Monotone boolean functions as combinatorially piecewise linear maps



The class of combinatorially piecewise linear (cpl) maps was first introduced to solve a geometric problem concerning the representability of piecewise linear functions as pointwise maxima of minima of linear functions. Such maps correspond in a canonical fashion to monotone boolean functions. This paper describes how a monotone boolean function in n variables whose prime implicants and prime clauses are non-trivial defines a partition of the symmetric group on n symbols into a set of "singular cycles" representing relations between transpositions of adjacent symbols. Several possible approaches to the classification of such cycles are described, and some characteristic properties of singular cycles are identified. The potential computational significance of singular cycles is indicated with reference to new combinatorial models for monotone boolean formulae and circuits that arise directly from the appropriate theory of computational equivalence and replaceability. The prospects for application to monotone boolean function complexity are briefly examined, A catalogue of known relations is included as an Appendix.