Institutional Ownership, Liquidity And Liquidity Risk



v I realized the importance of fellow students towards enriching graduate life. I thank my classmates from the economics program, Jayant Ganguli, Koralai Kirabaeva, Amit Anshumali, and Serif Aziz, for being both excellent colleagues and great friends, and for always being just a phone call away whenever I needed a second opinion. I also want to thank my classmates from the finance program, Vikrant Tyagi, William Weld, and David Pompilio, who offered key advice and answered lots of questions during the initial years of graduate school, and with whom I later had many helpful discussions. I also want to thank both Numeric Investors, LLC, and GMO, LLC, for providing me with research infrastructure to carry out much of the research in Chapter 3. Lastly, I want to thank a few of my colleagues, George Sakoulis and Kirsten Syverson at Numeric, and Tom Bok at GMO, who kept encouraging me to finish my thesis after I began work there. I also want to gratefully acknowledge the help from staff at CISER, especially Carol Murphree, for being so supportive of all my computing and data needs, and Paula Douglass for proofreading the thesis. I also want to thank Sai Maudgalya, who has been a source of constant encouragement over the last ten years. In the interest of space, I will refrain from mentioning more names but wish all the best to all my colleagues at Cornell. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH.