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Literary Fact
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Цель статьи-обобщить уже известные сведения о контактах Н.А. Полевого с III отделением, ввести в научный оборот ряд новых документов по данной теме, в том числе переписку Н.А. Полевого и начальника III отделения А.Х. Бенкендорфа, и на этой основе дать характеристику контактов литератора с политической полицией. III отделение занималось главным образом наблюдением за поведением и отношением к власти и ее политике различных слоев общества, а также формированием «общественного мнения». Для этой цели оно стремилось взять под свой контроль журналистов. В статье показан, что в случае с Н.А. Полевым III отделение успешно решило стоявшую перед ним задачу: руководители отделения лично устно и письменно указывали ему на отклонения от «верных» взглядов, а также поощряли морально и материально (с помощью регулярных денежных выплат). В результате, если в начале деятельности Полевого критика отдельных недостатков и призывы к реформам сочетались у него с восхвалением монарха и России (причем скорее не ее прошлого и настоящего, а будущего), то позднее он отказался от критики и писал в основном тексты, полезные режиму-панегирические монархические статьи и исторические монархическо-патриотические книги и пьесы. Более того, он был благодарен царю и III отделению за поддержку. Представленные в статье факты вносят важные уточнения в историю взаимоотношений журналистики и власти в первой половине XIX в.
Literary Fact, 2018
Давно известно, что журналист, писатель и филолог Н.И. Греч оказывал услуги III отделению, но обычно всё сводилось к информации о подготовке и публикации им за рубежом статей и брошюр, направленных против иностранных критиков российского правительства и российских порядков. Однако хранящиеся в архиве III отделения записки, подписанные псевдонимом Наблюдатель и атрибутируемые в настоящей статье Гречу, демонстрируют, что его контакты с этим учреждением были гораздо более интенсивными и многообразными. Ключевые слова: Н.И. Греч, III отделение, М.Я. фон Фок, «Секретная газета». Информация об авторе: Абрам Ильич Рейтблат, канд. пед. наук, «Новое литературное обозрение» / Российская государственная библиотека искусств,
The Nicholai Studies International Journal for Research of Theological and Ecclesiastical Contribution of Nicholai Velimirovich, 2023
Political Science, axiology, and history are united through the life and works of Nicholai Velimirovich. Bishop Nicholai moves from the rational to the empirical instance and overcomes the limitations of the causal in the understanding of man’s meaning on earth. For him, as for many spiritual individuals, life on earth is temporary and limited. Velimirovich broke through the boundaries of the acausal and penetrated the spiritual orbit, which he easily interprets with a secular vocabulary. Bishop Nicholai spent his life as a monk and Bishop (in the period from 1909–1956) at the geographical crossing between East and West. The period between monasticism (1909–1920) was the period of his fruitful oratory (1910–1912) and then political and agitation practice (1912–1918). After the diplomatic and humanitarian missions in the Anglo-American countries during the Great War, Velimirovich has ordained a Bishop, first of Žiča (1919–1920), then of Ohrid and Ohrid-Bitola (1920/21–1936), and agai...
Kunstkamera, 2019
Изложены новые факты, полученные в результате комплексных междисциплинарных исследований сакрально-производственного центра Усть-Полуй, в том числе приводятся 48 абсолютных дат, анализируются периоды обустройства памятника и связанных с ними сооружений, результаты палеозоологического и палеоклиматического исследований. Далее авторы последовательно описывают комплексы явлений, названные ими «тремя революциями Усть-Полуя»: инновации в экономике, социуме, изобразительной деятельности. Последнее явление они вслед за Ж. Коэном предлагают обозначить как «революцию символов». Авторы полагают, что эти «революции» являются ответом на изменения климата и природной среды, послужившие вызовами населению в конце I тыс. до н. э. И в конце задают вопрос: случайно ли основание сначала древнего святилища, впоследствии сакрально-производственного центра именно в это время? Не было ли это также вынужденной мерой, ответом на природные вызовы? Вероятно, так и было, а основание сакрального центра визуально сконцентрировало в своем комплексе все три революции Усть-Полуя.
The work introduces new craniological data into scientific circulation, gives an expanded craniological characteristic of the skull from the exposition of Dmytro Yavornytsky National Historical Museum of Dnipro. This skull was obtained during the scientific and rescue excavations in 1953 at the Mesolithic necropolis Vasylivsky III in Sinelnikivsky district of Dnepropetrovsk region, on the third loess terrace of the left bank of the river Dnipro. The skull is examined by three craniological methods. This skull belongs to a 29–39 years old man The authors argue that the skull belongs to one of the ancient variants of the protocaucasoid craniological type according to the terminology by Yu. Benevolenskaya.
