Al-Kindi's Philosophy and Mutazilite Theology


The question over whether the Muslims of the early period developed their theology and its processes internally or by adopting, not only linguistic formulae but rational enquiry as a practice, from their intellectually agile neighbours has stimulated scholarly debate for many years. 1 The question has become inextricably linked with the Mu'tazilite school which promulgated the necessity not only of strict monotheism but also of the exercise of human rationality as a pathway to salvation. It also, by establishing the Qur'an as a 'this-worldly' creation, gave credence to notions of scriptural analysis and a critical method in interpretation and theology that was, and has since become, at odds with conservative Islam. In his paper on Mu'tazilite Ethics Hourani 2 called for a new approach into the discussion of 'origins' which deals with one specific aspect of theological enquiry at a time and, to that end, this paper will introduce Mu'tazilite notions of the soul through the lens of the philosophy of al-Kindi. I am, here, placing al-Kindi squarely within the Mu'tazilite school as not only did he function during period of its greatest institutional success, through Caliphal sponsorship, but his content reflects the broad discussions of the Mu'tazilite thinkers. In addition his attempts to rationalise doctrine by using falsafa represent a fully articulated notion of Mu'tazilite kalam as a logical process of scriptural and spiritual logical examination.


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