Faktor Pendorong Dan Penarik Orang Bali Berwisata Ke Luar Negeri

2017, Jurnal Master Pariwisata (JUMPA)


Traveled today has become a lifestyle for the society, including Balinese. During the last few years it was recorded that many Balinese had began a vacation, even to foreign countries. This study aimed to determine the demographic profile of the Balinese and the countries visited, push and pull factors, analyze the level of motivation of the Balinese people and analyze the differences in motivation for the Balinese, who was first to travel abroad and who have often traveled overseas travel. Motivation Theory and Maslow's hierarchy of needs are theories used in this study. Data were collected by interviews and distrubuting questionnaire. Data was analysed with descriptive analysis of qualitative and statistical Discriminant Analysis. The results showed that the motivation of the Balinese are very diverse, respondents may have more motivation than one. The most dominant push factors is the educational opportunity in addition to other motives such as relaxation and play, while the pull factor is the dominant cultural factors, followed by the natural environment, and recreation and attraction services. It was also found the differences in motivation among the people of Bali who for the first time and has frequently traveled overseas travel.