionals with appropriate education and training in library and information science be most suitable for the position of "Chief Knowledge Officer" (CKO) in their organizations; and what libraries can do in implementing knowledge management. Present paper is an attempt to study the different dimension of knowledge management and its application in library sciences
Adoption of Information and Communication Technology in library domain not only exemplified the services but also opened up scintillating avenues for document management which, however, with the proliferation of information on web resulted to the propagation of the term information management and subsequently to knowledge management. Explicit, Embedded and Tacit, the three panoptic group of knowledge have predominant impact in libraries. Arriving to the massive missions like, accumulation, systematic organisations, preservations and effective disseminations of knowledge, the libraries require adequate professional competencies along with infrastructures. Preservation of knowledge and its management from valuable records of culture connect to succeeding generations and the Libraries through out the ages have proved to be essential intermediary in establishing communication among past, present, and future. Further, it adopts multiple knowledge management tools to ensure preservation of knowledge both in print or electronic. The paper discusses various dimensions and activities involved in information management and knowledge management including its creation, impetus on library services and technological issues including various knowledge management tools for effective organization of knowledge and its dissemination including enhancement of skills.
This article gives an overview of the field of knowledge management and suggests how this can be applied to academic libraries. A literature review has been conducted and has been subject to a critical analysis of comparison to IFLA's standard for " Continuing Professional Development: Principles and Best Practices " (IFLA, 2015). Here IFLA has identified 10 points of best practice. These 10 points will be measured against the literature in the field of knowledge management to ascertain if academic libraries would benefit from a stronger relation to knowledge management.
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