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2008, Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies
A learning style is a preferred way of acquiring knowledge and processing information. Learning styles may differ depending on gender, age, or culture. Niles (1995) in his study “Cultural Differences in Learning Motivation and Learning Strategies” studied the cultural impact on learning strategies and found considerable differences between culturally different students. Providing evidence for the relationship between culture and learning strategy preference and use, this study aims at examining the use and preference of language learning strategies of Turkish students while they are learning English.
Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 2008
A learning style is a preferred way of acquiring knowledge and processing information. Learning styles may differ depending on gender, age, or culture. Niles (1995) in his study "Cultural Differences in Learning Motivation and Learning Strategies" studied the cultural impact on learning strategies and found considerable differences between culturally different students. Providing evidence for the relationship between culture and learning strategy preference and use, this study aims at examining the use and preference of language learning strategies of Turkish students while they are learning English.
Strategies are learning paths that make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more directed, more effective and more easily transferable to a new situation. Within this scope, the aim of this study is to determine the learning strategies used by foreign language learners. Therefore, case study design was preferred. The data collected form 15 foreign students through observation and interviews to reach detailed findings. Participants were determined by criterion sampling, which is a subtype of purposive sampling method. The data obtained from the observation form, researcher's notes and interview reports were evaluated by descriptive analysis and were categorized as memory, cognitive, comp ensatory, metacognitive, affective and social strategies. According to the results, each student's strategy preference and frequency varies regarding the student's personality traits, comprehension level, language level, sociocultural characteristics, gender, mother tongue, and the subject learned. Moreover, students prefer memory, cognitive, and compensation direct strategies more than metacognitive, social, and affective indirect strategies. This study theoretically extends the conceptual frameworks of previous measures of language learning strategies from English language learning to L2 Turkish language learning. Important pedagogical and educational implications are provided for L2 Turkish educators to encourage L2 Turkish learners to explore their own learning strategies.
This study investigates the language learning strategy use of Turkish and Arabic students enrolled in middle schools and having differing cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Using the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) by Oxford (1989b), the study examines the cross-cultural differences in strategy use of the mentioned students while learning English as a foreign language. The study has found out that though there are a number of cross-cultural similarities in the language learning strategy use between Turkish and Arabic students, there are also significant differences between them. For instance, Turkish students prefer to use a dictionary while reading English texts, but Arabic students generally do not use a dictionary in their reading activities. Conclusions and pedagogical implications of the findings are discussed in the study.
The present study aimed at finding the degree of relationship between Iranian learners' learning styles and their preferences in using specific language learning strategies. The study was conducted on female EFL learners at the Iran Language Institute (ILI) in advanced levels and also university students of English teaching at Azad University of Mashhad. By employing such instrumentation as the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) and also Language Learning Style (LLS) questionnaire the investigator found a significant relationship between learning styles and learning strategies used by the learners. Based on the results it can be concluded that learners scoring higher on the SILL performed better on the LLS, leading to the conclusion that SILL has a significant impact on LLS. Based on the factor analysis it was found out that cognitive, metacognitive, and most of all affective strategies showed a great correlation with the auditory style of learning. Also, metacognitive and most of all memory and social strategies showed a great correlation with the kinesthetic style.
IRAL - International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 2003
This article explains key concepts found in the articles in this special issue, such as second and foreign languages, learning styles, learning strategies, and motivation. In addition, this article introduces the other articles in the issue and explains how they relate to each other, to the concepts, and to psychological and sociocultural research traditions in applied linguistics.
The present study aims to explore the frequency of Language learning strategy use and examines the Language Learning strategies (LLS) of Thai Nguyen University (TNU) ethnic EFL learners in order to identify whether there is any meaningful relationship between the LLS and the learners' learning styles. 527 ethnic students at Thai Nguyen University participated in the study. The Language Learning Strategy Questionnaire which is based on the Strategy Inventory Language Learning from Oxford's (1990) and The Perceptual Learning Styles Preferences Questionnaire were administered to collect data for the present study. The findings from the present investigation, TNU ethnic students were medium strategy users. However, one strategy category, i.e., metacognitive category, was used at a high frequency as the most frequently used strategy category. Memory and cognitive strategies were used as the least frequently used categories by the participants of the study. In addition, learning styles did not have much influence on the learning strategy use.
