Recent Debate over Categorical Foundations

2011, The Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science

The present book project grew out of the Swiss Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science (SSLPS) annual meeting on "Foundational theories of mathematics" which was held in Freiburg (Switzerland) on October 11/12 2006. John Bell and Gerhard Jäger, both participating in different functions in this meeting, responded to this book project with great enthusiasm and fueled its evolution with recurrent positive feedbacks. I'm happy to have had the opportunity over the years to discuss with them Foundations of Mathematics (FOM) and many other hot topics as well as some less hot ones. I'm grateful to Oxford University Press for permission to reprint Section I.2 of Penelope Maddy's book Naturalism in Mathematics (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997) and also to the publishing company Polimetrica for permission to reprint Solomon Feferman's article which first appeared in G. Sica's book What is Category Theory? (Monza: Polimetrica, 2006). I'd like to thank Norman Sieroka for helping me to translate several papers from (ancient) Word to (modern) LaTeX. I'd also like to thank Lucy Fleet, Senior Assistant to the Editorial Director-Humanities of Springer, for her patience and her refreshing confidence that this book would eventually see the light of day. I'm very grateful to the IT Service of the ETH Zurich and in particular to its collaborator Dieter Hennig for his very valuable support in my rather dilettante LaTeX-engineering. Last and most I'd like to thank my wife Andrea Gemma and my little son Beniamino for not having banned me from home before regaining normality, and even more so for their loving care with which they endured and accepted my mixture of mental absence and busy bee existence during the more productive phases of this Contents ix