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2022, PUPIL: International Journal of Teaching, Education and Learning…
18 pages
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This study sought to develop a gender mainstreaming plan for gender-responsive public schools. Specifically, the extent of gender mainstreaming practices among public schools and their hindering factors were assessed in this research. A descriptive method of research was employed to investigate the posed objectives in this study. Purposive and random sampling techniques were utilized in the selection of the respondents. Guided by the said sampling procedures, 282 school heads participated in the study. Data were collected through survey-questionnaire and computed using the weighted arithmetic mean (WAM). Results indicated that gender perspectives are relatively mainstreamed in the organizational processes of public schools. Specifically, gender perspectives are less mainstreamed into the policies and PPAs but relatively integrated into their support mechanisms and highly evident among people. However, lack of gender analysis and gender mainstreaming plan, as well as insufficient knowledge and training of internal and external clients are highly hindering factors among public schools to implement gender mainstreaming. Based on the results of this study,a gender mainstreaming plan was developed to serve as a framework among public schools in mainstreaming gender perspectives on their policies, PPAs, and enabling mechanisms.
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, 2024
This paper discusses the implementation level and analysis of gender mainstreaming in Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges (CSPC) using the Enhanced-Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework (E-GMEF). This aims to generate related studies on the use of gender analysis tools, to measure the level of implementation of CSPC in gender mainstreaming, and to contribute to the data necessary for gender sensitization in Higher Educational Institutions. This paper utilized qualitative research and standardized data-gathering tools. Documentary and thematic analysis, and FGDs were used and the standardized pointing system of the Enhanced-Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework (E-GMEF) was utilized in determining the level of Gender Mainstreaming in government institutions. The research revealed that CSPC’s overall level in gender mainstreaming is Level 3, under the GAD application. E-GMEF measured and analyzed CSPC’s systems and processes along with the 4 entry points of gender mainstreaming. Specifically, Level 2 for Programs, Projects, and Activities; Level 2 for Enabling Mechanisms; Level 3 for Policies, and Level 3 for People. CSPC is recommended to strengthen its integration through its gender-responsive policies, plans, and programs in instruction, research, extension, and production. Training and seminars should be conducted to increase employees’ level of awareness.
Davao Research Journal, 2022
The integration of gender-responsive teaching strategies in public schools remains to be a challenge among educators. This social issue entails more in-depth investigation, especially in primary public education, to promote gender-responsive instruction and increase inclusiveness in education. This study aimed to assess the level of gender mainstreaming efforts of public elementary and secondary schools in the City of Mati, employing the Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework (GMEF). A quantitative design through purposive sampling methods where the respondents are the GAD focal persons was used in this study. The study found out that the Department of Education (DepEd) Schools Division in the City of Mati's level of gender mainstreaming is still in the Foundation Formation stage (Stage 1). There's a long way to integrate gender into its systems, programs, and services. The study recommends that the agency may craft policies to attain the maximum level of mainstreaming efforts and be modeled and replicated by other agencies in the future.
Ngilu, J. K; Momanyi, M & Ateka, F. (2019). Effectiveness of Government Gender Policies in Mainstreaming Gender in the Administration of Public Secondary Schools in Makueni County, Kenya. Journal of African Interdisciplinary Studies. 3(9), 19 – 42., 2019
Gender underrepresentation in administration of secondary schools despite the existence of gender policies in mainstreaming necessitated the study. Two research questions guided the study: What are the challenges impeding effective implementation of government gender policies for mainstreaming gender in the administration of public secondary schools in Makueni County? What strategies could be put in place to overcome these challenges? The gender equity theory and the identity theory guided the study. The target population comprised of 3 Teachers Service Commission Sub County Directors, 20 principals, 20 Board of Management chairpersons and 233 teachers sampled from 20 schools in 3 sub counties. Stratified random sampling and purposive sampling techniques selected study participants. Collection of data was done by use of questionnaires and interview guide. The latter were validated in terms of content and face validity. Cronbach Alpha determined the reliability of quantitative data whereas Trustworthiness of qualitative items was determined by use of credibility, dependability and transferability. Quantitative data was grouped, coded and entered into computer software to generate percentages and frequencies that summarized data. Qualitative data was analyzed by use of content analysis. Key findings revealed that the school's nature, age and religious influence, delocalization, minimal leadership positions, lack of equal opportunities, location of school, fear of failure among women, male chauvinism and also unfavorable TSC policies influenced gender inequity in schools. Government policies like the national gender policy, affirmative action, equal educational opportunities and equal promotion opportunities were effective in maintaining gender balance in the administration. Challenges that negated their effective implementation were corruption, weak coordination , harmonization and networking among actors at all levels, ineffective governance, centralization, gap in policy making and practice, slow implementation of gender related policies and laws, inadequate resources, lack of monitoring and evaluation framework, social-cultural issues, misinterpretation of the concept of gender and lack of structural linkages. The study recommended increased budgetary and resource allocation, increased fight against corruption, increased coordination among stakeholders during the implementation process, laying down adequate policy framework for implementation of the mentioned policies, provision of adequate resources, public education campaigns in raising awareness of the policies, the election of more women representatives, enhancing the clarity of the policies, increased stakeholder involvement, improved policy framework as a ways enhancing gender mainstreaming.
