Nationalism and multiple modernities: Europe and beyond

Ethnic and Racial Studies


The Identities and Modernities in Europe series examines one of the central issues in the social sciences, modernity, by way of a comparative study of processes of Europeanisation. Arising from a European Commission funded FP7 project, 'Identities and Modernities in Europe', an international collaborative research project, the series brings together the latest research findings into modernity carried out by cutting-edge researchers across Europe using 'identity' and 'Europe' as a way into the study of modernity. In the post-Cold War, 9/11 and Lehman Brothers era, which is also marked by a rapid pace of globalisation, questions concerning 'Europe' and identity are becoming more and more urgent and the debates are heating up. With the unfolding of the euro crisis, both 'Europe' and European identity are earnestly interrogated on a daily basis by a wide range of people, not only at the periphery of 'Europe' -both member states and non-member states of the European Union -but also within the euro area. In fact the question of 'Europe' has not been so pertinent for a long time since the inception of the EU. This is taking place against a wider background of rapid globalisation which is accompanied, perhaps paradoxically, by an increasingly fragmented world. In such a supposedly fragmenting world, identities inevitably attract more and more attention. Identities are a modern concern and 'Europe' is the birth place of the currently dominant form of modernity, and therefore these existential questions about 'Europe' and identities eventually lead to the questioning of modernity as we know it. The series endeavours to address these concerns by gathering latest and interdisciplinary research results about the idea of Europe, European identities and Europeanisation. The volumes collected in the series present original research grounded in history, sociology and anthropology on the question of 'Europe', identity and modernity. Some contributors present a comparative analysis; others present a one-country based case study. The geographical areas covered in the series go beyond the EU and include Turkey, Croatia and Japan. Various dimensions about 'Europe', identity and modernity are explored: Europeanisation and modernisation, tolerance, discursive construction of Europe, religion, nationalism, collective identity construction and globalisation. A variety of methods to collect data are employed: in-depth interviews, discourse analysis, civilisational analysis and biographical interviews. Each volume's nuanced analysis will come together to help realise a more comprehensive understanding of 'Europe', identity and modernity.