Functionalities and Performance of the Temporal Database



All the variable recorded information in the form of raw data which further manipulated and defined in such a way which is meaningful and correlated. These information were recorded at some point in time which may or may not acknowledge the importance of the time at which it has been initiated, processed and terminated. There are uncountable number of databases like medical histories, banking transactions, employee’s database, etc., which are being maintained ever since the mankind evolved and started to keep the record of such information. Time is the key factor to any database created irrespective of its attributes and the values that are being stored in it. This article is consist of the details about the temporal database (TD) and the concepts that shows the functionalities and the importance of the TD in the real world. This article also explains that how the time can further be dissected into smaller versions or granules which has its own significance. Therefore, the main focu...