What is freedom ?



The notion of freedom occupies a paradoxical position in economics. From the popular press and medias, one could get the impression that freedom is at the very heart of the discipline. Economists seem indeed literally obsessed with free market, free enterprise, free trade, free exchange, free entry, free choice, and so on. This impression would also be nourished by the writing of a few well-known liberal economists such as Buchanan (14), (15), Hayek (35) or Friedman (25), (24) who have put freedom at the center of their eloquent pleas for limiting the scope of government interventions. The impression is, however, quite di¤erent when obtained from the austere scholarly articles and books, devoted to the normative branch of economics, that formulate precise criteria for appraising the "ethical goodness" of alternative states of a¤airs. For, until recently, none of the criteria examined in normative economics be they called "e¢ ciency", "consumer’s surplus&quot...