Konya'nın Taşkent İlçesindeki Tarihi Mezar Taşları

2022, Palmet Dergisi


The cult of ancestors in Turkish art and the tradition of grave-making, which emerged as a natural consequence of respect for the ancestor; With the headstones prepared for the burial place and the grave owner to be specified, it has become the subject of different fields such as art, history, culture and literature, especially religion. The writings and decorations on the tombstones are historical documents that shed light on the period in which they were made and have a rich variety with both their formal characteristics and contents. Taşkent district of Konya province is one of our settlements that stands out with its tomb-building tradition and tombstone diversity. Our study focuses on examining the tombstones in Belen, Boğaz and Sofu cemeteries in Taşkent district center according to the criteria of art history. Observed changes in tombstones dated between 1803-1804 and 1959 are evaluated taking into account material, typology, text content and decoration features. In the study, tombstones written in Ottoman Turkish and tombstones written in modern Turkish were examined together after the Letter Revolution in 1928; thus, the construction of traditional tombstones was handled in an uninterrupted. Accordingly, it was tried to reveal the way in which the change in both stonework and alphabet was reflected on the tombstones. In addition, anthropomorphic features such as hair seen on women's tombstones were noted and traces of this tradition in Anatolia were investigated. This study aims to reveal the development and change of the tomb-building tradition in Taşkent over a 150-year period that enclosed the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century.