
This study investigated the relationship between two dimensions of vocabulary knowledge, namely vocabulary size and automaticity with a newly developed test that measures vocabulary size and Iexical access time in a single administration. The test was administered to two proficiency-based groups ofJapanese learners ef English majoring in fbreign languages (AJ = 88). 'IIhe results ofthe test showed that the overall means ofboth vocabulary size and lexical access time strongly correlated with frequency levels of the words used in the test. However, no correlation was found between vocabulary size and lexical access time when participants' individual data were analyzed. Furtherrnore, there was a tendency fbr panicipants with higher proficiency in English to score higher in terms ofvocabulary size, whereas such a tendency vvas not observed for lexical access time data, which was contradictory to the findings ofearlier studies, The possible reasons for the inconsistency are discussed in the target words,

Key takeaways

  • How is lexical automaticity important in reading?
  • For the purpose ofthe study stated above, a new test called Lexical Access and Size Test (LAST) was developed to measure learners' vocabulary sirc and lexical automaticity in a single test.
  • This procedure was repeated fbr all the eight frequency bands, and the numbers were added together to yield an overall estimated vocabulary size, Overall mean lexical access time for each participant was calculated by adding the lexical access time fbr words of which a participant correctly chose the meaning and dividing it by the number ofcorrectly answered words in the semantic task.
  • To answer the research question 1, which asked the degree of correlation, overall vocabulary size and lexical access time for each frequency band were calculated.
  • The results seem contradictory to the high correlation discovered among frequency level, vocabulary size, and lexical access time.