This research aim is to encourage gender equality achievement of education in Jakarta. The specific purposes of this research are to develop elementary school management model on the basis of gender mainstreaming to be implemented in Jakarta. The method of this research was research and development with the steps as follows: (1) pre-development consisting of needs analysis, literature study, field study and trial-test; (2) model development consisting of model draft development and evaluation instrument development; and (3) post-development consisting of beginning step field test and evaluation, beginning field step revision, next step of field study and evaluation, and perfecting of tested product. This research was done based on the survey of elementary school management implementation based on gender mainstreaming in Jakarta. This model was developed based on needs analysis done in elementary schools in Jakarta with the indicators of gender mainstreaming in teaching learning activities, learning equipments, human resources development, students activities, recruitment system, school administration, school management, educational financing, infrastructure, school culture, and decision making system. The elementary school management on the basis of gender mainstreaming is appropriate for effective school concept. After field test and validation, the revision of this model can be used as a model in elementary school management to improve gender mainstreaming. The result of this research can be used as encouragement of gender equality achievement especially in elementary schools in Jakarta. Elementary school management system can be a driver to reach gender equality.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research, 2021
The study aimed to determine the challenges in gender mainstreaming in the Department of Education. The study made use of descriptive research design with the aid of questionnaires the main instrument in gathering the data. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. The study revealed that a typical respondent was in their middle adulthood aged thirty-one to forty, majority were female, most have rendered zero to four years in service, more than half of the public secondary teachers are Teacher I, and most of the public secondary teachers attended three to five numbers of relevant training on gender mainstreaming. The public secondary teachers identified that the security, health and other student services was moderately serious problem while facilities, administration, instruction and curriculum was not a problem. There was a statistically significant difference on the problems encountered by the public secondary teachers on the gender mainstreaming impleme...
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2017
Taking into account the increased research on the status of women and on gender concerns which lead to question the stereotyped assumptions about gender elations and the roles and responsibilities of men and women, the study determined the gender mainstreaming in the General Education and Professional Education Courses in one Higher Education Institution in the Philippines where there were 21 participants interviewed through two sets of focus group discussion. The result of the study showed that there is an apparent inclusion of gender and development in General Education and Professional Education Courses which can be categorized into explicit or implicit integration. Moreover, there were variety of teaching strategies and materials used inintegrating Gender and Development (GAD). It ranges from film showing followed by critical discussions, research output presentations, role-play, class discussions, art analysis, literary analysis, and lecture/forum of an expert. From the employed strategies and materials, it articulates the meaning of GAD that men and women must be provided with equal opportunities to realize their full potentials. Such articulation, however, requires committed interpretation especially from the faculty members. From there, it gives students an awareness and to an extent of self-interpretations. The university can further help in GAD initiatives by defining the university's GAD framework so as to integrate GAD in the level of the curriculum, research, extension, planning, materials, policies, and budget.
Gender-affirming educational practices are crucial for transgender and gender expansive youth, who are disproportionately at risk for a host of negative academic and health outcomes. Yet few educators receive training on gender inclusive practices. This cross-sectional, descriptive study examines survey data from school administrators, teachers, and support staff (N=1,530) who participated in gender inclusivity professional development sessions. The survey covered three areas: (1) their beliefs regarding the need and relevance of this training, and their capacity to improve learning environments after the training; (2) their intended implementation of proactively inclusive strategies over time; and (3) suggestions for future trainings. Measures include self-reported ratings to assess beliefs, open-ended questions regarding future steps toward gender inclusion in their practice, and suggestions for future trainings. Qualitative analysis used grounded theory to identify key themes. Sc...
Commissioned by: The Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (The Netherlands) Anneke van Doorne-Huiskes Wilma Henderikse Wieteke Conen VanDoorneHuiskes en partners Utrecht, The Netherlands, December 2006 2 Contents
In 1995 the Beijing Conference on Women identified gender mainstreaming as a key area for action. Policies to effect gender mainstreaming have since been widely adopted. This special issue of Compare looks at research on how gender mainstreaming has been used in government education departments, schools, higher education institutions, international agencies and NGOs. 1 In this introduction we first provide a brief history of the emergence of gender mainstreaming and review changing definitions of the term. In the process we outline some policy initiatives that have attempted to mainstream gender and consider some difficulties with putting ideas into practice, particularly the tensions between a technical and transformative interpretations. Much of the literature about experiences with gender mainstreaming tends to look at organizational processes and not any specificities of a particular social sector. However, in our second section, we are concerned to explore whether institutional forms and particular actions associated with education give gender mainstreaming in education sites some distinctive features. In our last section we consider some of the debates about global and local negotiations in discussions of gender policy and education and the light this throws on gender mainstreaming. In so doing, we place the articles that follow in relation to contestations over ownership, political economy, the form and content of education practice and the social complexity of gender equality .