ELP (Journal of English Language Pedagogy), 2020
The present study aims at investigating the patterns of language learning strategy use employed by the sixth semester students of English language education program at the University of Muhammadiyah Jember. To achieve this objective, Oxford’s Strategy Inventory of Language Learning (SILL) (1990) along with a background questionnaire (a modified version of Oxford’s background questionnaire) were administered to the participants. The findings indicate that the research participants use language learning strategies at a high rate (more than 60%), but with differences in type and frequency of the individual learning strategies. The students reported a high frequent use of metacognitive and cognitive strategies. Other types of language learning strategies are also used by the students, although the frequency is lower than the previous two strategies. Based on the findings of the present study, some pedagogical implication were suggested to encourage students to reflect on their...
دراسات - العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية, 2019
Arabic and English are the foreign languages learnt most in Indonesia. Therefore, we investigated the students' inclinations in their learning strategies. Approximately 70 students from the Arabic and English majors at a university in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, filled in the modified Strategy Inventory for Language Learning questionnaire to obtain data. The results exposed the English students to employ more strategies than the Arabic students. From the six strategies, the Arabic students used meta-cognitive most, whilst the English students used meta-cognitive, compensation and social most. These strategies can be promoted in teaching so students can use them efficiently in language learning.
Ainara Journal, 2023
English as a second or foreign language, it is often found that learning English is not an easy task, In order to overcome that difficulty, there are many factors that can be counted in, including learning strategies. Learning strategies are considered as self-improvement devices that might be driven by learners themselves or by teachers. In addition, culture might play important role in determining learning strategy since culture cannot be separated from language as well as its learning/teaching. This paper attempts to provide a learning strategy that might meet with Indonesian students' cultural background. As noticed, Indonesians commonly hold mutual assistance as one of life principles. Hence, this paper also provides an explanation concerning learning strategy which may meet with mutual assistance principle: collaborative learning.
Menara Ilmu, 2018
Styles and strategies used in language learning actually different in terms, however, they give effects to the success of language learners. The learning styles comes from personality variables. Take for example; psychology, cognitive make up, socio-culture background and educational experience. Learning strategies relates to the behaviour or thought of learners to enhance their own learning. The functions of learning strategies is to make language learning easier, faster, more enjoyable, more self-directed, more effective, and more transferrable. The combination of language learning styles and strategies will create more independent and autonomous learners.
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan, 2020
Learning styles, language learning strategies, and ethnicity are three important factors in language learning. The information about these three things is very useful for language teachers to prepare and implement effective language learning. This study was conducted to describe the students ' learning style and language learning strategy and to know the similarities/differences from the two elements of Java, Papua, Flores, Dayak, and Batak ethnics. A number of 175 participants were involved in the study. Research data were obtained through the Fleming's learning VARK questionnaire and a language learning strategy questionnaire from Oxford. The results of the two questionnaires were analyzed to determine the type of learning style and language learning strategy. The first finding suggests that the main learning styles of students from the five ethnics are variants [aural] and [kinesthetic] including variations in bimodal, and trimodal. The second finding shows that the major...
Many factors would influence the type and frequency of use of language learning strategies some of which are gender, year of study and father's level of education. This study encompassed Bachelor's degree students of English Literature studying at the 196 with regard to gender, year and father's educational qualifications. One of the instruments used was the Strategy Inventory For Language Learning (SILL ESL/EFL version) for gauging the use of effective learning strategies used by students. Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was performed to see if there were significant differences in the use of direct vs. indirect strategies and the 6 strategy categories among students of different groups. It came to light that year of study affects students' use of strategies in that students of first year made the greatest use of meta-cognitive strategies and indirect strategies; however, Iranian students' gender and father's educational qualifications did not have much impacts on the use of LLSs. Moreover, Iranian students of all groups were high users as far as meta-cognitive strategy was concerned.