Vìsnik Poltavsʹkoï deržavnoï agrarnoï akademìï, 2022
The purpose of the review was to summarize information and introduce into scientific circulation littleknown facts of the biography of A. Ye. Zaikevych. It is stated that the creative destiny of the classic of Ukrainian agrarian science is closely connected with his small homeland-Poltava region, the synergy of these relations, their multifaceted component, the creative content of which remains relevant, is stated. It is established that it was in Poltava region that the preconditions and main factors of forming the civic and national worldview of the scientist were created. He proved to be a propagandist of Taras Shevchenko's life and work. His creative local lore relations with such leading figures of Ukrainian culture as Mykola Lysenko and Klyment Kvitka were fruitful. All this contributed to the fact that A. Ye. Zaikevych became one of the most outstanding ethnographers of his time, especially in the field of ceramics. The printed works of the scientist in this area were included in the golden fund of national folk art. A. Ye. Zaikevych made efforts to form important centers of education and culture of the regionthe modern Lubny Forest College NULES and Myrhorod Art and Industrial College named after M. V. Gogol of PNTU named after Yuri Kondratyuk. During the period from 1855 to 1929 he was one of the initiators of the Poltava, Lokhvytsia, Mlyniv research fields, Solonytsia research station and Lubny research station on medicinal plant culture. The researcher's contribution to the development of sheep breeding, beekeeping, selection and seed production is specified. The educational and consultative activity of A. Ye. Zaikevych as a part of professional and special meetings, congresses and exhibitions of the Poltava provincial zemstvo, and also the Poltava society of agriculture and its branches is found out. The importance of the scientist's creative work for the development of socioeconomic conditions of the region and its impact on its modern progress is argued.
Russian plant breeder and geneticist Nikolai Vavilov was at the center of science and politics during the most tumultuous period in Soviet history and his impact continued long after his death. His memory was celebrated in a series of jubilees (1957–2012) following the downfall of Trofim Lysenko. This paper anasise them in more broad context to ideological pressure of the State upon the science. The first posthumous jubilee officially celebrated by Russian biologists was his 75-year anniversary in 1962. Vavilovʼs surviving colleagues used this date to rehabilitate the scientist’s reputation after being purged by Lysenko and his followers. For several years following this jubilee the name of Vavilov became a flag for fighters against Lysenkoism. However, during the Brezhnev era all discussion of Lysenkoism, as well as other crimes of Stalinism, was avoided. The 100-year anniversary was in the perestroika years and Vavilov was celebrated not only as a great scientist but also as fighter against Stalin’s regime. Again biologists used the memory of Vavilov against those Lysenkoists who in the “stagnation” years of Brezhnev gained power in agricultural research institutions. Finally, the 125-year anniversary in 2012 was celebrated among Russian biologists and plant breeders quite widely. However, because of increased administrative burden in the agricultural sciences only a few researchers spoke of Lysenkoism. The most active defenders of Vavilov and prosecutors of Lysenkoism were historians of science. A number of journalists have been eager to reconsider Lysenko as a precursor of some modern concepts in science (such as prions, for example), which, as an agronomist who was entirely uneducated about molecular biology, he could not have imagined.
This article deals with the Trinitarian doctrine of Joseph Volotsky. This doctrine has not yet been described by scholars in a detailed and systematic way. The article shows that Joseph followed the traditional ontology of the Trinity, which he presented systematically in the first section of Просветитель (Russ. ‘Enlightener’). In order to describe the general in the Trinity, he uses the terminological pair естество (‘nature’) and существо (‘substance’), and for the hypostases such terms as состав, собство, лице, образ, ипостась are used. In order to clarify the obscurities in the hegumen’s terminology, it was necessary to address the main patristic texts translated into Slavonic (Athanasius of Alexandria, Gregory of Nazianzus, John of Damascus), which allowed us to demonstrate important shades in the philosophical use of these words. It became clear that the similarity of terms related to hypostases goes back to Clement of Ochrid. The hegumen interprets the nature of the deity by means of apophatic mysticism, which conditioned significant aspects of human knowledge of God. On the whole, in questions of Trinitarian ontology, Joseph takes quite a traditional position. Afterwards, the Enlightener with its doctrine was proclaimed “Luminary of Orthodoxy” at Moscow council against heretics of 1553‒54. The hegumen was also developing the topic of divine names, and in his reasoning the following types of names can be distinguished: (1) general, (2) hypostases, (3) common actions and properties in the Trinity. Joseph’s polemic with the Judaisers led him to revising the rational argumentation in favour of the existence of the Trinity based on analogy with the “image of God” in man. Joseph’s arguments are also interesting in that they make it possible to reconstruct some philosophical views of heretics and relate them to specific texts of the Judaisers. At the end of the article, the conclusion is made that the emergence of the triadology of Joseph Volotsky demonstrates that the intellectual level of culture of Moscow Rus’ rose considerably in the 16th century.
Russian Studies in Literature, 2013
Эта формула универсальна и пригодна для описания персонажной системы любого произведения, но в «Обломове» проблема соотношения заглавного героя с другими лежит на поверхности текста, является одним из главных лейтмотивов, выступает как завязка романного сюжета и как основа композиции. Соответственно без осмысления романа в этом аспекте теряются или деформируются его важнейшие смыслы.
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Stephanos. Peer reviewed multilanguage scientific journal, 2017
Учёные записки Петрозаводского государственного университета, 2023
RUDN Journal of Philosophy
№11 (2017), 2018
Literary Fact, 2021
Russian Literature Volumes 100–102, 15 August–15 November 2018, Pages 235-251, 2018
Voprosy Filosofii. , 2018
Nizhnevolzhskiy Arheologicheskiy Vestnik
Wiener Slawistisches Jahrbuch., 2017
Scientific papers of Berdiansk State Pedagogical University. Series: Philological sciences, 2018
Краєзнавство, 2019
Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta
From History and Culture of Peoples of the Middle Volga Region
Slavic World in the Third Millennium, 2020