Article for Capacity4dev by Olinda Martinho Rio Education is important for everyone, but is especially significant for girls and women. “Investing in a girl’s education diminishes her poverty risk and gives her stronger economic leverage. Schooling girls also leads to lower infant mortality, lower maternal mortality and lower demographic growth. Also makes girls and women more empowered and emancipated. They are more likely to participate in public life and grow more confident to stand up for their own rights”.
Gender equality is one of the targets of Sustainable Development Goals and improves human-development quality. According to UNDP (2016) gender disparity in education still exists. It shows that the innovation of gender-responsive educational policy in the form of gender mainstreaming in educational field implemented since 2008 has not succeeded. This article discusses problem traceability in the innovation of gender-responsive educational policy. The aspects cover technical difficulties encountered by the schools in implementing seven keycomponents of gender mainstreaming at school, diversity of target-group behavior and extent of behavior change required. This research was conducted at all 92 junior high schools of Sragen Regency, Indonesia, involving 150 teachers as the respondents who were purposively selected. They are comprised of counseling teachers having participated in gender-responsive school trainings. The data were collected through questionnaires, observation, documenta...
The following full text is a publisher's version. For additional information about this publication click this link.
International Business & Economics Research Journal (IBER), 2011
It was an exploratory study that was conducted with the main objectives to: provide basic information to stakeholders and planners about gender imbalance and its implications for Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa (KP) province and Pakistan. The study attempted to: discover the existing gender scenario in the management cadre of public sector of the province; identify barriers and problems to gender equity and equality in the management roles; and suggest ways and means to remove gender disparity at the management level in the sampled devolved departments of social sector of KP. Survey Questionnaires, interviews and stakeholders workshop were used as tools to collect data from 117 respondents of the sampled departments. Main causes of low female participation at higher level included lack of opportunities, inadequate facilities to female officers, rising element of insecurity in the province, men specific positions, discriminations and socially evolved gender bias. On the basis of results and find...
Transgender and gender-expansive students are disproportionately at risk for a host of negative academic and health outcomes; yet, few educators receive training on gender-inclusive school practices. This descriptive study used evaluation survey data from employees (N = 1,425) across 80 schools participating in gender-inclusivity professional development sessions. Using a mixed-methods approach, we assessed educators’ beliefs about the need and relevance of the training, capacity to improve learning environments, intended implementation of strategies, and suggestions for future trainings. We examined outcomes using descriptive statistics and assessed the educators’ roles using regression analyses with- and without school fixed-effects. Our results showed educators wanted even more training on gender diversity and believed the professional development provided was useful and relevant. They reported having increased capacity to create a safe educational environment and discuss gender ...
As a starting point, this paper recognizes the importance of gender equity for economic growth, societal well-being, and sustainable development. Moreover, the paper acknowledges that while women make up half of the world's population, most policy, program and government initiatives affect women and men differently. To address gaps in policies, implementation and impacts the authors propose a strategic approach to gender mainstreaming that strengthens inclusive policy making by adding a gender lens and tools for assessing the impact of policies on women and other under-represented groups and targets the determinants of gender inequity, based on three pillars: systematic reviews of policies, laws and regulations that limit women's economic activity; gender budgeting; and improving the quality of gender disaggregated data to support impact assessments, policy analyses, and advocacy. The commitment of the Argentine presidency to fostering a gender mainstreaming strategy across ...
Business and Economic Research, 2019
The purpose of the study was to establish socio-cultural factors affecting gender mainstreaming in the ministry of education. The study used descriptive survey research design. The target population consisted of the county and sub-county gender coordinators and the heads of public secondary schools. Embu and Tharaka-Nithi was selected purposively because of low transition rate from primary to secondary schools. A total of 211 respondents were sampled through purposive and random sampling techniques. A questionnaire and an interview schedule were used to collect primary data. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the properties of the mass data that were collected from the respondents. Factor analysis method was used to determine the factors that were used in the study namely; strength of strategies, gender mainstreaming strategies, gender policy in education, gender disparities in education and understanding of the policy which were used in logistic regression analysis. Logi...
International Conference on Economics, Education and Humanities (ICEEH'14) Dec. 10-11, 2014 Bali (Indonesia), 2014
This paper explores the impact of gender mainstreaming process in the public sector in Malaysia. It is an attempt to see whether gender mainstreaming process is able to make any impact or difference in the organization, in the context of making policy output to be more women-friendly. Available studies mainly in the West have shown that gender mainstreaming process still encounter many problems such as lack of understanding of the concept itself and lack of support from the organizations. Using face-to-face interviews with top female and male management groups, this paper examines the effectiveness of gender mainstreaming process in one selected organization in Malaysia. It was revealed that the main contributing factor to the less effective gender mainstreaming process in that organization was the lack of gender awareness among its members.
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