This study examined the influence of motivation and gender on the choice of language learning strategies by Iranian post-graduate students. One hundred and fifty six Iranian post-graduate students in Kerman province were selected based on a two-step cluster sampling. A translated version of Oxford's strategy inventory for language learning was administered to the participants to determine their use of strategies. Attitude/motivation test battery was also employed to identify the participants' type of motivation. Data analysis showed the following results: a) the participants reported the use of compensation, social, metacognitive, and affective strategies at a high level, whereas memory and cognitive strategies were reported at a medium level; b) integratively-motivated students showed higher overall strategies mean score than instrumentally-motivated ones but it was not statistically significant. Instrumentally-motivated students employed memory strategy more frequently than integratively-motivated students; c) female students employed strategies more frequently than male students. However, this difference was found to be not statistically significant. The findings also showed that the teachers should encourage the learners to actively employ all the strategies in their learning process. Future research may focus on the sub-categories of the strategies and other factors, such as attitude, age, major, personality types, and testing methods.
International Journal of English Language and Translation Studies, 2021
This study investigated a sample of 218 preparatory class university learners' beliefs about language learning and their use of strategies in the School of Language Preparatory School at Beykent University. Beyond the descriptions about beliefs and strategies, notably, the second objective of the study was to find out the relationship between the learners" beliefs about language learning and use of language learning strategies. The study obtained data using quantitative research methods. Pearson r correlation and descriptive analyses were used to analyze the data. Participants reported using metacognitive strategies most. Students had strong motivation and they believed in the importance of learning English and less afraid of speaking English with English speakers. Additionally, the results showed that students believed that repetition and practice in English played important role and English is important to get a better job in the future. The result of the Pearson r correlation revealed language learning strategies were significant correlation with language learning beliefs.
Dirasat Human and Social Sciences, 2019
Arabic and English are the foreign languages learnt most in Indonesia. Therefore, we investigated the students’ inclinations in their learning strategies. Approximately 70 students from the Arabic and English majors at a university in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, filled in the modified Strategy Inventory for Language Learning questionnaire to obtain data. The results exposed the English students to employ more strategies than the Arabic students. From the six strategies, the Arabic students used meta-cognitive most, whilst the English students used meta-cognitive, compensation and social most. These strategies can be promoted in teaching so students can use them efficiently in language learning.
It is undeniable that learners have different preferences i.e. styles in the way they process, perceive, take in and understand information. Understanding these preferences is of vital significance in the teaching and learning process. Researches on learning styles and strategies are very important as they can provide school teachers with new directions for making changes in their classrooms.This study aims at describing the relationship between strategies and learning styles and its impact on the students' success or failure in learning English as a foreign language.
The number of the undergraduate Turkish students studying at universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina has increased over the past few years. They usually study at the universities where the language of instruction is English, namely International University of Sarajevo and International Burch University. This research explores the differences in the adoption of language learning strategies between Turkish and Bosnian university students learning English for Academic Purposes (EAP) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In Fall 2015, one hundred and forty Bosnian (n=140) and ninety-two Turkish (n=92) freshman university students were surveyed with the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning ‒ SILL 7.0 (Oxford, 1990) at International University of Sarajevo. The results revealed statistically significant differences in the adoption of memory, cognitive, and affective strategies. The analysis revealed no statistically significant differences in the adoption of compensation, metacognitive, and social strategies. In addition, an independent T-test showed a statistically significant difference in the overall adoption of the SILL strategies. The results show that cultural background partly accounts for preferences over particular language learning strategy clusters.
Heliyon, 2021
The present study explores English as a foreign language (EFL) learning strategies used in Hungarian, Chinese, and Mongolian university students with different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. A total of 519 university students participated in the survey from the three different countries. The Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL), developed by Rebecca Oxford (2003), was administered to explore cross-cultural differences in strategy use in the study. To explain cultural divergences, we employed Hofstede's 6-D model of cultural values. The study identified a number of cross-cultural similarities and differences in strategy use among these three groups. All the subsamples similarly preferred the use of metacognitive learning strategies; however, there were some significant differences among the countries. A significant difference was observed in cognitive language learning strategy usage for the Hungarian subsample compared to the Mongolian subsample. With regard to the affective field, we noticed that the Mongolian and Chinese students employed affective strategies significantly more frequently. The Hungarian students rated the use of affective strategies the lowest by comparison. These differences may be partly linked to the cultural traditions of the participating countries. Our findings also suggest that although students' cultural background is a significant factor, linguistic and educational background and teaching traditions are also crucial.
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