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I thank the Federal University of Piaui for giving opportunity the completion and conducting of this investigation. This work is supported by Portuguese National Funding, through FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, on the framework of project UID/CTM/00264/2013.
Fashion Theory, 2016
Letter from the editors of the special issue on Brazilian Fashion to Fashion Theory: Rita M. Andrade & Regina A. Root (2016) Letter from the Editors, Fashion Theory, 20:2, 117-125, DOI: 10.1080/1362704X.2016.1139334 To link to this article:
She writes on Brazilian fashion and dress history. From 2000 to 2002, she initiated a translation project that brought Fashion Theory to Brazil and which opened a forum through which to engage Brazilian fashion studies. Her current research examines museum dress collections.
Social Anthropology, 2007
This paper considers the challenge to anthropology represented by a topic such as global denim. Using the phrase 'blindingly obvious', it considers the problems posed by objects that have become ubiquitous. While there are historical narratives about the origins, history and spread of denim, these leave open the issue of how we make compatible the ethnographic study of specific regional appropriations of denim and its global presence in a manner that is distinctly anthropological. Ethnographies of blue jeans in Brazil and England are provided as examples. These suggest the need to understand the relationship between three observations: its global presence, the phenomenon of distressing and its relationship to anxiety in the selection of clothes. As a manifesto, this paper argues for a global academic response that engages with denim from the global commodity chain through to the specificity of local accounts of denim wearing. Ultimately this can provide the basis for an anthropological engagement with global modernity. We would like to thank Louise Crewe and Alex Hughes, and the two anonymous reviewers for comments on a draft of this paper, Mylene Mizrahi for sharing her Brazilian data and introducing Danny to Brazilian Jeans and funk balls, and Magda Craciun for giving him a tour of Istanbul fake brands. Also very helpful were discussions during an earlier abortive grant proposal with
Sertão - 36º Panorama da Arte Brasileira (catálogo MAM), 2019
Sertão é palavra de origem desconhecida. Na língua portuguesa, há registros de sua existência desde o século XV. Quando aqui aportaram, os colonizadores já trouxeram consigo o termo, usando-o para designar o território vasto e interior, que não podia ser percebido da costa. Desde então, a esse vocábulo atribuem-se diversos sentidos, sem nunca ser fixado numa ideia pacificada. É constituído, inclusive, por oposições: pode referir-se à floresta e ao descampado, ao lugar deserto e também ao povoado, àquilo que é próximo e ermo. Qualifica o visível e o desconhecido, trata da aridez e da fertilidade, do inculto e do cultivado. Ainda que tenha chegado ao Brasil na caravela, sertão não cessa de se insurgir contra o colonialismo e de escapar de seus desígnios. Mantém sua potência de invenção, não se rende aos monopólios dos saberes patriarcais, exige novos pactos sociais, desierarquiza sua relação com a natureza, reverencia o mistério, festeja. Sertão é, antes e depois de tudo, experimentação e resistência, qualidades fundamentais para viver a arte e que nos trazem a este 36º Panorama da Arte Brasileira.
EditorEs CiEntífiCos -m. Isabel dias e João luís cardoso dEsEnho E fotografia -autores ou fontes assinaladas corrEspondênCia -centro de estudos arqueológicos do concelho de oeiras Fábrica da pólvora de Barcarena estrada das Fontainhas 2745-615 BARCARENA os artigos publicados são da exclusiva responsabilidade dos autores. Aceita-se permuta On prie l'échange Exchange wanted Tauschverkhr erwunscht oriEntação gráfiCa E rEvisão dE provas -m. Isabel dias e João luís cardoso paginação -m. Fernandes imprEssão E aCabamEnto -Graficamares, Lda. -Amares -Tel. 253 992 735 dEpósito LEgaL: 97312/96
Nuevo mundo mundos nuevos
Advertencia El contenido de este sitio está cubierto por la legislación francesa sobre propiedad intelectual y es propiedad exclusiva del editor. Las obras publicadas en este sitio pueden ser consultadas y reproducidas en soporte de papel o bajo condición de que sean estrictamente reservadas al uso personal, sea éste científico o pedagógico, excluyendo todo uso comercial. La reproducción deberá obligatoriamente mencionar el editor, el nombre de la revista, el autor y la referencia del documento. Toda otra reproducción está prohibida salvo que exista un acuerdo previo con el editor, excluyendo todos los casos previstos por la legislación vigente en Francia. es un portal de revistas de ciencias sociales y humanas desarrollado por Cléo, Centre pour l'édition électronique ouverte (CNRS, EHESS, UP, UAPV).
SN Applied Sciences
The present study discusses the use of textiles in the contemporary production of jewelry in Brazil, highlighting the application of natural fibers. Manual weaving of natural fibers is closely linked to traditional handicraft just as metallic interlacing is used in jewelry production since antiquity. Bibliographical and scientific literature review were carried out as well as consulting collections of Brazilian creators, artists and designers, currently working with jewelry and employing natural fibers. Reflecting on the use of natural fibers in the Brazilian contemporary jewelry, this study has as its reference, in order to make a broad discussion, the work of artists and designers from different regions of the country, whose expression is different regarding natural material available and applied on the works and the productive techniques originated in regional traditions. Considering the search for innovation in the use of materials, it can be observed an intense renewal in Brazilian jewelry, which is impregnated by both unusual natural elements and traditional values of the culture of the country.
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WORKS OF ART AND CONSERVATION SCIENCE TODAY November 26-28, 2010, Thessaloniki, Greece, International Symposium, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Conservation of Cultural Heritage, 2010
Blucher Design Proceedings
Latin American Research Review, 1973
SN Applied Sciences
TEXTEH Proceedings, 2019
Textile Society of America Symposium: Textile Narratives and Conversations, Oct. 11-14, 2006
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 2008